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It has been more than one hundred years since Celestia banished Nightmare Moon. While Equestria has enjoyed a century of relative peace and prosperity, there are still lingering tensions between the three pony tribes.

Shadow Kicker, a proud warrior of Pegasopolis, must navigate the treacherous noble court of Canterlot and address the concerns and wounded pride of her own tribe in a desperate effort to prevent matters from coming to open warfare.

Chapters (55)

After Pinkie Pie Suffers a severe head injury, in her forehead is discovered something that an Earth Pony should not have. This gives answers to where she gets her abilities, especially how she seems to be able to defy the laws of physics. This also explains some of her craziness.

How will her friends handle this, and can she learn to better harness the magic within?

A big shoutout to Aegis Shield for the original idea. I would not have thought of this one myself. You, good Sir, are brilliant!

Cover image by sapoltop on Deviantart. I lay no claim to the artwork. The artwork is his creation.

Chapters (2)

Legions bow before him! His name is whispered in terrified awe by even the greatest of clans and all know that none among the Horned Rat's children are as favoured as the magnificent Greyseer Thanquol (according to him, at least). His latest plan is ready to come to fruition and the stupid elf-things will face the unmatched might of the skaven horde, led by the equally unmatched genius of Thanquol of course.

Obviously the original plan needed some alteration. He actually meant to come to this strange land full of filthy sunlight and cheerful equines, he did! It's all part of his plan, that's right, and everyone else is just too stupid to realise its genius. None understand the brilliant master plan an intellect of his caliber produced. Yes, Greyseer Thanquol will let these pony-things teach him their secret magic and when he has learned all he can, improved by skaven ingenuity, he will use it to enslave their kind and return to Skavenblight at the head of an army!

He just needs to decide whether Luna or Celestia will make a better mount from which to gloat. Oh, and work out how their "Friendship Magic" but it will be Thanquol's!

A Warhammer Fantasy crossover, obviously. ON HIATUS unlike I get the feels for writing it back.

An experiment that I'll update in bite-sized chapters written when I need to let off some steam by writing a short and simple piece that amuses me. And nothing amuses me like Thanquol.

Will add tags as they become valid.

Chapters (10)

Non-grimdark Warhammer crossover! A bit 'Dark' due to violence, but otherwise not that bad.

Pinkamena Diane Pie, AKA Pinkie Pie, is a Mountain Earth Pony sworn to seek honour and death - one requiring the other - in battle as a Slayer. With her companion Rarity, a displaced former dressmaker and fugitive from the Canterlot Guard after an argument with an arrogant noble in charge of designing new uniforms, Pinkie seeks to brave the dangers of Equestria and regain her honour.

She....isn't doing a very good job.

Oh, she's got the laying destruction on evil and all that but the key part, the dying valiantly part, she doesn't quite seem to have grasped.

Watch as Pinkie takes the monsters head on with a giggle and a giant axe.

(On hiatus until I finish Justice Itself.)

Roster: Keep in mind this is very broad and not carbon copies of either character. The setting is thus very different.
Our Heroes!
Pinkie Pie - Gotrek Gurnisson
Rarity - Felix Jaeger
Celestia - Sigmar/Dazh (Kislev God of Sun & Fire)
Luna - Largely forgotten since the rise of Nightmare Moon, once worshiped as sister and counterpart to Celestia
The Baddies!
Trixie - Greyseer Thanquol
Baddie Gods!
Discord - Tzeentch
The Smooze - Nurgle
Tirek - Khorne
Queen Chrysalis - Slaanesh
Grogar - The Horned Rat
Nightmare Moon - Khaine as interpreted by the Dark Elves (Dark Crystal Ponies)

Chapters (1)

Diablo crossover.

Short stories set in the universe of my other fic, Justice Itself. Behold Tyrael and his life as a mortal pony, as well as a number of other things such as exploring Tyrael's interaction with background and other characters. The many tales of thing not important enough to take up space in the main story.

Spoilers for Justice Itself up to Chapter 17/18 / Act II.

Complete comment on individual chapters, unless you're commenting on all chapters at once on the main story page.

Many thanks to Sparklight for the cover image.

Story One, The Angel & The Dentist: Colgate encounters Paladin and finds out his...less than stellar dental care habits. Which is to say, he had none.
Story Two, When All He Wants is Peace & Quiet: Birthday prompt from Nealend86. Tyrael just wants to read his book, but keeps getting interrupted. Also: a bear.
Story Three, No: The Cutie Mark Crusaders want Paladin to fulfill his promise in a certain way. They just don't seem to know the meaning of the word no. Personal challenge to write a story where a character only uses the word 'No'.
Story Four, 'Chocolate' Eggs: So very, very HUGELY non-canon. Easter Special - Paladin misunderstands everything. Hilarity ensues.

Chapters (4)

The ponies of Equestria have always looked to the stars for guidance—and there's a very good reason for that. Back in ancient times, when the three pony tribes first united together under the Equestrian flag, the stars weren't just their guides. They were their guardians.

They were the Zodiac, twelve immortal ponies endowed with preternatural powers reaching far beyond those of a normal stallion or mare. For centuries, they served as the first, last, and best line of defense for ponykind. But when an immensely powerful foe threatens to destroy not only the newly formed nation of Equestria, but the immutable institution of the Zodiac itself, the patron saints of the stars above have their work cut out for them. With the fate of the entire world in their hooves, aspiring Hunter Leo and the rest of her super-powered friends can't afford to fail. Luckily for the mortals down below, though, that's exactly the way they like things.

After all, those vicious beasts and demons of Hades aren't about to slay themselves.

Chapters (3)

Big Macintosh goes on strike when he sees he's the one doing all the heavy lifting and harder work at Sweet Apple Acres while his sisters frolic. His idea catches fire throughout Ponyville, and soon every stallion is up in arms! Sexism explodes in the tiny town, it's Stallions on Strike!

Chapters (15)

Princess Celestia is losing control of her political power. The system is slowly crumbling due to the inverse relationship between harmony and "freedom". With the invitation of television sets, the internet, and instant coffee machines, "freedom" becomes the preferred theme of the Celestian empire as opposed to harmony.

With no other options (or perhaps due to a stroke of genius), Princess Celestia brings a self proclaimed expert on "freedom" to Equestria along with his entire family to create a new show with familiar roots: The Coltbert Report.

How will his family handle the new Equestrian life? Will Stephen Coltbert be able to return harmony to the land with his mixture of satire and wit? Only time and hundreds of episodes will tell.

Join Stephen Coltbert as he provides the conservative viewpoint on Equestria so that you don't have to.

Cover art by Stinkehund.

Featured on Equestria Daily: 1/16/2013

Chapters (6)

Celestia wants Twilight and her friends to loosen up a little bit around her. Luna just wants to try the hard cider. During a surprise visit to Sweet Apple Acres at the tail end of cider season, Princess Luna has just a bit too much to drink, and when she makes a rather inappropriate joke, Twilight comes to the very uncomfortable realization that she has never seen Celestia excuse herself to use the restroom.

Chapters (11)

It's been twelve years since Applejack's ascent to her current status as the Earth Goddess, Princess Mara of Equestria. In that time, she's gotten quite used to her duties, be they ceremonial, executive, or judicial in nature. But when she's called upon to rule on a particularly contentious lawsuit involving some of the most obnoxious ponies from her past, the results may end up altering the very nature of Equestrian law.

This story is a spin-off of Blue Print's Appleverse, however, it's not necessary to read his stories first (though I do recommend them for a more thorough explanation of the backstory).

Cover image by Page Turner

Chapters (4)