• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Applejack Stories 146 stories
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Total Words: 3,043,185
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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After the defeat of Discord Princess Celestia and Luna took the throne, fifty years later Luna is tired of ponies fearing her night and praising the day. Thus she begins an epic adventure to make the night safer for her subjects. While on this mission her strength will be tested by enemy and friend alike and the ponies that rally to her side will either have to save her or watch their princess fall to darkness.

artwork was made by this guy --> http://omegasunburst.deviantart.com/

Chapters (34)

It's been a few months since you ended up in Equestria through magical (and irrelevant) means. You've been working on the Apple farm ever since, helping out Applejack and her family with the upcoming harvest. After a hard day of work, though, the mare decides that she wants you as an honorary member of her family.

(Second person, Human in Equestria. Please give it a chance before you downvote it.)

Chapters (1)

When a family misunderstanding sends her running, Applejack bumps into a sleeping Trixie. They decide to share some cider, with every gulp realizing that a line between a polar opposite and a twin soul is much thinner than they thought...


Cover based on the images from:

Proofread by Ginger and Grammarly :duck:

Chapters (1)

Thanks to Discord, Applejack and Rarity are both sick with the blue flu, and its up to Spike to nurse his crush back to health.

cover image done by Rare-Rarity-FAN

Chapters (1)

It's never easy taking care of a loved one lost to addiction, especially when the rest of the world is so quick to leave them behind. Luckily in Ponyville, there's always a light left on in case some pony has nowhere left to turn.

Written for the Feb 21 2021 Quills and Sofa Speedwrite contest, where the theme was "Psychadelics", and the prompt was "Only Option Left".

Prereading/editing by Red Parade, and coverart by Snow Quill!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow appears at Applejack's in the middle of the night with an odd request.

Originally written for a Quills and Sofas speedwriting contest with the theme "appledash" (romantic or platonic) and the prompt "the aftermath". It also doubles as a birthday gift for Luna! Happy birthday! Originally written in 75 minutes, this version has seen some expansion and editing. Special thanks to RedParade, applezombi, Holtinater, Decaf, applejackofalltrades, and Vis-a-Viscera for pre-reading during the contest!

Chapters (1)

A picnic is going on in Ponyville, and to be honest it's pretty terrible.

So what do you get when when, at said picnic, you mix a scheming Spike, a crushing Rainbow Dash, an impassive Big Macintosh, an angry Applejack and an arrogant Twilight?
Love. You get Love.
And a whole lot of destruction.

A silly, fluffy MacDash story written for Captain Unstoppable's MacDash contest. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Humans in Equestria? Naa, that's been done to death. What about Ponies in Equestria?

When a clever pony from the human world finds herself in the land of intelligent Equestrian ponies, how will she react?

Chapters (1)

Almost a decade ago, cracks began to form around the edges of a town. Its veins in the earth shriveled up, and it died. Three years ago, cracks started to form in the town's last resident...

Chapters (4)