• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1008 stories



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Sunset Shimmer is undoubtedly the most loathed student at Canterlot High. The Anon-a-Miss scandal has seen to that quite well. After all, who else but Sunset could know those secrets about her friends?

But Sunset has one friend on her side. A friend who will stand by her, no matter what backlash she herself might face. And Sunset will learn how one true friend is better than a thousand false ones.

Chapters (3)

[story isn't dead; completion is just too grand a task for me to take at this point in time]

Equestria Girls. It's the end of the school week and Rainbow Dash can't wait to kick back and relax for an awesome weekend of partying with her friends. It's also progress reports time at Canterlot High, and one of the Super Funâ„¢ activities planned (by Twilight, who else?) involves an unboxing of their grades. This doesn't go too well when Rainbow is forced to reveal her whopping 0.3 GPA and leaves in tears.
Intelligence comes in many forms, but Fs only come in one. Luckily for Rainbow Dash, that's the letter that friendship starts with.


Takes place after The Legend Of Everfree but before Forgotten Friendship.
Prequel to my fic Milkshake, and begins a Sci!TwiDash friends-to-lovers arc.
Part of my extended Equestria Girls Continuity.
Tagged for naughty words and minor social drugs.

Content warning: contains underage drinking, cannabis use, discussion of teenage sexuality, a scene containing homophobic and lesbophobic slurs, and struggles with autism and ADHD.

Chapters (1)

After losing their magic The Dazzlings are stuck living in a van down by the river. That is, until Sonata delivers some good news.

Chapters (1)

In the civilized world of monsters, Twilight is a teenage human who never really worries about things outside of school and personal projects. In fact, inside her gated community she's never even met any monsters.

One day when Twilight finds a vampire out on her front lawn, slowly burning alive, Twilight manages to takes them inside, saving their life and giving Twilight her first real friend. However past experiences with friendship has left Twilight nervous in this prospect.

Is friendship really not so scary? Even if your new friends are monsters?

Inspired partially by the Monster High idea and by The Albinocorn's story Sunlight, which I highly recommend!

Warnings- Slight Gore, not enough that would warrant serious warning, but I rated Teen just in case.

Chapters (8)

Everypony in Ponyville is naked! ... Okay, that's nothing new. But everypony's fur and feathers are falling out! What is the source of this evil? What twisted mind could have unleashed this on innocent Ponyville? And what hero shall rise to the challenge and save Equestria from embarrassment and indignity?

Story by:
Alex Warlorn

Image by AleximusPrime with permission.

MLP:FiM Copyright Hasbro

Adios Amigos.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy comes and tells me that she and the rest of the Humane 7 are trapped in this world and need help getting back to Equestria.

Chapters (10)

Twilight decides to have another dinner party for Starlight, along with Princess Candance, Shinning Armor, Sunburst and baby Flurry Heart, along with Starlight's friend Sunburst, but things took an unexpected turn when Flurry Heart caused herself, Starlight, and Sunburst to be at Canterlot High and got stuck there, can they find their way back home before the dinner party tonight?

Chapters (10)

At Canterlot High, Rainbow Blitz, the new kid in school, goes through his new life, since his parents died. Now, he has to make new friends. And one of those friends? A tomboy named Rainbow Dash. He talks to her, and they become friends. Then, they start to hang out, then forming the most awesome couple there has to be!

Please check out my other stories, if you enjoyed!

Fan Without A Face
Charles Spratt!

Art: JaquelinDreamz!

Chapters (20)

Sunset Shimmer wants nothing more than to be able to enjoy the holidays with her friends, but the festive season does nothing more than remind her of how alone and cold she's been for so many years. Is it possible for her to learn to love the holidays again?

Maybe with the help of some friends, she can.

Chapters (1)

For the past week, Sonata made a lot more mistakes and been acting more weird than usual when she was trying to help out her friends, the Rainbooms. The gang were very concern for her behavior, until Sunset discovered that Sonata didn't know how to read. To make matters worse, Trixie also found out about Sonata's secret and revealed it to the whole school.

Tried of being mocked by Trixie and the peers from school, she confronted Trixie that she's not dumb for being illiterate and demanded an apology. Trixie decided to make a bet that if Sonata learned how to read by the end of the month, not only Trixie will have to apologize in front of the whole school, but also have to treat Sonata tacos for lunch for the entire month.

Without a second thought, Sonata agreed. But even with the help of her friends, will Sonata be able to learn how to read?

Cover art was made by me.
Featured: 2/8/18

While this is technically a sequel to "Trixie vs. Sonata: Battle of the Last Taco," however it isn't necessary required to read it before this one.

Chapters (13)