• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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"Okay kids, let me tell you a story about your Dad's and mine first Hearts and Hooves. It was an awesome day that started..."

So, it's a Romance story between Soarin' and Rainbow Dash. This is for a contest winner on my story 'PAYDAY : Wait A Minute...'

MLP : FiM belongs to Hasbro Studios.

The Picture belongs to ChibiCatsArtits

Chapters (1)

The Apple family has always been a traditional Earth Pony household, but when Applejack brings home a pegasus boyfriend, Big Macintosh is concerned the old family traditions may be in jeopardy. Personalities clash and the Apple family may just be torn asunder if Applejack and Big Macintosh can't come to some sort of understanding...

Chapters (1)

Life at the post office has always been the same since you got to Ponyville, and worse, you always end up sleeping on the job! It almost seems like you're destined for a life of getting chewed out by your boss as you just can't seem to stay interested with sorting through the mail.

It seemed that way before you met the most lovely pony on a delivery that was forgotten but one of the mailmares. Now you can't seem to get this beautiful mare out of your head, and you're both ecstatic and horrified of interacting with her on a daily basis, now that your boss has officially made you a mailman.

You're not sure if this is fate, or if this is just the worst luck you've ever had. It looks like you'll just have to wait and see!

[It's a 2nd Person Romance, Starring YOU and Roseluck!]

Chapters (3)

Discord managed to free himself from his stone prison, but some difficulties occured and gave him a new perspective as a pony. How will he adapt to these changes? And will his plan work this time?

Comments are filled with spoilers.

Chapters (39)

Thanks to an argument between two of the royal guards. Discord escapes once again and turns himself into a pony. But when he meets up with Pinkie Pie, can she put an end to his dasterdly deeds?

Chapters (13)

Flash Magnus may have been born and raised in a completely different era, but he and the other Pillars have been able to adjust to modern Equestrian society with the help of the Elements of Harmony. In fact, Flash was able to make an especially strong friendship with Rainbow Dash, a fellow flier whose bravery and competitive spirit rivaled his own.

However, after spending a few months together as close friends, it seemed that Rainbow was wanting to take things a bit further than just friends. Even though the stallion was more than interested, he knew he couldn't reciprocate Dash's actions when she tried to make the first move. And when she tried to ask why, Flash found it hard to adequately explain his reason without hurting her, or making her judge him too poorly.

For you see, Flash Magnus had a rather significant reason for his resistance towards a possible relationship, even with someone as amazing as Rainbow Dash. While they have have been the same age (biologically speaking), Flash was raised in a much different era as the Element of Loyalty. Most of their differences in upbringing could be looked aside, but there was one big one he knew could be a deal-breaker. And despite how he felt about Rainbow, the soldier was worried how she would react if she learned the truth.

Chapters (2)

This is the story of a young pegasus stallion, or you specifically. After the passing of your mother, and your ever increasing distant father, your brother has never felt safe in the cloud home. Afraid of heights and normal life in Cloudsdale, you decide to abandon your former life to start a new one on the ground, in a town called Ponyville. While there you find a cute mare that runs the local post office who goes by the name of Ditzy Doo.

Chapters (15)

“But that was then, and this is now./I tried so hard not to let you all down./It's an impossible weight,/So I'll just let you down now.” -Deep Sea Diver, 'Impossible Weight (feat. Sharon Van Etten)'

For spring break, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst return back to Sire's Hollow to visit with their parents. Being their first trip back as a couple, the two are not looking forward to their parents talk about their relationship. However, both Stellar Flare and Firelight have an exciting announcement to share for when they arrive.

Chapters (4)

Caramel: Shy. Reclusive. Awkward. He's a mild-mannered pony that hardly gets into trouble. He's a hard enough worker, doing odd jobs around Ponyville. He can fix roofs, help the Apple family with their farm, and can even foalsit! However, one tiny detail about Caramel's little life has always eluded him: Love.

Yes, it is a sad thing, to be all out of love. No matter what he tries, poor Caramel cannot seem to find a mare to be with... Every time he tries, he either chickens out or the mare doesn't see that he needs help with his insecurity. That and, being the social recluse that he is, and being loveless, he isn't exactly hip and happenin' with his vocabulary. But, fail as he might, Caramel diligently tries to court many a mare, hoping to one day learn the lingo of the world around him, break out of his shell, and find everlasting happiness.

Enter Colgate: Outgoing. Witty. Dentist. She's the tenth mare this week on Caramel's list for lucky times! She's everypony's dentist in Ponyville, and a darn good one, at that! She's single, likable enough, and has a bit of a "sweet tooth" for the aptly-named colt. Something about him... Intrigues her. So, they decide to go on a date. Colgate wants a nice pony to settle down with, one that she can show the world to (for she loves to be in control of situations, which is why she loves dentistry!), and one who may help her with her "special needs".

One is outgoing. The other is shy. One knows of the world through gossip, dental work, and parties; however, the other does not. They seem like the perfect match! But will things go awry? Will Caramel step up to the plate? And does Colgate have a fetish? Will Caramel find out the true meaning of modern words? Or will he "buck" everything up once more, like many times before?

WARNING: Rated "Teen" for mild language, suggestive themes, and sensual, but not entirely sexual, content. THIS IS NOT A CLOPFIC (hence the rating, duh), but rather a comedic romance with heavy, heavy, HEAVY amounts of suggestiveness. You have been warned.

(This story is a submission for the 1st Writing Prompt of the group Author of the Weak, an awesome group by Shadowflash! Seriously, check it out!)

Chapters (1)

Sky Scraper's rocky tenure at Crystal Prep comes to an end when he gets into a fight and is expelled. He transfers to Canterlot High, where his family hopes he can pull himself together. Upon arriving at his new school, he meets a lovely girl named Lyra Heartstrings, whose friendship may be just what he needs to help rebuild his self-esteem. And as the semester goes on, their friendship may blossom into something more.

This story begins two months before Friendship Games.

Featured on 1/29/2023!

Chapters (15)