• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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This story is a sequel to I Love Being a Rainboom

Kraang Subprime arrives in the Netherworld where he makes an alliance with the Nighlok monsters to destroy the world of his enemies with the evil water of the Sanzu River. Now the Rainbooms and Ninjas must go to Panorama City to join forces with the Samurai Rangers to stop Subprime and an enemy of the Rangers who has returned.

This story is part of the TMNT/MLP extended universe created by Wildcard25
Idea approved by Wildcard25
Cover Art created by AmethystMajesty25

Chapters (11)

Visiting Sunset, Starlight learns that sometimes all it takes is a little hope - and the right moment.

Written for Pascoite for Jinglemas 2022

A thank you to RDT for proofreading before publishing.

Featured on Equestria Daily for Sunset Shimmer Day 2023!

Chapters (1)

Sonata attempts to blend in, back in the pony world, by solving a friendship problem.

Written for TheOneAJ for Jinglemas 2022.

Chapters (1)

Plagued by nightmares, Rainbow has a long talk with Sunset about the Anon-a-Miss incident. Both end up learning more about each other and friendship

Written for Solar Rocker for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

Years later, former world-saving hero Sunset Shimmer has been trying to help others embrace Equestrian magic on Earth. This winter, it's by assisting a couple college freshmen do well in a start-up college fair-slash-competition with magic as its gimmick.

But her routine breaks when an old friend comes up at work, looking for good company and someone to talk to after the holidays. And it won't just be about catching up with friends...

Written for DrakeyC for Jinglemas 2022!

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer had recently graduated from Canterlot High School. Now in her 40s, she is a successful businesswoman living in the city. However, something about her current situation feels a bit... off....

She wonders why she is so successful

why does a purple ghost keep flashing in her nightmares?

Additionally, why does she own a fancy crown?

Chapters (1)

Sunset is at her lowest point during the Anon-a-miss incident. She then finds her best hope of finding Anon-a-miss. That hope is the best hacker in the world, Aiden Pearce (AKA The Vigilante).

I don’t own the rights to My Little Pony or Watch Dogs.

Chapters (1)

There are millions of things in the human world, why can’t the perfect gift be among them. It has to be. Sunset tries to help her new Equestrian friend, Starlight find it. Not so easy as it seems.

Written for Test4Echo for Jinglemas!

Chapters (1)

This is a story about a homeless girl name Nyx who is running away from everyone cause she doesn’t know anyone and what to do and let’s hope Sunset Shimmer can find a way to change her life around and I hope you like it.

Chapters (4)

Years after the events of Anon a Miss, a now adult Sunset is enjoying life with her husband Flash and her 3 year old daughter. But when the couple receives an invitation to the CHS class reunion, our fire headed girl wonders if she's emotionally ready to face not only the Rainbooms, the gang who nearly killed her, but Anon a Miss themselves.

Taking place in Dainn’s Anon a Miss universe

Chapters (1)