• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Sunburst has gotten into the habit of waking up early on every Hearts and Hooves day to make breakfast for them.

Starlight doesn't know what to make of it until much, much later.

Just a little StarBurst fluff for the holiday (a very, very late one, but still!). Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

As a member of the weather team, Rainbow Dash always knows when the best days will be, and she made sure this would be a perfect one. The beginning of each month was always the best. She'd been putting this off for too long, but April 1st is the day Rainbow finally tells Anon how she feels about him.

He'll understand, right?
This is my first attempt at fanfiction based on a very short story idea I had a little while ago. Any advice and feedback would be much appreciated. Also, yes, I slightly missed April Fools Day.

Chapters (1)

In the end, Christmas is a day like any other.

Unless your boyfriend is unlike any other.

Part of the Jinglemas 2020 collaboration.
Written for Admiral Biscuit, who requested a story about background ponies.
Edited by ROBCakeran53.
Original art by Adagio String.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to To Be Loved II

After a few months of spending time with her new friend James, Fizzlepop has been invited to a Hearthwarming get-together with the human and all of his Ponyville friends.

Hesitant to accept the invitation due to her reputation, Fizzlepop eventually accepts, only to find that this Hearthswarming might just be the most magical one she's ever experienced.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to To Be Loved

Fizzlepop and James go out on their date. Small talk and adorableness ensue.

Chapters (1)

It's tough, living with your past mistakes. Even harder when no one else will let you forget. They say that's what the alcohol is for. Shame, really. Sometimes you don't want to drink anymore. Sometimes all you need is a hug.
-Fizzlepop BerryTwist

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, always the studious mare, was conducting an experiment one day. This experiment however went terribly wrong, and it not only injured her, but it brought a strange and unknown creature to Equestria. Injured, on the brink of death, and in need of urgent care, Tyler is quickly healed as much as magic can do, before he is put under the care of a suspicious Princess Luna. Yet this experiment-gone-wrong may prove as a blessing not only to Tyler, but Princess Luna as well...

Chapters (1)

After a minor incident on the road home, Big Macintosh and Octavia Melody cross paths to help each other out with his fellow Ponytones.

Chapters (1)

Love can transcend all bounds, whether it is time, space, or class. That is something they were always taught.

A short little story of Heart and Hooves Day. Something that has been sitting on my hard drive for some time. Not the best but I figured it was time to share it.

Chapters (1)

After receiving a strange letter from Aunt Orange, Applejack and the gang go to Manehatten where they find her Aunt Orange in love with...King Sombra?

For the June Crack Ships Inc. contest.

Chapters (1)