• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Applejack Stories 146 stories
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You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is a dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You have just crossed over into... The Twilight Zone.

On a normal June day, Bright Mac and his wife, Buttercup were about to head into town for a quick errand while they left their children with their grandmother until they get back. On the way, Buttercup expresses her concerns about if they were good enough parents that their children would become good ponies like themselves. But before they could proceed any further, they remember that they had to go back to Sweet Apple Acres to receive something that they have forgotten. It is when they get back that the story really begins.

As you can guess, this is an AJ’s parent’s story that I’m doing it in the style of a Twilight Zone episode. Also, keep in mind that this is currently unedited. So if there is someone who is willing to volunteer to proofread it, please PM me to discuss it with me further.

Chapters (4)

Applejack discovers something is eating her apples. Whatever could it be?

Chapters (1)

A call for help from Cherry Jubilee brings Applejack back to a very different Dodge Junction. Its residents are fearful, a gang of kleptomaniacs has the full run, trolls are on the loose, and the sheriff's in a criminal's pocket.

Besides Big Macintosh, the only pony on Applejack's side is the most accident-prone being in Equestria. If the schemes of a psychotic but dainty griffon don't ruin things, Clutterstep just might. Applejack reckons they've got as much chance as a seed in a storm, but an Apple always honors her friends. It's a race to finish the harvest and save Cherry Hill Ranch while making it out alive back to Ponyville.

Chapters (12)

Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom need to pick apples before winter comes. Applejack then gets in a predicament with some bees.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes it's just a little mistake. Sometimes missing a single instruction or saving a couple of button presses can create truly horrible situations. How will Twilight fix this? And how will her reputation survive?

Edit: A hundred likes in two days? Guys, I can't even explain how awesome that makes me feel. You guys are awesome, you've put me on cloud nine for a couple of days now. I'd like to shoot a thanks to everyone who faved, liked and commented on this. It's well appreciated and was much needed.

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with Twilight's magic, Rainbow Dash finds herself split into seven different ponies.

A very fun story

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is determined to get married. The most successful apple orchard in Equestrian history is going broke. Pinkie Pie is unemployed.

Twilight is finding all this rather suspicious. Is she really the only honest pony in Ponyville? And can she keep it that way?

Chapters (1)

Upon discovering that her brother has a fillyfriend, Applejack is making her mission to find out who this mystery mare is. Joining her on this mission is her best friend, Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (1)

Just because the world is ending doesn't mean Derpy doesn't have a job to do.

Written for the Publish-a-Story speedwriting contest on the Quills and Sofa server, where the prompt was "End of the World". This story placed second.

Much thanks to the pre-readers, applezombi, AshleyNoble, Exodd, and the ever-supportive Holtinater!

Chapters (1)

Coloratura is asked by the family of a loyal fan of hers who is dying of cancer to sit at her bedside in her dying moments.

*Written at Trotcon 2017 in Columbus, OH

Chapters (1)