• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Princess Cadance 198 stories
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Twilight Sparkle has hidden the hottest pepper she could find in Princess Celestia's cake.

This is a bad idea.

(A collab with Tom117z)

Chapters (1)

It seems like Princess Celestia always gets to make all the choices around the palace without consulting her co-ruler. And that includes what they have for dessert. Well Luna isn't going to take it lying down anymore. Now they must play a foal's card game to decide what they will have after dinner. Will Princess Celestia be able to handle this challenge?

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor has had a long day. A very long day, in fact. Fortunately for him, however, his lovely bride knows just what to do to lift his spirits!

A huge thanks to my good friend Wisemon for proof-reading and editing this story. I cannot thank you enough!

The cover artist is the wonderfully talented Silfoe!

Chapters (1)

After the birth of Princess Cadance's fourth child, an adorable little pegasus filly, Princess Flurry Heart wants to know why none of her brothers and sisters are alicorns.

Her parents claim not to know why she's different.

They're lying.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

All throughout Equestria, as a child grows up, each parent dreads the day their little precious asks them that immortal question: "Where Do Babies Come From?" Now, it's Flurry Heart's turn...

Featured from 20/5/19 to 21/5/19

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Queen Novo apologize to one another over their respective actions when Twilight tried to steal the Pearl of Transformation in order to save Equestria from the Storm King.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Magical Mystery What If

In the aftermath of the Fall Formal, Twilight Sparkle has many questions about the other world and why Princess Celestia never told her about Sunset Shimmer.

But one thing that sticks out in her mind is what Principal Celestia told her on the steps of Canterlot High. And now she knows. Everything has been leading to this.

A new princess will be born. And for Twilight Sparkle, everything is going to be just fine.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, there was a young unicorn who was scarred and battered by the cruel world until he was forced to retreat behind the walls of a solitary life as a bitter and spiteful creature. As he grew up, he remained a lonely recluse, with only his best friend for occasional companionship.

Until one day when he found something the world had treated even more callously and cruel than himself. She was a changeling, badly wounded and crushed until she hung onto life by a slender thread. The only chance she had for surviving her injuries was love, but that was no chance at all, for she was a monster in pony society.

And who could ever love a beast.

Rated T for references to sex, crude language, obnoxious behavior, and weathervanes.
Editors: Peter, docontra, D48 and Tek
Cover picture FIM Sleeping Changeling is courtesy of Avarraptor at Deviant Art.
(Gypsy the Changeling is so cute.)

Chapters (20)

General Iroh. Fire Nation hero. First born son of Fire Lord Azulan. The Dragon of the West. It was thought he would be the greatest warrior in the history of the Fire Nation.

But all that changed when the war claimed his son's life. This changed him, and he turned his back on the war.

This was a necessary event. Iroh had a role to play in bringing balance back to the world...but to play that role, he first had to be broken down, so that he could be rebuilt. This truth was self evident in the spirit realm.

But one particular spirit felt this was unfair to Iroh. The wheels of fate are cruel to those caught in the gears, but this particular spirit felt that Iroh deserved kindness. And so this spirit sent Iroh one who would help him to rebuild himself.

And so, shortly after his son's funeral, Iroh would find a creature sent by the spirits, the likes of which he never would have imagined...a pretty pink pony princess.

Somepony to love...and be loved by.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
Edit: Now with Fan Art by Mewappony.
Edit 2: New Cover Art by Sanyo21!

Chapters (64)

Chrysalis has been defeated, now Shining Armor and Cadance can be wed. Or can they?

...Well, no. It seems the bride objects to it. Is this Cadance a changeling too? No, that would make far too much sense...

From a concept by defender2222 comes a tale of love...really, really screwed up love.

Image by SwanLullaby.

Chapters (12)