• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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A human, you, stranded in a strange world for months on end. You are the wanderer, simply living day to day, doing whatever you please.

One fateful night, you stumble across a small town. Tired and saddened by recent events, you decide to sit and take a rest. Little do you know, you're about to meet someone much different than other's you've met before.

+[A Multi-Chaptered Short Story]+

Chapters (3)

Twilight Velvet has big news and she wants her daughter to be a part of it. Unfortunately, Twilight doesn't take it well. In fact, she takes it horribly

Written for May Pairing Contest 2023

Chapters (1)

[2nd person fic starring you and Twilight]
You lived your life in a broken home, traveling across the country as you saw fit. You've never had anyone you could consider a 'friend.' One day, you wind up in Ponyville. During your time there, you meet a mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle. You think nothing of her at first, but you soon begin to see her true feelings shine through.

Chapters (7)

After countless hours of research, Aaron has done it. He has made a way into Equestria. Now he can meet his favorite pony of all time Twilight Sparkle. Nothing can stop him! Wait a second, who are you, ponies?

This is what happens when you take too long to get things done. You end up in the wrong show.

A Gen 4 brony lost in the Gen 5 world. What could happen?

Chapters (20)

When you woke up one morning, you weren't expecting to be greeted by candy-colored ponies ruled by a tyrant named Nightmare Moon. You also weren't expecting her to take such a liking to you. She's a bit cruel to her subjects, but you admittedly don't mind the preferential treatment she gives you. So... maybe you like her back?

Perhaps love is the one thing she's been missing.

Chapters (1)

Big Macintosh has been in a relationship with his marefriend, Rainbow Dash, for a few months now, and the two are very close with one another. Mac knows that Rainbow does like to have space every once in a while, but when after almost an entire week goes by without any word from his marefriend, he begins to get worried.

Heading over to her house, Big Macintosh finds Rainbow terribly sick, and he knows that he has to be by her side until she gets better again.

Chapters (1)

Soarin is considered by many to be a Play Colt, a stallion able to get any mare he so desired, then why is it he is all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day? Could the legendary PlayColt actually has no idea how to talk to mares? In order to avoid the holiday dedicated to love, Soarin elects to spend the day at home to avoid it at all cost, the only problem is he has no pie left; leading him to Sweet Apple Acres to get the best pies in Equestria from no other but Applejack.

Happy Valentines Day to one and all! Breaking my tradition here this year, instead of a total MacDash story this year I am writing a SoarinJack! I love this ship and have been trying to write a story for so long about them, so I finally sat down and got to it. I love how it turned out and hope you all enjoy as well!

Thank you to Arbarano for all of his edits! So sorry it took me so long to write! Best editor awards goes to this guy!

Also a special thanks goes to The Masked Ferret , Aquaman, and Jake the Army Guy for listening to my random ideas and complaints.

Final thanks goes to Artistcoolpony for the cover art... now only if you did MacDash...

Non-Mature Feature Box: 2/16/17

Chapters (1)

Your wife, the now-retired Celestia, has been acting strange lately. Tonight, she has something she needs to say, and the look on her face is all you need to know that it is important.

So important, in fact, that the trajectory of your lives hinges on your response.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash tries to keep her relationship secret.
Featured 27 June - 29 June 2017!
The cover art comes from the The Mysterious Mare Do Well episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all related content is owned by Hasbro. CYA.

Chapters (1)

This is a story about Colton Vines and Daisy as well as some of the other background characters.

I do not own MLP or any of these characters. They are the property of Hasbro.
Please rate, comment, and criticize constructively and be specific. This is not only my first fanfic, but my first ever work of literature that isn't a poem, so please be honest as a member of the Apple family.
I tend not to use characters from the show, so most of the characters I use, I can't tag. (Kinda lame right?) anyway, I'll add a couple more once I write them in.
Got the picture from ponibooru. The title says the artist is John Joseco.

Chapters (10)