• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1008 stories



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Starlight is framed for a crime she didn't commit and now she is banished from Equestria, Twilight is trying to find proof she is innocent while Starlight slowly breaks more and more.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been wrongfully removed from a Halloween party. But, what they don’t know is that friends they met before are giving them a celebration they’ll never forget.

Chapters (1)

Hinobi, the greatest videogame company in the world. A perfectly normal company that sells games for all ages and platforms.

But after witnessing a monster coming out of her new console and the Hinobi employee erasing their tracks Sunset is convinced that Equestrian magic is involved. The girls would have to find the truth about Hinobi as the avoid their memories being erased by the Glitch Techs.

FEATURED 10/26 thank you so much guys!!

Chapters (11)


Sunset Shimmer had thought the only way to gain happiness was by using evil ways, but with her new friends and the Magic of Friendship, Everything is bliss.
But no.
Sunset still feels as if she needs to pay back for her actions in the past, despite her friends saying otherwise. When Anon-A-Miss strikes, She and a new group of unlikely allies go on a magical adventure, then face their demons..

This is inspired by Through the Eyes of Anon-a-miss and Terminal Chaos. (Both anon-a-miss stories.)
This takes place after Holidays Unwrapped, which means anything may happen ;)

I'll finish this, definetly, it won't go with no new incomplete XD
Also, some arcs are inspired by some other anon-a-miss stories, but I forgot which :(
So if any arc is a bit too similar to another Anon-A-Miss story, Please lemme know. Enjoy :D

Chapters (9)

Sunset, having lost track of precisely when her birthday is (on account of dimension hopping) receives belated surprises, first from the girls, second from some random guy she just happens to know for some reason.

The second one is perhaps unusual.

Chapters (1)

Ten years is a long time, so Sunset Shimmer thinks. Ten years since she was last a pony. Ten years since she started her life anew as a citizen of Canterlot City. Ten years since making a group of wonderful friends. Ten years of absence from Equestria.

She's perfectly fine with that absence continuing for many years to come.

Twilight Sparkle doesn't appreciate Sunset's reluctance to talk about the past. She's been studying the strange activities surrounding Shimmer since they were teenagers, and has only found further questions. But a murder with ties to Equestria gives Twilight the chance to learn the truth about magic. To stop a terrible enemy from rising again, they must both journey through the mirror. Enlightenment is at Twilight's fingertips.

She doesn't quite know what to think when she meets Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Written before Friendship Games was released.

Rated Teen for

Existential Drama
Brief Violence

Chapters (14)

Sunset is still new to having a pet. She’s learning though, and she’s very excited to be taking care of the him.

Chapters (2)

For quite sometime Jaune Arc and Pyrrha have feelings for each other but neither realize that, then an unknown flash of light sent the two to an unknown world where some likely group of friends to help them somehow get back home and confessing their feeling to each other.

Chapters (2)

Rough Private, oldest kid of Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer is 16. He's a teenager in love and not really sure how to deal with it. And so he asks his dad. And the answer he gets is an insight in his father's teenage years, and a lesson to take to heart.

Rated teen for some innuendos.

This story is slightly inspired by Sunset's Request by Jay-the-brony but mostly a quick joke. Unedited, and written while listening to Weezer.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is a master thief who uses clever tricks to steal with her partner, Starlight Glimmer. After discovering that the money they robbed from a casino is counterfeit, they go to the country of Everfree, which is rumored to be the source of the forgery. But, when they enter the country, Sunset Shimmer comes across her ex-boyfriend, Prince Rough Draft, who is being forced to marry the ruler of the country, Queen Adagio Dazzle. With the help of Starlight Glimmer, and a samurai named Tempest Shadow, Sunset Shimmer goes on a heist to rescue the love of her life while trying to find out the queen's sinister plot. Will she stop Queen Adagio Dazzle and save the prince, or will she be captured by her longtime enemy, Inspector Twilight Sparkle?

Adapted from the 1979 anime film directed and co-written by Hayao Miyazaki, Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro.

Chapters (15)