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What happened between Twilight's entrance examination and her entrance to the School proper? How Twilight got to know Celestia, Cadance, and Spike, and started on the road to becoming the Element of Magic.

Note: If you'd like more in this same timeline, a darker "flip-side" companion piece to this story can be found here: Acolyte of the Lunar Court

In addition, the Hearth's Warming tale The Night that Luna Returned is essentially a direct follow-on to My Little Student, and draws on some of the Celestia-related aspects of this story.

And Roomies explores who else might have had the room before Twilight...

In case there's interest, I've written a Making Of: blog entry, with the original outline and commentary on how this story came to be written.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Growing Pains

After a magical mishap involving a filly, magical empowerment, and an aging spell, Twilight finds herself stuck with a rather large problem.

When Princess Celestia shows up to help her out however, it becomes apparent that Twilight isn't the only one affected by her new looks. Which in turn brings back feelings she had long thought forgotten.

Reading the prequel to this story is not required though it does help.


Chapters (3)

For Sweetie Belle, having a babysitter is not that big a problem, especially when her babysitter is the element of magic herself. When Twilight devises a spell to help her with her apparent problems, however, both of them will have to learn a lesson that won't soon be forgotten.

Now has a sequel called Sizable Differences


Chapters (1)

At Celestia's behest, Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration, and potentially the return of Nightmare Moon.

Her preparations will be anything but easy. The stallions in charge of the festivities all seem to have taken a "romantic" interest in her, and every one of them is terrible at flirting. Really terrible. Really.

T for innuendo/creepy behavior. Thanks to Sereg for prereading and to Midnight Rambler for helping with the first draft song sequence. Thanks to Posey, Jetto, Blank!, and Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi for editing (Plus three other anons who didn't give me their fimfic names). Especial thanks to whatmustido and ocalhoun for nitpicking the hell out of this mess.

All-mare version
All-stallion version
Stallion Twilight/mare main five version
The password for the FIMfic versions is: TUSH
(Every version is essentially identical, save character gender. Comments are enabled on the Gdocs if you notice any typos :twilightsmile:)

Chapters (3)

Last night, Dusk Shine-favorite student of Prince Helios and newly ascended alicorn-went to bed in a Ponyville where all of his friends were stallions and a major event was about to happen the next day. When he woke up, Dusk Shine had swapped placed with an alicorn mare named Twilight Sparkle. And, all of the friends and ponies that were male in his Ponyville were now female.

But, with the Princes (or is that Princesses?) coming tomorrow, Dusk Shine has no time to figure out what happened or what went wrong. Preparations need to be made and friends need to be consulted to get ready for the event. After all, everything else was just like his Ponyville. Surely it shouldn't be a problem, right?


A story that is inspired by and runs parallel with One Of Those Days by Taranth.

Proof reading and editing help provided by Door Matt.

Chapters (9)

Inspired by the cover art (by glittering-pony).

Twilight hated when her teacher did it, but couldn't talk to anypony about it. After all, who would believe her if she said that Princess Celestia – always so refined, graceful and regal – could be even worse than Twily's own mother when it came to grooming? Nopony, that's who.

Except... Cadance might actually surprise her on that one.

Chapters (2)

Over the course of a thousand years of monotonous rule, Celestia no longer understands how to connect to ponies, and doesn't bother. But when Twilight Sparkle makes her bombastic appearance, the Princess cannot help be interested.

Featured on Equestria Daily, December 29, 2011

Chapters (4)

Her beauty, sullied; her wisdom, corrupt; my love for her, violated. But still I answer...

Summoned to the palace in the dead of night, Twilight takes up a burden that even her generous, loving soul may not be able to handle...

Humanized Twilight/Tyrant!Celestia.

Chapters (1)

An unfortunate event gives Princess Celestia a fresh view on her life by forcing her to see the world from a very different viewpoint. With Equestria changing around her, she is faced with a personal crisis... if she can ignore how cute a certain lavender unicorn suddenly looks to her.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
And some site about horse porn!
Liked this story? Read the sequel.
And the story this was a sort-of prequel to.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, scholar and adventurer extraordinaire, has journeyed to the ends of the earth in search of the single most significant find in the history of academia. What she discovers is something else entirely...

Chapters (3)