• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Princess Cadance 198 stories
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Cadence and Shining Armor visit one of their generals and his wife in the hospital to give their congratulations on the new born foal. However... the visit wasn't as routine as they first thought.

Based off ScopeEva's prompt/idea during a discussion. Told ya I'd put it on my to-do list.

Chapters (1)

"Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the divorce of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor!"

Twilight rushes to Canterlot to figure out the meaning behind this letter, only to find a den of lies and greed.

Chapters (5)

An infiltration attempt goes from ‘wildly successful’ to 'weird and confusing' in record time.

Thanks to Tired Old Man for edits, suggestions, and helping with the title. Also thanks to Nova Quill for her edits and suggestions.

Chapters (1)

Adrian was taken from his world unexpectedly. Waking up in a world full of colorful and smiling ponies, he finds himself being the odd creature out among the population. With him trying everyday to adjust to his new life, he learns the truth of the princess' intentions for him in this world.

Chapters (6)

Cadance tries to be the best mom in the world. She really does. But when she's summoned to Flurry's school after her young daughter gets in a fight with a classmate, she wonder just how good of a mom she's capable of being.

My technically-not-late entry into the Cadance Is a Terrible Mom contest.

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart is not like other filles. She’s your local geek, otaku, cosplayer, comic obsessed fangirl. She’s also a Princess, but who cares?

And it’s her favorite time of the year, the San Neighgo ComicCon.

Cosplay? Check!

Life savings? Check!

Extra big saddlebag for her new collectibles? Double-check!

Permission form her parents? Che… hey! What you mean with diplomatic meeting? Does it have to be today? Wait! Not fair!

No, this is not going to end like this. Flurry would go to ComiCon and that’s final!

A silly one-shot for the Cadence is a Terrible Mother contest!

Chapters (1)

Motherhood is hard, as Shining Armor knows, and Cadance has been dealing with a lot lately. So, when Shining comes home, he's not too surprised that she seems a little... off. But it doesn't take long before he realizes something is not quite right. In fact, there might be something weird in the very foundation of their family...

Warning: Is a lot more harmless than the title and description might lead you to believe...

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor comes back home after the yearly Equestria Wargames Competition only to find his citizens panicking, his royal guard failing and his daughter on the throne with his wife nowhere to be found.

Or Cadence leaves her ten year old daughter in charge of the Empire and goes on vacation.

Written for the Cadence is a Terrible Mom Competition

Special Thank You to Skijarama for his reading of this story!

Special Thank You to Baineblade For Editing and putting up with my comma fetish and random capitalizations.

Original art by Its-Gloomy

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch is alone. Her parents are gone and she's estranged herself from the rest of her family years ago. Now she's fallen on hard times; she spends her days drinking, her nights partying and the intervening time in trouble with the guards.

After one too many run-ins with the authorities she is assigned a personal guard to help her get her life back on track. The only question is: can she truly be helped, or is she far too gone at this point?

Proof-reading provided by Shrink Laureate.

Cover art by Mytho.

Chapters (38)

"Everything scared me. The thunder, the twisted trees, and the darkness. The darkness was the worst. Everywhere I ran, it followed. No matter how fast or in what direction it was there....I cried out for my mother, but there was no response. Every cry was ignored, until she came."

While on her way back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia must stop in Ponyville for the night while a storm blows over. She finds a young colt crying for his mother in the Everfree Forest. He only remembers some basic spells and his age. She takes him back to Ponyville, only to learn that no one has even seen him before. The Princess takes him back to Canterlot and tries to find him a home, but something happens that changes all of that.

This is my first story so please be honest with me and help me become a better writer.

Featured on 7/2/2014 and 10/17/2014 and 6/17/2015 WE DID IT! Thanks to everyone who's been reading since the beginning and to everyone who has even glanced at the story.

Chapters (39)