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When a Necromancer is hurled into the place between places then escapes to another world at the cost of his life it is not the end. Being a Necromancer he returns to life with ease, but is skirting the edges of consciousness, and unable to truly wake as a mysterious figure uses magic to put him on the back of a horse to carry him away into the night.

To make matters worse the phylactery he used to save his own life recreated him as a member of the dominant race with... some errors. His injuries are still present and he's now in a much smaller body with his magic drained to nothingness.

So now he's horribly injured, held captive by an unknown force, in an unfamiliar body, in an unfamiliar world and completely exhausted. He's had worse days. He just can't think of any off the top of his head. So familiar territory then, nothing to worry about.

(Thank you again Tulip for the amazing piece of artwork.)

On Hiatus due to Life. Sorry.

Chapters (24)

The challenge? Daunting. The reward? Worthy. Failure? Not an option. For Big Macintosh has accepted the bet, and thus begins A Ballad of Eeyup and Nope - in which he isn't allowed to say either.

Chapters (13)

“What the hell?” he muttered. “What happened? He cautiously opened his eyes again.
He wasn’t in his room.
“Oh…” Soarin mumbled again, looking down at the bed beneath him.
He wasn’t in his bed.
“Oh my…” He said, his eyes snapping open as his foggy brain put two and two together.

After being discharged from the Wonderbolts and spending an interesting night with a certain rainbow-maned Pegasus, Soarin moves into a new career, Weather Control.

He has no idea what he's in for.

Now has a sequel.

Chapters (12)

Princess Celestia: Goddess of the Sun, ruler of Equestria, beloved Princess of ponies. She is loved by all, and loves all in return. A calm and wise ruler, she sits on the throne in Canterlot, maintaining peace and harmony throughout the land.

What most don't know is that her past is much darker: She was once a commander of legions, a warrior and scientist of unmatched skill. Thousands of monsters and abominations fell to her forces, slain in the name of an old leader, one entombed within his own throne. Free of her old form, free of the powers of Chaos, she was cast into a new realm, in a new form, with a new lease on life.

She is the God Emperor, Eternal Ruler of Equestria and Lord of the Imperium of Man.

Has a TvTropes Page. Please contribute.

Comments contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Chapters (17)

Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. That may just be why Princess Luna wants Twilight Sparkle to study the insanity that is Cloud Kicker's life for a sociology report. Unfortunately for Twilight Sparkle, she is going to have to survive the circle of jealous friends, paramours, enemies, crazy co-workers and disappointed family members that surround this crazy pony. Will Twilight Sparkle be able to complete this assignment before it spins out of control, or will she be reduced to a neurotic mess?

A Winningverse Story.

Chapters (35)

Just over two years after her banishment ended, Luna now rules over her night with Celestia's day. However, the night can become a very boring place, and when you have way too many hours of nothing to do, you tend to make... interesting choices in terms of activities.

Note: This takes place before season 3.

Many thanks to Kitsunehero for editing.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (16)

Cheerilee loves teaching. Despite all the trials and tribulations it presents, it's worth it in the end when her students learn something new. Not even a letter from the Ministry of Education reminding her about the impending teacher evaluations can sway her. But tack on her new relationship, the constant 'help' of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and some strange behavior from Dinky and Sparkler, and her life is about to become a lot more complicated.

This story is set in parallel with The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and The Study of a Winning Pony with the approval of Chengar Qordath, Comma-Kazie and Ponibius.

Cover art used with permission, source is here

Chapters (3)

Rarity is alone on Hearts and Hooves Day, and she's not happy about it. A friendly afternoon in the park with Applejack promises to turn their friendship to something more – or at least it would, if either of them would simply talk to the other about it.

Between her awkward sort-of romance with Applejack, her desire to help Fluttershy find a special somepony of her very own, family, friends, and the general day-to-day chaos that is life in Ponyville, this fashionista's got her hooves full.

Side story to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and the rest of the Winningverse. My thanks to Chengar Qordath and Comma-Kazie for their support and pre-reading assistance.

Chapters (2)

So I'm awesome. Yeah, if you know me, you know that. I have Pinkie Pie for a fillyfriend, pulled off Tornado Day by the skin of my teeth, and got complimented by Spitfire from the Wonderbolts. Also, did I mention I saved her life once? Thing is, though, I don't think awesome is genetic. I mean, I love my parents and all, but ... at a distance. So naturally, they came by to visit.

A sequel to The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash, The Incredibly Troubled Mind of Rainbow Dash, and Chapters 1-12 of The Life and Times of a Winning Pony.

Chapters (5)

Rarity's family name is in shambles, and her fortune is nonexistent. To return what her father squandered, she and her good friend Pinkie Pie turn to piracy, commandeering a magical airship and kidnapping the princess's personal student.

When Princess Celestia learns of Twilight and Applejack's abduction, she doesn't agree to pay the ransom. No, she hires the sky's greatest tactical mind, the Daring Swordspony Rainbow Dash, and her sidekick, Fluttershy. As the two groups engage in a game of cat and mouse, more dangerous threats hang on the horizon. Aztec Curses, angry gods, and a mysterious figure known only as the Derp Pirate Roberts.

Will the six Elements of Harmony be able to gather the seven pieces of eight, or will the world fall to utter chaos, and rise up as an empire of anarchy and piracy?

Now with its own TV Tropes page thanks to Cleverpun: TV Tropes

Chapters (19)