• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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When the sun goes down and the night rolls in, it is time for the secret artist Flanksy to do her work. When all her friends at school are asleep, she is awake and ready to surprise the next day with her artwork around the neighbourhood. What masterpiece she will produce? It's whatever comes to her creative mind.

Artwork: Just Between Us
Artist: FadliHalimNS

Chapters (1)

Two years ago, the Rainbooms left for college, breaking up their band in the process.

Canterlot High School desperately misses their heroes. It's time for Scribble Dee, Editor-in-Chief of the Canterlot High Sentinel, to track them down and answer the school’s most pressing question: Where are the Rainbooms now?

Originally written for the January 2023 Writeoff, "Returned from Sabbatical."

Chapters (1)

After humiliation, exile, and reformation. Sunset Shimmer has grown a lot as a person, but no matter how much you grow as a person, you never stop being you. Just ask one of her yourself.

A Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Shimmer one shot. Takes place a few years after the films and specials.
Featured 1/26/23, 1/27/23, and, 1/28/23 thanks for reading! Please look at my other work!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief

The ninjas and Rainbooms are back again taking on the Kraang, Subprime, Bixolio, and Armaggon this time in the city of Dakota, most notably known for it's crime, gangs, and Bang Babies. With the aid of their new allies Static and Gear, the ninjas hope to apprehend their enemies, before they pull off their most vile plan yet to create mutant Metahumans.

Equestria Girls x My Little Pony Friendship is Magic x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Static Shock x DC Animated shows.

This story was written by deviantartist TMNTony whom I promised to upload here when he was done.

Cover art done by AmethystMajesty25

The events of this story take place following the events of the Carmen Sandiego crossover; The Crimson Thief, and before the events of the Growing up Creepie story; Bugged Out.

Chapters (20)

It’s become clear that Rainbow Dash has way too much junk in her purse, so Rarity thinks it’s about time she got it cleaned out. And while she’s at it, why not get the other girls in on it too?

Inspired by SapphireGamgee's Equestria Girls Purse Meme art collection.

Featured January 20th, 2023

Chapters (1)

(Takes place after the Equestria Girls short: #FOMO) (Friendshipping One-Shot Series) After her surprise party; Rarity couldn’t feel any more proud after the tres magnifique party her friends gave her.

The only problem, Rainbow-Dash doesn’t feel the exact same way. In fact, she feels guilty for ditching her friend’s earlier offer to hang out. Seeing this as a chance to ignite a new spark in their friendship, Rarity offers to make it up to her friend by letting Rainbow be the center of an entire day.

After all, sometimes the best gift you can give to a friend; is you. :raritywink:

Chapters (2)

This takes place years after Sunset and her friends graduated from Canterlot High. Alot has happened since then. A new task force appeared to take care of loose Equestrian Magic, the Rainbooms were forced to give up using their powers, and they all slowly drifted apart. Still living in Canterlot City, Sunset has made a new life for herself. Making a career for herself, meeting someone special and having a family with said person. Now that her youngest daughter, Aura Blaze, is starting her first year in Canterlot High, we follow her to take on new adventures just like her mother. But the question is, did Aura choose to have these adventures, or did she unintentionally ran into them?

Chapters (2)

Sunset drags you through the portal for another weekend escapade, but once you're through you realize this isn't the usual trip. Twilight has a new spell to try and you get to see just how much ponies enjoy pets.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has had it rough, she had at first been the school bully of Canterlot High, but that was before Godzilla came and carved an everlasting scar into Sunset’s mind as some of her friends would die during Godzilla’s first attack. This made Sunset go into a deep depression as she thought if she had been a nicer person, she would have been worried about saving their lives instead of her own life. She doesn’t harbor any hatred towards Godzilla for what happened, and because of Godzilla, she became a much better and nicer person.

Many Years later, she would join G-Force, an organization made to protect the earth against giant monsters, including Godzilla.

But her life would take a drastic turn as she would meet another Godzilla, a bug-like goddess, an alien princess, an evil alien doppelgänger of Godzilla known as SpaceGodzilla, and an evil Kaiju, known as Destoroyah, which is bent on completing one goal, to destroy all life in existence.

(The Main Character is The Human Sunset Shimmer).

Chapters (3)

According to popular myth, girls don't fart.

Yeah, we all know that's a load.

Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are having a slumber party, having a good time as friends, when the unexpected happens.

Someone farts and stinks up the whole room.

None of them will admit they did it. Each of them is blaming one of the others.

Can a fart destroy friendship?

Chapters (1)