• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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The year is 1943, Germany has so far lost all three key battle to turn the tide of the war into their favor. They know that they are losing and are desperately looking for a solution for the situation. When a German scientist say that he has a solution, Berlin is all ears. The solution, a peaceful country in another world. Its time for the iron eagle to strike down on its new prey and bring the war with it.

(Authors note: I am not a Nazi or anything like that just so you know. I have just always been a fan to alternative timeline stories and I am also a huge fan when it comes to World War 2 fiction as well so I deiced to write my own story about it for a change. And what better way is there then inserting ponies into the mix.

Chapters (1)

The war has gone on for far too long. To end it, Celestia just has to sign the treaty.

Go read the comments. They're way more interesting than the story itself.

Now with an audio version
Now translated into Russian and with an audio version.

Chapters (1)

Walking with the paws of an ancient predator, a young man finds himself in a strange world. A world where horses are the dominant species, and he’s a very rare and dangerous animal. How will a speechless man turned wolf deal with society? How will he approach ponies? Would he even want to bother speaking to them?

(Love interest is not revealed in any of the current chapters. So don't freak out when you don't see it. I'm also focusing on a very realistic sense of love. This will be a later part of the story when romance becomes truly relevant. Point out ALL errors to me when you see them, even the ones that have been pointed out already, and I'll see what I can do.)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Proof-reader and Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (11)

First contact. Not just with a new world, but with a world in a whole new universe. Initial negotiations go well, so Princess Celestia makes a visit to this 'Earth' to cement peaceful relations. Unfortunately, even when you are as experienced as the goddess of the sun, it's the little things that can trip you up.

Preread and edited by Noe Carrier. SPOILERS IN COMMENTS!
Russian translation: Все это скоро закончится, принцесса by Smikey

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle still thinks Earth, and Humanity in general, can be classified in black and white. A visit to two different, but very similar Normandy war cemeteries might help.

She also hasn't gotten around to reading up on our history yet.

Or so Tucker, international reporter and the first human to come in contact with Equestria, thinks. Hopefully she won't hate his species by the end of this.

Chapters (1)

The Human Liberation Front. An organization of terrorists, xenophobes, and bigots. An organization dedicated to the destruction of ponykind. An organization against the peaceful coexistence of two species. If the peace and love of Equestria is to help a shattered humanity, this evil group must be eliminated.
But to Jack Beckett and others, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

For OPT-related material not in the main story itself, read Side Stories.


Chapters (6)

On Earth, air is a hard thing to avoid. So when the PER use it to spread a ponification gas, do humans have any hope?

Chapters (1)

When the ponies came, they tried to convert humanity with words and kindness, saying that they were misguided beings and the princesses would help them on the path to Harmony. When that failed, the ponies tried the potion, only for it's magic to be countered by humanity's science. Then they tried force and failed completely at that.
Finally they decided to let the Barrier defeat humanity and it seemed to work! Nearly 50% of the planet was covered with humanity doing it's best to find a solution.
Unfortunately, the ponies of Equestria are about to learn a harsh lesson that humanity learnt long ago. The Earth can be paradise for those who tame it, but to others it is hell.

Chapters (1)

They wanted a monster....So they will get one.

(This was written in response to a challenge to write a one thousand word HIE)
(It is one thousand words. Fimfiction is getting the count wrong.)

Chapters (1)