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Twilight's mentor, Princess Celestia, tells her that the love between Cadence and Shining Armor is deeper than she knows, and can have deeper consequences as well.

Chapters (1)

A look at the royal newlyweds' first honeymoon night.

I'm sure somebody already beat me to the puch and whatever he/she wrote is a trillon times better than this garbage.

Cover image by John Joseco at http://paxtofettel.deviantart.com/#/d4xactk

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadence is a lonely filly who has been shielded and protected all her life as a princess and member of the dwindling race of Sacred Alicorns. She longs for a friend her age to play with, and as a young teen she is sent to stay in Canterlot where her Aunt Celestia would personally mentor her in developing her magic. There she hopes to finally have the freedom she longs for and find somepony to be her friend. Instead, she is asked to foal sit for one of her aunt's royal adviser's fillies who may just be as lonely and reclusive as she.

This is the story of how Princess Cadence learns that the ability to give love cannot be complete without finding love for yourself, and sometimes it is found when you least expect it.

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash finally did it! A sonic rainboom on command! Except she also managed to break every window in Applejack's farmhouse in the process. Now she has to pay for each one, and with her wages from managing the weather not nearly enough to cover the damage, she has to work on Applejack's farm for two whole weeks!
Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. Still, maybe it wouldn't be all bad. At least she would get to hang out with her friend AJ right? Wrong.

5-star featured on Equestria Daily.

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4620/Breaking-Barriers

Chapters (12)

Don't cry Derpy! I still love you! Either way, some constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
How much does Dinky Hooves really know about her rather peculiar mother? What lies behind those winding eyes in that brain of hers? Was she always the mare of everyone's jokes? Or has fate been unkind to her?
And what about those muffins? Read on!

Chapters (1)

Rarity is at her wits' end. Try as she might, she can't come up with an idea for her charity fundraiser. But Applejack can, and now she has to convince Rarity and Fluttershy to take part in the last thing either of them wants to do.

Chapters (1)

Disaster has struck three little ponies. Sweetie Belle has a terrible case of hiccups and it's up to her friends to find somepony to help before their fellow Crusader finds herself with a cutiemark for hiccuping... then they'd never stop!

Image is by Fongsaunder, check out his gallery here: http://fongsaunder.deviantart.com/gallery/

Chapters (1)

With the time she has left, Rainbow Dash seeks what is truly important in life before moving on.

Chapters (3)

War is war. There is no in-between. In the midst of chaos and death, sometimes incredible stories surface in the military community. And sometimes, the story becomes the reality.

Corporal Ben Wolfe of the 13th Army Expeditionary Unit shouldn't be alive, but he is. He's alive because of his daughter. He's alive because of Rainbow Dash. He's alive because of the pony in his pocket.

But a plastic toy won't save you forever. A plastic pony can't go back to your family to tell them your fate. Who, then, will be with Wolfe when the end comes?

The pony in his pocket?

Featured on Equestria Daily! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/story-pony-in-my-pocket.html

Cover by totallynotabrony: http://totallynotabronyfim.deviantart.com/art/The-Pony-in-my-Pocket-cover-art-332699355

Chapters (3)