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After a bad run in with some poison joke, Dash finds herself a young foal. She's back to her youngest state, and with no way of returning, (except for growing up, of course) will she ever live normally again? Twilight makes a promise to help her, but what Rainbow Dash doesn't know is that Twilight has always wanted a daughter. How far is Twilight willing to go to feel the thrill of parenthood by using Dash?

Chapters (6)

Twilight tries to show her love for Fluttershy by showing how she can trust her to take care of her cottage while she's away.

First of all, this is my first attempt at a fan fiction so don't expect anything that great.

Also, this is pre- princess Twilight to avoid any confusion.

I look forward to your responses ^^

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is the only daughter of the queen of the night, Nightmare Moon, and the lord of shadows, King Sombra. She is unlike any other normal equine foal, mainly because she was born as an alicorn. Just like her parents, she has the acute ability of harnessing the full power of dark magic to the fullest of its power. Her and her parents rule the Crystal Kingdom with an iron-hoof with a strong and loyal alliance with the Griffon Kingdom. They are planning one of the biggest attacks on Equestria in over a thousand years. The great thing about their plan is, their enemy has no idea about it.

Unfortunately, they are dealing with the princess of Equestria, Princess Celestia and her most loyal of guards, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.

The gore rating is for death and torture in later chapters. The teen rating may change depending on how I write how the death's and torture occur.
I got this idea while listening to the black metal band Dimmu Borgir with heavy rain in the background.
I DO NOT OWN anything My Little Pony. All rights to the characters and the locations of the show are sole property of Hasbro.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle. Faithful daughter, diligent studier... fugitive?

Twilight was simply doing as she was told. Trying to pass the exam that would allow here into the most prestigious school in Canterlot when things went horribly wrong. Now she is on the run, afraid that if she show's her face back in the city of her birth, that all she has to look forward too is a trip to the dungeons. Can a child really survive on her own out in the wilds of Equestria?

Well she isn't exactly on her own. She has her teacher/savior with her. Read as she learns a different style of magic and all the chaotic events that will follow the duo. How much will Twilight learn from the mysterious and odd Wild Horse.

Chapters (8)

Twilight gets killed protecting Princess Celestia and wakes up to the words Game Over floating in front of her.

Chapters (21)

Unable to recall why she's here, Twilight is told she has experienced a 'Game Over'. Then she is asked to start over. With eagerness she accepts.

Now with the ability to see reality in a way that can make Celestia envious, Twilight finds her life has quite literally started over.

Will she change the time line? Will she prevent the worst events she has ever experienced? And will she actually bother to level up Luck?

Chapters (3)

When Twilight fulfills her destiny and ascends to the throne of Canterlot, everything goes black. Turns out her life is a game, and she won. Now follow Twilight Sparkle as she experiences the shiny appeal of New Game+.

4/16: It was only approved yesterday, and already this story is featured and hot? You guys are the best!

4/17: Second day and still featured! Moved to the top featured spot too! Awesome!

4/18: Still in the top spot? I think people like my story.

4/19: Left the top spot but still featured. It feels amazing to feel so appreciated!

Chapters (4)

Framed for murdering her parents, Twilight Sparkle was exiled from her own world with Spike, who was one of two others who knew the truth, minus the real killer. The world that the two had wound up in was the world of Undertale.

Luckily, it was on a True Pacifist run, and luckily, Frisk was the one who found them.

After the barrier is broken and the monsters were freed by Asriel Dreemurr, Twilight and Spike find themselves in the surface, where they were adopted by Toriel (and Asgore) along with Frisk. Now, these two will be growing up in this new world along with Frisk and a revived Asriel.

Watch as they go through their new lives in Earth, and wonder just what the future holds for them.

Chapters (6)

"Uh... attention, all personnel. There seems to be a problem with the SCIP Network. No Foundation computer at this site seems to be able to access the Control Systems, and that includes the Door Control System. We fear we might have been hacked by a Splinter Group, or a massive system glitch has occurred. Whatever the case, we are initiating a site-wide Class A1 Lockdown out of precaution, until control can be remotely restored. We will update everyone shortly."

This was never supposed to happen.

"Attention, all personnel! The Door Control System is being accessed remotely from an unknown source. An immediate Class B3 Lockdown has been initiated per direct order of O5-█! We advise all personnel to seek out a safe space, or prepare for an evacuation."

Why? Why did she have to do this? She- she was curious, fascinated with it. So enamored with the possibilities she didn't even begin to consider the potential dangers. And now look where she is.

"Attention, all personnel! Somebody is opening up the containment chambers! This site is now experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid Class Containment Breaches, and we advise all remaining personnel of Class-C or higher to enter to your nearest evacuation shelter immediately! Full-site lockdown initiated!"

Stuck. In a room, with a horrifying abomination, something so terrifying she couldn't even begin to comprehend had she not seen it first hoof, outside the door, ready to devour her. Smashing it's huge body into the door in an attempt to break it down. Snarling. Growling. Waiting for it to give way.

"We've dispatched several MTF Task Forces, including Epsilon-11, to this facility for immediate re-containment purposes. We advise all personnel to remain in your evacuation shelter and to ignore any and all personnel attempting entry unless verified to be both human and at least Class-C. We can't take any risks in a breach of this magnitude. The following SCPs are confirmed out of containment: SCP-002, SCP-005, SCP-008, SCP-009, SCP-016, SCP-017, SCP-019, SCP- wait, what is- OH MY GOD!"

And now she was going to die.

"...You... disgusting, RETCHED creatures... you... you think I am secured here... you think... I can be contained. That... you... are... protected. That you... are in control. That any of these... ABOMINATIONS... can be... locked away. That you can win."

And now they were all going to die.

"You... are gravely mistaken..."

And it was all her fault.

Crossover with the SCP Foundation Mythos.

Chapters (8)

Principal Celestia has accidentally fallen through the mirror into Equestria, and it may be a bit before she can go home. Until then, she has to learn to cope with a strange world, in a strange body.

At the same time, Twilight has to figure out how she can help her new guest while keeping Equestria from freaking out over the presence of a second Celestia, and Sunset Shimmer has to figure out how she is going to make amends with those she had left behind in Equestria, while keeping an eye on her Principal.

Disclaimer: Since I wrote this description ages ago before I even knew the plot, the story is mostly pure comedy in the beginning, with eventual Sunlight and Chryslestia shipping!

Cover image by Arvaus, used with permission.

Chapters (22)