Favourites 141 stories
  • Favourites 141 stories - 206 unread chapters
    Created by Jend
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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After a medical exam, Scootaloo was given the news that she only has a 20% chance of ever being able to fly. Her aunt may be willing to accept that diagnosis, but Scootaloo isn't willing to accept her fate, and is determined to fly by any means possible, no matter what risks it may bring.

Set in the same universe as "On a Rainy Day", though this story is self contained.

Chapters (11)

Diamond Tiara has always enjoyed picking on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But one day, she finds she's gone too far, and everything for her comes tumbling down. But help may come from the most unexpected of places...

Started before season four, and does not take season four canon into account.

This story is 100% Diamond Cutters Approved!
Note: If reading this inspires you to write your own Diamond Tiara fanfics with similar premises, send me a link, as I'd love to see them. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (19)

"I can't wait to tell you about my new school! Jeepers, where do I start? So, first day ---"

So what did happen on that first day?

Babs meets a fellow blank flank and gets her out of a tough spot. Too bad Applejack never gave her the chance to tell Apple Bloom about it.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Warning: slightly random concept.

Sweetie Belle is eager to start casting actual spells.

A little too eager.

After things go awry and Sweetie Belle's body goes through some... changes, Twilight steps up to aid in her recovery and teach her to see the bright side of the situation.

After all, turning yourself into a balloon isn't easy. That takes talent... and effort. Whether you'd want to is another matter entirely.

Additional tags: balloon, Twilight mentoring, post-spell rehabilitation, Scootaloo not being the elephant in the room, Sweetie Belle's parents showing up when they are needed, and a notable lack of Rarity. Really, you can note the lack. Also implied cruelty to bullies, which the author does not recommend, condone, or preach in any way, shape or form, and he wouldn't be warning people about it if he could have nice things.

Written for the Balloon Ponies January Contest.

Chapters (2)

Nightmare Moon may have been defeated, but Princess Luna still struggles with her inner nightmares. It was so easy to give into the temptations of power the first time, now that she had a taste of it, can she give it up for good? Or will she return to her old ways and have to be banished again, this time forever?

Chapters (8)

Ditsy has an opportunity to earn a few more bits for Dinky's school fund by making an early-morning delivery of a dangerous cargo. One shot story that occurs before : To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Chapters (1)

The Job of the Royal Equestrian Courier Service is simple. Whatever the Princess needs sent anywhere, they deliver. Whatever she needs brought back, they retrieve. But sometimes the delivery is the least important part of the trip.

The elderly unicorn Zircon was a courier in the Royal Equestrian Courier Service, a position normally dominated by pegasi. Because of his age and ground-bound nature, he tends to draw jobs that fall between the cracks. Now he has been tasked by the Princess herself to travel to his old hometown of Ponyville while being overseen by a young black unicorn mare who has invited herself along for the trip. But this time his job is turning out to be less the delivery of a package, but the way in which it is delivered.

Can be read as a standalone, or as a second chapter to To Sleep, Perchance to Dream ‘Two Unicorns’ is my first MLP fanfic, and was written before ‘To Sleep,’ with recent edits thanks to MaskedFerret and Nyerguds. The Nocturne saga continues from here with Genealogy (or The Mating Habits of nocturnes pegasi, and various other stories along that line.

Chapters (2)

‘Twas the Night before Hearth’s Warming, and all through the castle…

On Hearth’s Warming eve, Princess Celestia has always spent the night alone in her private study, allowing the castle staff and most of the guards time to spend with their loved ones on this night of friendship and family. But tonight she has a present of her own to give to her faithful student, a gift that has been needing to be given for years.

The beautiful cover art was done by Earthsong9405 on Deviantart
Editing assistance by Peter, Shaleclaw, Sarcasmo, Tek, and Themaskedferret
Featured on Equestria Daily in 2014

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian

All Princess Sun Shines wants to do is escape from her stuffy room and explore the castle. All Green Grass wants to do is find some distraction to keep him from worrying about Twilight’s most recent dangerous mission. Can the two of them find a way to achieve their goals without starting a war?

Contains Fierce Neighponese Ninjas, Noble Alicorn Princesses, Carrot-Thirsty Lettuce-Eating Lapins, Poisonous Green Garden Hoses, Terrifying Twins, Death-Defying Nighttime Chariot Rides, and a dead fish.

Featured on Equestria Daily [Slice of Life] [Comedy] [Romance]

Editing assistance provided by Fan of Most Everything, Bad Horse, MarMelMM , Peter , and Ghost of Heraclitus

This is a sequel to The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian but is written as a standalone. No previous knowledge of Twilight Sparkle and Green Grass’ relationship is needed, other than Greenie is finding out just how far over his head he has gotten.

Princess Sunny's story continues in Diplomacy by Other Means, a considerably darker tale of assault, murder, and the darkness that lies within the soul. Four diplomats travel to the Misty Mountain aerie to prevent war, and wind up in a race to escape and a fight to the death.

Credit for the image goes to Kalas17 at Deviantart.com, who I would like to thank for giving me permission to use his adorable Baby Gilda. The background is pulled from the Royal Wedding episode.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Diplomacy by Other Means

When a diplomatic mission to the griffons goes wrong, it falls to the Royal Guard to extract the ambassador and warn Princess Celestia about the upcoming surprise attack. Unfortunately there is only enough time to accomplish one of their tasks.

Done as an entry in the 2013 Equestria Daily Memorial Day Weekend FlashFic event.

A standalone story done two hundred years before the events of To Sleep, Perchance to Dream, Two Unicorns Walk Into a Village and Genealogy (or the mating habits of Nocturnes Pegasi).

A prequel for Diplomacy By Other Means

In memory of the brave men and women of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security who have lost their lives in defense of our citizens overseas, including:
Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens
Sean Smith
Glen Doherty
Tyrone Woods

Chapters (1)