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It was a night just like the one before, Spike was cleaning and Twilight was studying and beginning another letter to Celestia. Another letter detailing something she had learned, another letter that asked the princess questions, another letter that went unanswered.

Chapters (1)

Twilight was born under the stars and night sky; she has always been special. Her mother is an author and famous at that for her writing of Daring Doo. Her brother is a member of the Royal Guards her father a Royal Astronomer. Twilight's family is full of great feats and she is no different. This tale is about the journey of achieving those great feats and of course the changes along the way

And when the 1000th year of the Summer Sun Festival rolls around she will learn just how special she really is.

Sex for reference to sexual spells and Gore for scenes of blood, injury, threats of death and violent illness.

Chapters (6)

The real Nightmare Moon has returned during Nightmare Night, and she plans to get revenge on Twilight Sparkle. However, she hasn't been aware of any events past her demise. Or the secret feelings a certain mare has that she's hated for over two years.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Sparkle is sent to Ponyville to study the Magic of Friendship, the last thing she expected was to use the Elements of Harmony herself. But when, instead of killing Nightmare Moon, the Elements merely separate her from Princess Luna, Celestia decides the Night Alicorn could stand to learn a thing or two about friendship herself, along with Twilight. Secretly, Twilight hopes for something more than friendship. But can a being spawned of hate and jealousy even make friends?

A/N: One-shot shipping, now with 100% less cheeselegs and 100% more cheesebutt! I came up with the ending and wrote towards that, if it seems a little weird. Kind of an AU retelling of the end of S1E2 and some stuff afterwards. Yeah. Art courtesy of madmax.

Chapters (1)

Faced with redemption or prison, Tempest Shadow accepts Twilight’s hoof in friendship, though she fears how much trauma her new friend has endured on her behalf. With a hopeful heart, Tempest takes her place at Twilight’s side, but when she falls for the one who gave her a new meaning in life, things only get more complicated.

Editors: Ponysopher and Crowley
Prereader: Toothless

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (8)

When a freak solar event threatens Ponyville and Princess Celestia is nowhere to be found, Twilight desperately casts the only spell that she thinks will help: a spell that transforms her into a vampire. Forced to deal with the side effects, Twilight relies on her vampirical side as she ventures into a life-threatening situation for the sake of the princess, Ponyville, and quite possibly all of Equestria.

Based on and inspired by the artwork of ponykillerx - http://ponykillerx.deviantart.com/
Cover image by ponykillerx - Used with permission
Edited by Spabble

Chapters (1)

Twilight did pass her exam, but her magic did not flare up. Hatching a dragon egg was more of an optional test the parents could agree too. Because her magic never flared, Celestia’s attention was not caught by her. Twilight was left to enter the best academy in the land, but not as the personal student of Princess Celestia.
Only a few months later Twilight sees how alone she is in it, surrounded by unfriendly mares and stallions who were at least three years older than her, she begins to struggle in her studies. Shining is no longer there to help, and neither are her parents. She is convinced she is in this alone.
When one night a mare visits Twilights in her dreams. Nightmare Moon offers to teach her, and help her study, for one thing in return. Travel to the the abandoned castle of the two pony sisters by the thousandth sun celebration.

Chapters (4)

Twilight went to take her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, and she had a surge. But when the Princess of the sun shows up, all Twilight can think of is getting away. The look of concern for those she transformed was too much. In a flash of light, the little filly disappears with one thought on her mind.

"I've disappointed them all."

Chapters (8)

Twilight after witnessing the summer sun celebration as a little filly, she decides to try and get into Celestia’s academy for gifted unicorns. Opening a book with a title that was missing a single letter on it's cover, Twilight picks up a rather interesting passion while studying for the entrance exam.

That's when things start to slowly 'grow' out of control.

Chapters (101)

One day Twilight Sparkle finds an old photo album of pictures from her past with her family and friends, but as she looks through she notices that there weren't any pictures of her as a foal. Surely, it's just that the book doesn't have any photos of her...or maybe, it's something a little more deep.

Chapters (4)