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After attempting to impress the judges during her entrance exam for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, something transpires that alters Twilight's life irrevocably, as well as the destiny of all Equestria. In a very literal manner, Twilight metamorphoses into the embodiment of magic, much akin to how Discord embodies chaos. How will this unprecedented transformation shape forthcoming events? And how will Twilight grapple with mastering the newfound god-like abilities that have been unexpectedly thrust upon her?

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has always loved Twilight, but never had the courage to speak up about it.
Twilight has never been one for romance, and yet she starts to get these strange feelings around a certain pegasus...

Join this romantic adventure as the relationship between these two very homosexual ponies proves that true love can transcend the bounds of time.

This story takes place pretty much right after the end of the Princess Twilight two-parter at the start of season 4, and follows it's own canon at that point.

Contains: Twishy (obviously), a Vanilla AF romance and an extreme amount of gayness.

This is my first fic, so any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful Unicorns in Equestrian history. But how would the events of the show change if Twilight, the Element of Magic, was never a Unicorn? Would she still be able to wield the element? Would she still make the same friends? Would she even be Celestia's student at all?

A small story. Don't expect a super long story out of this. Inconsistent updates is my specialty. Especially due to college. Have fun reading this cutesy story!

Chapters (12)

Twilight's been having weird, unfamiliar urges ever since she became an alicorn. Like an intense desire to grow flowers, or the fact she can't stop chewing on her wings when she's distracted. As it turns out, you can't just suddenly inherit the magic of all three pony tribes without getting the instincts to match, and instincts can be a powerful thing. Doubly so when you're not used to them, and especially when they're telling you that your best friend with the gorgeous wings would make the perfect partner to share a nest with.

Wait, what was that last part?

Originally this was supposed to be a birthday gift for Celysus, but I fell in love with the idea so it's gonna be a full fic now. You can't stop me.

(Rated teen for mildly suggestive flirting)

Chapters (3)

After Princess Luna's gentle kiss Twilight hadn't been able to feel anything but unsettled. She had gently tried to explain that she only had feelings for colts. That was when her beloved mentor had said it. "If you break her heart, i'll break your spine." Now Twilight was stuck. She really liked her spine! Hmm, perhaps being a Lesmare wouldn't be so bad!

Edited by Jumbled I can never thank you enough for your help.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been very lonely, and has relapsed on an old habit. Fluttershy has been depressed and lonely for nearly her entire life, and hasn't been able to break her habit. When Fluttershy and Twilight both realize that their habit is a serious problem, maybe they will be able to heal together.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle, even after discovering friendship and being elevated to The Princess of Friendship has still maintained her love and affinity toward books. At every opportunity she gets, when not interacting with friends or family, she has her muzzle in a book. It’s her comfort zone, she feels secure and happy.

But truly happy?

Fluttershy had friends before Twilight Sparkle came to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Festival. In spite of these friends, she’d rather have stayed in her cottage surrounded by a plethora of woodland creatures than actually interact with her fellow ponies, even her friends, sometimes. Now after several years of the group becoming closer, Fluttershy had come out of her shell, at least most of the way. But she could still be insecure and to herself quite easily.

But does she really want to maintain that shield of isolation?

Now something happens to open their hearts to the next stage of friendship. And discovering that a close friend may be the answer to making their lives complete. Filling a void that neither acknowledged that was there. And they’ll have to admit to feelings they never let themselves acknowledge.

If these feelings are admitted, then there is an issue to overcome:

A fish my love a bird, but where would they build their home?

Chapters (9)

Twilight thought it was simple. You picked one mate, and it either worked out and you got married, or it didn't and you found a new mate. But at least on the other side of the portal, things get a little more complicated. A simple question from Sunset leads to a relationship she didn't know was possible, and happiness she didn't know she'd ever find.

A series of vignettes as Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset learn and grow their relationship together.

Cover Art by the unbelievably fantastic Apri
Proofread by Krickis, crazy-little-tardis, edgar-allen-poes-sweet-lenore, Gara and Caravel.

Chapters (9)

With some changes on Star Swirl's time spell, Twilight accidentaly gets trapped in the past. But after saving two fillies and enlisting them to be her students in magic, they go on adventures together to survive the ruthless world they live in. With new friendship and foes, they discover what it truly means to be family by choice.

Now with the collaborative efforts of Angel Bunny, Fausticorn and soulwinds!
Art by awsdemlp.deviantart.com
People who I am in deep gratitude for offering help:
Cerulean Starlight
And FAN ART by 1110soulite!

Chapters (14)

Celestia called Twilight to the palace, to help her sister Luna who is lonely... Well that's what she wanted her to think.

Chapters (6)