• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Princess Cadance 198 stories
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In her early fillyhood years, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was a spoiled brat who only cared about her own popularity. That was until one day, she pushed on colt too far, and gets help from the last colt she thought would save her.

Inspired by a real life event of mine.

Special thanks to my good friends, Banshee, A Dark Reminder, Henkie Pie, Spike120812, Divine Path and Forwith
and specieal to Forthwith [url=ttps://www.fimfiction.net/user/Bad_Seed_72 ]Bad seed 72and Brush Strokes https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Bad_Seed_72 https:// for getting this ready for Everfree 2015.

Now with sequel https://www.fimfiction.net/story/390628/the-price-of-being-a-princess
Thanks, guys!

Chapters (2)

Disclaimer: Before you read the description; please note that even though this story may be in second person; it’s just that it’s not going to be entirely in second person. So please don’t criticize me harshly for it, and enjoy the story. Now... onto the description... .

Description: Flurry Heart is having a day like no other. How? Well; let’s just say that it all began in the morning, and it got worse from there. Want to know more? Then begin reading, and all will be explained.

Chapters (5)

After his violent defeat, the former tyrant King Sombra has managed to claw his way back from the land of the dead and has returned to Equestria to seek revenge on Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony. However, the Emperor of Darkness is no fool. He knows that he cannot simply seek retribution on the Main Six or the Princess of Day, so he waits, gathering intel on his foes, learning of their weaknesses. When the time is right, he will strike. Can our heroes overcome King Sombra's plot for vengeance?

Sequel: The Return of the King

*Note: This story takes place in my official headcanon universe, not in the one for Shattering a Heart of Darkness

Chapters (20)

Princess Celestia, who is feeling a little lonely, asks Princess Cadance for a little help in finding a special somepony.

Along the way, Princess Celestia rediscovers herself.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (10)

We are all familiar with the story of the Canterlot Wedding, where the queen of the changelings foalnaps and impersonates Princess Cadance during her wedding as a ploy to invade the city with her army. Yet there is another Equestria out there where the roles of the impersonated and the impersonator are a little different.

We enter at the wedding ceremony; the nobles, the friends and family, the bride and groom have gathered, but the best mare hasn't been seen since her outburst at the rehearsal...

Chapters (1)

You are my queen. I am your servant. We are both Changelings, separated by our fates. I will protect you with all my life and heart. If a Changeling could only love...

Inspired by the youtube PMV of Servant of Queen : Chrysalis Another Story.
Translated into Spanish by MasterSounds: http://mastersounds.deviantart.com/art/Mi-Deber-Como-Capitan-524799635

Chapters (6)

You, a young human living in Canterlot, have never fit in with anyone. It's been years since you were found in Equestria, and you've become a small outcast in this world of ponies. Hiding away from everyone, you find solace in another strange being, a weird black bug-like filly that calls herself Chrysalis.

Chapters (14)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

Feeling broken and defeated, Trixie Lulamoon leaves behind the Country of Equestria, and all of the ponies within it that don't want her there, in search of a new land that she may either call her home, or her final resting place.

She discovers the Crystal Empire, and to her shock, the ponies there aren't nasty, hateful creatures, but are actually kind, and welcoming to this new Unicorn stranger in their land. Appletini and Azure Eminence offer to help Trixie in rebuilding her career, and promise that she doesn't have to go back home if she doesn't want to, and the broken Unicorn slowly begins to feel right at home in this new land.

Chapters (12)

The queen has fallen. Her kingdom has splintered. The failure at Canterlot, however, did not begin her downfall.

It was the son she bore. Called by changelings a Halfling, his blood mixed with the blood of ponies has him marked as an abominition in the eyes of the most conservative of changelings. Fearing change and what a mixed breed foal might mean, the Royal caste collaborated with members of the Religious caste to declare the queen and her child outcast from changeling society, effectively stripping her of her title and the authority with it. With her kingdom in a state of civil war, the fleeing former queen does the unexpected and sets her sights upon the Crystal Empire for refuge.

With a small group of loyal followers, she made her way to the north, into the Everwinter Storm where the Crystal Empire awaited. There, a changeling priestess offers refuge and Sanctuary on holy ground. There, the queen might be able to secure a refuge for her son. Perhaps his father would be keen to take him in while she set about the business of righting the wrongs against her.

Vengeance, but only after her son is seen to a safe and secure environment.

But why let him be raised by prey?

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
All OC's are mine unless specified.

This story is not canon past season 3.
Chrysalis' name from the show will not be used as her real name, but as the code name given to her by the ponies for investigative purposes.

You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (27)