• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1010 stories



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One week after the Friendship Games, a small group of Crystal Prep Academy's Shadowbolts meet at Sugarcube Corner for the first, and possibly, last time.

What they did today, they did with no regrets—and their actions will change the course of the Canterlot High/Crystal Prep rivalry forever.

Editing duties courtesy of nanashi_jones. Cover art graciously provided by uotapo.

Chapters (2)

What was seemingly a harmless prank has now left Sunset in the most dire of circumstances.. And in need of magical back up.

Co-written by GamerSunset.

Chapters (1)

The sirens are defeated and Sunset Shimmer has restored her magic. All's well and good, right?

Of course not. What begins with Sunset's friends wanting to have a very important talk with her will escalate until the fate of at least one world hangs in the balance.

Rated Teen for cosmic calamities, trace amounts of waifu theft, and a bit more skin than Hasbro is likely to show. Cover by iisaw.

The Story Shuffle short stories "Aftershock" and "Rock On" take place in the same continuity as this story. The background details of "Fish Out of Water" apply, but the story itself does not.

Chapters (9)

It's been a while since Twilight stepped foot into Canterlot High, six months in fact. And now that she's back, she's got something that will change Sunset forever.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, once overbearing and rude, is living proof that people can change. When she finds out that the Dazzlings are being expelled from Canterlot High for their crimes, she will make an attempt to understand their past and salvage their future.

Even if she can help only one of them, she believes it's worth it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I'll Stand By You (Anon-a-Miss AU Story)

A week after Sunset Shimmer disowns her friends, the Rainbooms meet up to reflect on the happenings during Anon-a-Miss's reign of terror, and why they turned their backs on Sunset. And even ask themselves a question that'll sting.

Chapters (1)

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow were about to start a project for their class. That is, until the scholar-bound student had to go and grab something back. Rarity and Rainbow had to wait for her, which then led to the athlete sleeping. This became the fashionista’s chance to test her abilities...

Chapters (1)

Based on the new movie. Some slight spoilers.

Sonic has been secretly living in Canterlot for the past decade; after a moment of frustration he has been found by Twilight Sparkle in an incident that causes a power surge knocking out power all across Canterlot and beyond. Twilight ends up befriending Sonic and has to help him when they draw the attention of the military organisation G.U.N. and especially the eccentric and pure evil Dr Robotnik.

Chapters (10)

After finding out that the school is being vandalized and that the school's food supply is being stolen at night by some unknown trickster, Twilight Sparkle and her friends decide to sneak into the school at night to try and catch this trickster. What they did not expect to find was not only a new friend but a possible love interest. Posing as the janitor's assistant by day and stealing from the school at night, Discord almost gets away with it, if it weren't for the shy and kind Fluttershy. After being caught by Celestia and the mane 6 it is up to the girls to try and reform Discord by having to spend some time with each one of them individually to try and learn about the magic of friendship, if they fail to do so he will go to jail. There is not only Fluttercord shipping in this story but several other ships as well, but I'm not going to name all of them right now so you'll just have to read the story and find out. Can the mane 6 befriend Discord and teach him all about the magic of friendship before he uses his chaos to cause trouble in Canterlot High, or will they fail in their mission and let his chaos and confusion run amok and end up in jail? I did not actually write the original story in Spanish but I have permission from Conikiblasu himself to publish it on other forms of fanfic. I have written the English version of this story.

Chapters (22)

Why the heck does Vinyl Scratch have a car that can transform into a giant sound system thingy?

Written by request for Bookish Delight because chicks dig giant robots EQG Vinyl needed some more fandom love; continued by request because apparently everyone digs giant robots, :twilightoops:

Chapters (6)