• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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The CMC is happy to be enjoying their time with their sisters without Sunset getting in their way, but despite that, they couldn't help but feel guilty about what they had done. When they see Sunset running out of the school they quietly follow and witness Sunset confronting what looks like Principal Celestia, it's not long before things start to turn sour as Celestia blames Sunset for Anon-A-Mis. Princess Twilight soon appears and also accuses Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss, and right before the CMC and a horrified Sunset, Celestia turns Sunset into stone. After leaving Sunset in a special spot, the two Princess return home but not before Twilight gives Sunset's journal to Applebloom to give to Applejack. The CMC now must live with the horrifying fact that they not only ruined Sunset's life but doomed her to an eternal prison in stone.

Chapters (3)

When Sunset Shimmer started dating Wallflower Blush, she thought she was the one with all the surprises.

One of those was taking the human girl through the mirror to show her home - Equestria - and to introduce her to the ponies that were so important to Sunset's life. Most important of those was Princess Celestia, her teacher and mentor.

What Sunset hadn't been expecting was for Celestia to already know Wallflower. And to call her 'sister'.

Written as an Imposing Sovereigns II side story, with the prompt of Princess Wallflower Blush and The Princess Herself.

Reviewed by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended!

Chapters (1)

Some ponies ruin Hearth's Warming by burning dinner or spilling cocoa on the carpet.

Sunset Shimmer ruins it by getting you both banished to the Saddle Arabian desert.

Preread by NaiadSagaIotaOar.

Written for herfaithfulstudent for Jinglemas 2021.

Chapters (1)

Anon-a-Miss has turned all of Sunset's friends against her, and Sunset is at the lowest point in her life. On the night she decides to end it all, she gets an unlikely visitor; an angel, or an angel-in-training, named Clark. Pretty soon, Sunset is whisked away on a trip to see just how much her death would impact those around her, and show her that her friendship with the Rainbooms, no matter how hard, is worth fighting for.

Loosely based on It's A Wonderful Life

Cover art by baekgup

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer believes something seriously wrong is happening in Equestria. So she pays them a visit, along with the human Twilight Sparkle. On the other side of the portal, they find a far emptier world. One that holds unexpected danger. And now, what should have been a day-trip is turned into a fight for survival. The girls need to get back home, before the Equestrian threat beats them to it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer and the Cowboy

A continuation of Sunset Shimmer and the Cowboy.

Updates will be random with no set schedual.

Sunset is still picking up the pieces of her life after Anon-a-Miss and Dusty is there to help. Sure he's not really Sunset's father, or is he? Princess Twilight is not too sure about him and the human world government knows way too much.

As for the Rainbooms, will they ever truly be friends with Sunset? Will they ever get the opportunity to make it up to Sunset? Especially now that Sunset has decided that she's had enough of Canterlot High.

I also wanted this to be a sequel for Kitzumi the fox pony. Book one. and Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. Continuity issues made that a little too difficult without some serious rewrites to the Adventures book or some interesting twisting of events. In the last Chapter of "Kitzumi's Adventures through the Looking Glass," we are told Sunset is Prince Platinum's eldest daughter. Which in itself isn't necessarily a continuity conflict. The conflict is that it places Sunset as Prince Blueblood's aunt by adoption in that I'd intended that Prince Platinum be Prince Blueblood's Grandfather. And it could work if Sunset is actually the same age as Twilight's parents, though I think I'll make her a cousin or I'll have continuity issues within this story. (Pulling hairs out!) Other issues include Scootaloo being Sunset's daughter but now her sister. And Dusty as a concept hadn't existed in the earlier works. One potential way around this issue is that Scootaloo being Sunset's daughter had only been in that one alternate dimension. In this version, Kitzumi Nova follows the same path as Kitsumi Nova (Kitzumi Nightfoal) did in Ponies in Hogwarts up until it was time to take that jump forward in time. She simply could not leave Maggie and in doing so profoundly impacted history. I guess we'll just have to see what I can do with it.

Chapters (16)

Sonata Dusk loves tacos. This much is for certain.

So when she catches wind of a brand new taco recipe, she embarks on a quest to track it down.

Hold on to your hats folks - it's gonna be silly

Written for NaNoWriMo 2021

Make your own dessert tacos with the these recipes! (Choco Taco included)

Chapters (1)

The Sunsister and the Snowbrother. They are one of the greatest cover duos in the world. Gaining YouTube fame for their cover tracks and their gaming channel.

The Sunsister: A known professor in the study of Mythology, as well as a known model and rocker. Many people had lusted over the girl for a while since she debuted.

The Snowbrother: A young comic book artist who managed to create a series that even matched the likes of Marvel and DC. He is also a known rocker.

These two garnered a lot of fame and admires but how did they meet?

Well on the anniversary on when they both met, both Sunset and Lincoln look back at how they met.

From bitter beginnings to the phenomenal present.

Here is the story of The Sunsister and the Snowbrother.

(AU of both Anon-A-Miss and No Such Luck. Inspiration for the concept comes from EquineAvenger's Equestria Girls: Of Secrets and Superstitions


Chapters (4)

(Featured December 8-10, 2021)

Three weeks after becoming Princess Twilight's pupil, Starlight discovers her mentor is undergoing a horrible existential crisis.

Princess Twilight learned of the existence of her human self, and how she was so unliked and unpopular at her school, even her principal blackmailed her. Princess Twilight fears the only reason she never had to endure these torments is not that ponies actually like her, but because she was the "beloved" student of a princess, and later princess herself, on top of her other family connections.

Starlight sits her mentor down and tells her the (true) story of her troubled past. In it, Starlight will impart on the Princess of Friendship some harsh truths about reality:

That sometimes, the bad guys can win.

That sometimes, life is unfair and ponies with connections can get ahead of you.

That sometimes, you aren't rewarded for your hard work.

That sometimes, there are ponies who don't become better people even if you show them the magic of friendship.

That sometimes, there aren't any happy endings.

But there is also such a thing as a new beginning.

This is a slight AU story in regards to Starlight's backstory and her friendship with Sunburst.

Chapters (2)

My life has been a less than average one so far. Struggling to hold a job, few friends, and the guilty pleasures of gaming and surfing the web. But that is soon to change...

For one trip to the mall was the single event that threatened to change my life for the better. That event, and the decision following, allowed me to meet... her.

The woman whom I now love, and the woman who truly cares for me, and I for her.

Sometimes, an implied lie can start something amazing.

Chapters (6)