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Twilight and Rainbow Dash, together? Must be that 'opposites attract' thing. Then again, maybe they have more in common than they're letting on...

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. RD, I said to keep the Library clop-free, not... oh, forget it!

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Chapter Summaries:

Epilogue - The next Daring Do book isn't out yet, so Twilight convinces Rainbow to read a romance novel instead. That never works - does it?

Second - Twilight reads everything she can get her hooves on. Sometimes she finds things she'd rather not know, or in this case, that Dash would rather not know.

Becoming Daring - The latest Daring Do novel isn't quite what Dash expected, and her reaction isn't what a friend of hers expected, either.

Firelight - Not every schedule has to be full and not every list has to be checked off.

Lift, Weight, Thrust, and Drag - Dash's friends can't save her from an anniversary date with Twilight, at which she will show Twilight a secret skill she's kept from everypony. Twilight's definitely not complaining!

The Wait - Agony is knowing the one you love is standing hoof to hoof with danger and knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do to help.

Hoofing It - One day, Twilight will learn that reading Daring Do alone won't get Dash to do everything. That day is not today.

Variations on a Theme - How many combinations of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash can there be? Plenty!

Reluctantly Yours - There's something Rainbow Dash doesn't want to lose, and Twilight refuses to let it go. Will this be the end of the awesomeness that is Dash?

Closer to Home - Giving up one dream to keep another isn't always a bad trade.

Wings, Wonderbolts, and You - Always read the fine print. And the rest of it, too.

Pinfeathers - Dash was all she ever wanted and all she'll never have. Twilight hasn't lost Rainbow Dash, but someone has.

Daring Do and the Chapel Perilous - Something's wrong with the Daring Do fanfic Dash and Twi are reading, and it's not funny.

Pew! Pew! Pew! - Rainbow Dash finds new and unexpected uses for the Elements of Harmony.

Less of Me - Twilight decides to help Dash's career along, but she might be getting ahead of herself.

The Ink Wasn't Even Dry Yet - Dash and Twi go head to head in a battle for the ages! And oh, the stakes...

Audience - Twilight Sparkle doesn't dance. We hope. Dear heavens, please let her not dance.

The Trip and the Destination - Dash took on one storm too many and Twilight's had enough of it.

A kind chap by the name of munngojerrie graciously offered to do a dramatic reading of Egghead and Featherbrain. It's done, and it's an hour of audiobook shipping goodness your ears will thank you for! Take a listen to part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE and part 3 HERE.

NOTE: Not related to the Luna's Librarian / Rustic & Romantic / If the Flight Suit Fits continuity.

Chapters (18)

When Twilight finds a horribly distraught Gilda in the library, begging for help with Rainbow Dash, what is she to do? Twilight, the number one expert on friendship, has been asked to help with a friendship issue, so why not? It should make an interesting letter to the Princess if nothing else.

A/N: here is the GilTwi I promised. It took me forever to get all the ideas and what not and special thanks

to For The Plot for all their help on this. Honestly, without that guy I probably would've just skipped this and done a raripie or som- no probably not that but still...
I have no clue where I'm gonna go with this thing, and am actually open to suggestions in the comments.
Knowing full well that I haven't finished it yet, I am setting this in the same Cannon as New Perspective, though it can stand on it's own.

Cover art by EthePony on DA. check him out.

Chapters (6)

When Twilight Sparkle attempts to turn herself into an Alicorn for a day, a freak accident causes the spell to mess up. How will Equestria handle thousands of Alicorns?

Thanks to Syntactics for the amazing cover art!

Chapters (23)

Ponies have done some crazy things for love, but Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have come up with the hair-brained scheme to top them all. Based on the success Applejack had with her ex-automaton husband, they decide to wake up the robots Nil and Null. They don't see the harm in having the machines masquerade as their special someponies for the day. Surely, it won't have any lasting consequences.

Chapters (5)

Curious of a game she finds, Twilight Sparkle enlists her friends into playing the long forgotten game Lairs & Lycanthropy. Instead of playing the simple game they find themselves pushed into an alternate world where things are far more dangerous and chaotic. Together the group of friends must overcome the challenges this new world presents them to get to the root of why they were pulled there, and how they might return home.

(Cover art was made on commission by Lightningtumble. http://lightningtumble.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (26)

When a Miraluka Jedi finds a strange amulet while on a mission, he learns of a strange world no one has heard of. He feels compelled, after seeing the world in its barely living state, to do what he can to help. He ends up convincing them to leave their planet and migrate to Coruscant. After this migration, he meets a certain rainbow maned pony who is interested in learning the ways of the Force. He takes her under his wing so that she may learn and lead a new time for her race. In this time, both master and apprentice will face trials neither of them have faced before, and learn what it truly means... to be Jedi and one with the Force.

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie throws excellent parties. This is a fact of life, like Fluttershy being rather demure, or Rarity having a sense of style. But the fact is, Pinkie's parties cost bits, and her job at the bakery isn't supporting her passions anymore. So she dusts off her degree and opens a side business...

Chapters (4)

After a tragic accident, Miss. Cheerilee is left sick and can't teach her class. Pinkie Pie decides to take over the class temporary for the day and teaches them all about Physics. Will this be a normal lesson or something crazy from the party mare.

Chapters (5)

Luna is no longer Nightmare Moon, and has returned to rule Equestira once again, but not everypony is so ready to forgive. When a secret organization kidnaps the Elements of Harmony and threatens to murder Luna, Rainbow Dash must go back into the memories of her ancestor Firefly, to learn the ways of the Assassins to fight this new terror and save the new princess, as well as her friends.

Credit to he4rtofcourage for the title image.

Chapters (18)

Princess Luna is sick and tired of her sister lording her 'Elements of Harmony' over her! She is an alicorn too, and she deserves six faithful subjects willing to do things she's seemingly capable of doing, but doesn't feel like doing! So she does what any princess would do; heads into her kingdom in search of a 'mane six' of her very own. She'll show Celestia that just because she's been on the moon for a thousand years, doesn't mean she can't recruit some loyal and steadfast ponies to do her bidding. Though, it may be harder than she originally anticipated.

Chapters (2)