• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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This is the story of the end. This is the story of the death of Equestria. It is the story of the reign of her royal majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle of the Fading Sun.

The alicorn sisters are dead and Equestria has turned to Twilight Sparkle to guide it. However, just maintaining a dim sun a fraction as bright as her mentor's keeps the new princess near her limits.

Years have passed and Twilight Sparkle is sure of only one thing. Equestria is dying.

NOTE: Written before "It's about Time" in season 2. Everything after "Read it and Weep" was ignored throughout this story.

Chapters (26)

Inspiration, cover art and pictures in the story all courtesy of the PMV of the same name by the talented Loveless Nova, used with his/her permission and blessings. If you haven't already, check out the PMV - If I Were a Pony. It is awesome.

Queen Chrysallis died in the aftermath of that ruinous invasion of Canterlot. But Tartarus would not be my afterlife, and death not my reaper. No, Ponyville is to be my purgatory, and my socially-inept roommate, Moon-Butt, my rather overly-enthusiastic reaper. I now live on borrowed time at the whims of my layabout of a roommate. To earn my freedom I must be able to not only prove that a changeling can live as a pony but also earn affection as one. But in between trying to get used to the notion that friends aren't food and learning to join the flash mobs in song and dance, I find that there is more to being a pony than meets the eye.

That was the good news. The bad news? I swear by the Ancient Ones, this useless sloth I have to share a room with is simply using me as an excuse to be an incompetent freeloader away from her sister's watchful eyes. You know everything has gone hooves-up when I'm the voice of reason. But bills need to be paid, bits need to be earned, and I have to somehow save up enough to move out of this flat. For my sanity's sake.

Featuring the editing talents of: Not A Hat, and Brad The Brony. Be sure to thank them by checking out their pages and giving them a follow/liking their stories.

Now with an epic official soundtrack from our friendly neighbourhood musicians. Please be sure to check out their music and give them a like and subscription as thanks!
Across the Seas By Citric Acid

Chapters (3)

The star system Omega Centauri was just another oddity on a map to scientists in the not too distant future. However when they found the star was orbiting an earth-sized, earth-like planet instead of a black hole as its motion had suggested, a mission was scrambled to investigate this most unusual of celestial behaviors.

Hamstrung by politics, and nearly crippled before it began, the 'Lone Ranger' mission was reduced to just one crew member and left to his own devices.

These are the logs of Arrow 18 and its lone commander. This information is classified TOP SECRET by the Global Space Agency.

Do NOT tell the princess.

Chapters (16)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

When a boy squirrel and a girl squirrel love each other very much, Fluttershy decides to conduct a marriage for them on the most beautiful fields in Canterlot. But alas, President Obama decided that he wanted to golf in another plane of existence, so he uses executive action to build a portal to Equestria so he could golf there and ruin a poor squirrel's wedding. Fluttershy is not gonna take it! She and her friends (including Twisted Sister) fight back!

Yes it's a political satire/MLP trollfic. Don't'get too offended, it's supposed to be an over-exaggerated joke.

Tell me if you get the Adventure Time or Full House reference.

:yay: Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! That's the most likes I've ever gotten! Thanks everypony! (and I just found out it's slightly more popular than one of ROBCackeran53's lesser known stories. He's got more likes, but it's the same amount of votes, and this here story has more views and comments. I guess that's an accomplishment) :derpytongue2:

(I am not considering this my first story of 2015, since I wrote it mainly in 2014.)

So basically, our heroes win this battle with a combination of how the Guardians of the Galaxy won their battle (it was literally the power of friendship, which MLP had already done years before) and how Spongebob defeated Plankton in the Spongebob movie (the power of Rock and Roll, using a Twisted Sister song, although Spongebob's lyrics were altered)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

Chrysalis has been driven out of Canterlot, her invasion defeated. However, an old friend from her time before becoming queen is more than happy to help her succeed with her plans.

Will these two achieve their goals, conquering pony-kind and ruling over them with iron fist and hoof? Or will they be stopped in time, preserving the peace that Equestrian has known for as long as can be remembered? There is more than just dreams of world domination at work, though, this is personal for Chrysalis and her rediscovered assistance.

Hopefully, the line that 'Evil never triumphs' will prove to be correct, or else a drastic change is going to descend upon not just Equestria, but the entire world.

Thanks to Avatar of Madness for the coverart.

Chapters (11)

There are a number of compounds the human body is incapable of synthesizing; these are found only in red meat. To save a dying human, Twilight asks her friends - except for Fluttershy - for advice.

Chapters (1)

There are three distinct moments of time. One is the present, a constant menagerie of ever-changing conditions, where all life live and act. Another is the future, full of uncertainty and possibility; in which speculation and imagination exists . Finally, there is the past, set, unchanging; from where remembrance and recollection occurs. To simplify: one can only hope for the future, live in the present, and recall the past.
But what if one could do the impossible? Something so unbelievable that it shouldn't even be feasible.......

To grab history by the reigns.

Chapters (11)

Once it was nothing more than old concrete and forgotten hallways. Then it became a haven for the fugitives of the everlasting war that raged between the different races. He was the janitor, always.

Chapters (1)