• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1010 stories



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Apple Bloom and her friends have all finally graduated from Canterlot High with outstanding success. As a well done present for her graduation ceremony, Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith decide it's about time to present her with the keys to a piece of four-wheeled family history that used to belong to her parents.

Chapters (1)

When Trixie makes a lewd remark to Starlight Glimmer during their 'medal of honor' celebration, Starlight blasts the showmare into the next room in an effort to shut her up. Sadly, her efforts send not only Trixie to the next dimension, but also Princess Luna.

While Starlight is panicking back in Equestria, Trixie and Luna discover that they did not turn into humans upon passing through the mirror portal. Instead, they are now fillies.

Saturdays suck.

Chapters (1)

A man with nothing much to live for in the world comes across the three sirens, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria after their defeat at Canterlot High. They have regressed down to a child like state and have lost all their memories. Cuteness and laughs are ahead but the future is not nearly as happy as it looks.

Edited by Trixieisthetruemagic101

Chapters (50)

After a mishap with the ghost portal, Danny Fenton finds himself stuck in the strange world of Equestria. The worst part? He's got enemies here, too.

Part 2 onwards will be written with the help of MissytheAngle!

Part 1 going through re-edits by Curify. This dude is awesome, I seriously can't say enough about his greatness as both an editor and a friend. Thanks, man.

Chapters (12)

How do you tell a child that she will never be enough?

Proofing and revising help from Pascoite. The cover image is a piece by Silfoe that has been edited by me. Featured on Equestria Daily and selected as one of the Celestia Day picks for 2020! Contribute to the TVTropes page! Spoiler-filled review by The Red Parade of the My Little Reviews & Feedback group! Ghost Mike gave this a 'Pretty Good' in his spoiler-heavy review that you can find here. Buy this story!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle Goes For An Alternate Timeline

After Twilight Sparkle has visited the alternate universe where Luna is the ruler, she decides to tell Spike how it went. But after that, Twilight decides to tell Celestia about this alternate timeline. The two princesses are curious and decide to visit this alternate timeline. But when they arrive, the two have different reactions: One doesn't understand and one loved so much that it wants to live there.

Chapters (7)

As both of them are suffering from the same affliction that affects Jimmy, Tom and Katrina decide to meet up in Olathe to discuss a solution. Too bad fate has other plans.

This story was suggested by Misty Rose.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer is Anon-A-Miss. At least that's what everyone believes, right? I mean, who else could it be? Well, someone doesn't believe she is and doesn't hesitate to point it out to the Rainbooms.

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss reveals themselves to Sunset, but it’s too late. Sunset has already made up her mind, and there's no turning back. It's become clear that nothing remains for her at that school. She never expected any of her old friends to actually care. Why should she?

Chapters (3)

Adagio Dazzle was short on money, so she decided, with some budging from her fellow sirens, to take up a babysitting job.

She wasn't enthusiastic about it at first, but something happens that changes her mind: the girl she's babysitting seems to be upset about something...

Something that could threaten to split the Canterlot Movie Club apart, and introduce the Dazzlings to a bigger picture.

Chapters (16)