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As the years drew on, Spike's childish heart grew into that of a true adult, longing for the finer things in life; the finest things. He pursues his relationship with Rarity, but all does not go as planned.

Filled with anger and sorrow, Spike and Rarity fall away from one another. In his grief, Spike pursues new interests, and their friendship is in danger of never recovering.

But perhaps the truest words in life are these: you do not know what you had until you have lost it. Jealous and alone, finding no comfort in stallions she once loved, can Rarity reclaim her one chance at true love, before it is too late?

Chapters (13)

War is an evil beast with a ravenous hunger. Its appetite consumes countless nations, races, sons and daughters. None involved ever come out unscathed, save for those who make the decision to send colts into it. Soarin had everything he thought he wanted, but is still haunted by his service in the Shetland jungles during the lunar wars. Justice wasn't done there, none of the royal court saw the things he witnessed; did the things he was ordered to do. All of Equestria was ignorant of the horrors of the most infamous war in pony history. Soon, all those who had gotten away with their war crimes would finally be punished for the blood on their hooves.

Chapters (3)

Everyone has to grow up sometime, but when it's Twilight's best friends turn, will she have the strength to let him go?

Pic credit to whoever does the 'Ask Twilight Sparkle anything' thing on tumblr.

Chapters (3)

Twilight finds all this studying of magic rarely lends itself an opportunity to use it. Until a certain arrogant unicorn shows up to tout her abilities. It's the perfect opportunity to show the town her magical prowess...almost too perfect.

Chapters (1)

The spirit of madness learned his lesson after those pesky ponies re-sealed him in his stone tomb. This time around there would be no princess Celestia, no elements of harmony, and most important of all, no magic of friendship. His plan was to tear the kingdom apart at the seams, and this time, his scheme was perfect. An infinite jest that was to be the jewel in his chaotic crown. Equestria would be torn asunder and his sweet insanity would rule the land once again until the end of time.

Chapters (25)

The element of loyalty is put to the ultimate test as she finds herself stranded in a foreign world with no idea where she is, how she got there or how she can even get back. When she is rescued by a small group of battle hardened soldiers on a secret search and rescue mission, she has no choice but to go with them if she wants to stay alive.

Soon she realises the seriousness of her situation as she finds herself on the front line on one of the worlds most fearsome battles.

WARNING: Contains strong language and graphic injury detiail.

Chapters (48)

Nightmare Moon visits Twilight in the night, and things get biblical.

Featured on Equestria Daily, 1 May 2012.

Chapters (1)

After the disastrous invasion of Canterlot, an injured changeling wakes up near a small cottage and is quickly discovered by two of the last ponies she ever wanted to see. Now, with the help of her new "friends," she has to remain undetected in a town high on changeling hysteria that would not hesitate to throw her in the Canterlot dungeons should her true nature be revealed.

Simple, right?

Too bad she couldn't have picked a worse form to stay inconspicuous...

Many thanks to ZuTheSkunk for the cover image!

Chapters (12)

"Are- Are you blasting me with food?"
"Yeah... this was not thought through at all."

Chapters (1)

Now that Twilight's old foal sitter is now her sister in law, she's been thinking of her more and more. Now Twilight is desperate to keep Cadence around for herself as long as possible. But how can Twilight keep someone as busy and important as a princess around in Ponyville? (Just a little something I threw together, nothing fancy.)

Chapters (3)