• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Applejack Stories 146 stories
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Requested by Superfun!

Applejack, the element of Honesty is no stranger to enemy con-artists who would swindle them out of their farm, and Flim & Flam are no exception! They have tried to take over her orchard, gave Granny Smith a tonic, and no matter what they did, get chased off Ponyville!

Upon seeing them in Las Pegasus, She firmly believes that they don’t need help, even though they were on a friendship problem! But, Fluttershy did. And it wasn’t just them, but many other pairs were suffering the same issue too! Eventually, she wore her down into solving the brother’s friendship problem and putting the mighty hoof down on Gladmane’s operation! With him out of the way, the brothers took over the resort, much to Applejack’s anger.

But, what if something else happened?

What if instead of going their usual ways with the resort, Flim and Flam genuinely reformed, and decided to make amends with Applejack? How would she react? Would a new friendship be formed? How would this affect the future with the Apple family? What would Flim & Flam’s new path be?

An alternate ending to Viva Las Pegasus, and the twelfth in my alternate ending series.

Chapters (1)

The Luxury Lotus Spa prides itself on rest, relaxation, and comfort. Sometimes they do get referrals from therapy clinics or have clients with deeper pain. Both Lotus and Aloe are well-qualified to handle these sessions, but often the responsibility of running the place leaves no time for the personal touch.

Enter Redheart. When she accepted the twins' invitation to moonlight as a spa therapist, it meant she could break away from the responsibilities and rush of her hospital duties. The slower pace and casual caseload gives her a chance to refocus, get back to the basics, and use some of the skills she learned before becoming a nurse.

Done as a commission for Doomslayer3. Think of it as a sort of novelized ASMR, if you like.

(More Characters To Be Added)

Chapters (3)

It's a bleak, dark night, darker than others in Equestria. As the sun goes down and the moon rises to take its place, a creature will emerge from the darkness; a creature that has long been thought to be nothing more than a mere legend. And on that same night, a mare of both mysterious and tragic background will rise up and pursue this creature. Who is this huntress fueled with a burning passion, and what exactly is she hunting?

A re-imagining of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon storyline, after the events of "BATS!".

Chapters (1)

The last thing Applejack remembers, she was going out to tend to the south fields one day. She had just left the house and then... a blur. She found herself someplace else entirely. Loud, spattering noises surrounded her. Strange people were trying to hurt her. Her very body was twisted and wrong.

When she awakes from what should have been a nightmare, she discovers it was all too real. She's been trapped in another world, in a body that she can't even recognize, let alone control. To make matters worse, her natural Earth Pony magic is reacting to her new environment in strange and disquieting ways, intensifying to truly dangerous levels causing her to break nearly everything and everyone she touches.

Thankfully she's been offered help. A group of remarkable people is offering to take her in... assuming she can aid them in return. There's a man in a suit of armor. Another who carries a shield. One who carries a hammer. One a bow and arrow. One is a woman who lies just a little too much for Applejack's taste. And one of them is very, very angry.

Applejack will have to come to not only understand her new body and abilities, but also come to try and understand the meaning and value of honesty itself as she's put to the test in ways she's never anticipated. In this world of endless conflict and threats beyond any she could have ever imagined, does Applejack even stand a chance of finding her way back home?

Teen rating for mild blood, some death, and occasional mild nudity and lewd jokes.
Character and genre tags may be altered as necessary as the story progresses.

Chapters (11)

After getting caught and captured at the end of the Battle of the Bands, the Dazzlings Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were dragged back to Equestria to face judgment for their crimes. Luckily for them, Princess Twilight believes in the corrective power of Community Service.

Unluckily for Princess Twilight, she believes in the corrective power of Community Service.

On the plus side, at least Applejack will get a new hoof to help out around the farm.

Written as a prompt from Bean's Writing Group. Based on the song of the same name. Special Thanks to RDT and Stinium Ruide for feedback and editing, respectively. Cover art composed by Bean.

Featured: 07/16/2021!!!

Now with a Live Reading from TheLegendaryBillCipher!!!

Chapters (1)

Applejack has a secret, for years now she has snuck out into the woods with a pig in tow, in order to indulge in her secretive food fantasy: truffles. Knowing that she would never hear the end of it for the supposedly country-pony enjoying such a fancy food, she has done her best to keep her secret hidden. That is until Fluttershy begins to grow suspicious of her friend’s actions, and quickly jumps to the most logical conclusion upon investigation...

A huge thank you to the incredibly talented Alsey for creating the cover art and for providing proof-reading and advice. They are incredibly talented, and I highly suggest you check out their work. Thank you also to Aremna for proof-reading and editing, they are also incredibly talented. Check out both of their incredible stories!

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash and Eric Reed accidentally got Apple Bloom injured, they found themselves begging a furious Applejack for forgiveness – or at least hope she wouldn't kill them. They even claimed that they would do anything she dared them to do, even if it was painful.

Applejack would take her friends up on their offer with some dares. To win Applejack's forgiveness, Rainbow and Eric would have to cuddle, maybe even kiss, in public! They might have had little problems with it if they were a couple, but since they were not...

Entry for CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest. If it wins, it probably means the end of the world is near.:rainbowlaugh:

This story takes place after the events of my A Giant Adventure to Equestria story. However, it is not required to read it first to enjoy this story, other than to learn how and why Eric Reed is in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

The land having been overrun by a sentient, nightmarish plague, Cloudsdale becomes home to Equestria’s surviving citizens. One Princess, two Elements, and the hero Wonderbolts strive to make a life worth living for everypony.

A/N - This is set in the same world as my one shot Happy Birthday, Sugarcube. You don’t have to read one to understand the other.

Other featured characters include Shining Armor, Scootaloo, Dr. Whooves, and various Wonderbolts.

Chapters (8)

(Some ships sail themselves. This is not one of them.)

After the Grand Galloping Gala, a certain snobbish prince is stricken with amnesia, with no recollection of what he has been doing with his life up till now. He only remembers two things: the golden-maned mare who rescued him from the chaos of the ballroom, and that she called him a "prince".

(BluebloodxApplejack. Written way back between seasons one and two, so obviously not quite canon. This shipping started as a bit of a joke, but I grew attached and wrote this for fun.)

(Beautiful cover art by the beautiful PandaWolfArt of dA. See it here!))

Chapters (10)

A Pinkie Promise is a dangerous thing. There are Tartaran contracts that are less strictly enforced. Making one before your first cup of coffee is just asking for trouble.

Based on a prompt by Bad Horse.

Chapters (1)