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The simple affair of Twilight's breakfast takes a turn for the crazy as she and Pinkie Pie find out just how hard it is to open a banana.

Art by AspergerGoodness.

Now featuring a Polish Translation by the fabulous aTOM for The Polish Writers Society!

Chapters (2)

For most ponies, Winter Wrap Up Day is a happy affair. This is especially the case in the town of Ponyville where they sing while clearing away winter with their own hooves. Yet for Luna, the princess of the moon, this day is one of the saddest of the year. On the eve of that day, she travels to Ponyville to visit Twilight, a good friend of hers, in order to enjoy the last moments of winter.

Rated Teen for a very brief, non-descriptive section on war

Chapters (2)

Because sometimes the choices we make in life have repercussions we could never have foreseen. Sometimes they're done at the behest of others, and sometimes what is done for the greater good can still hurt those we love.

In other words, an exploration of who Cadence is and the part she played in Twilight's life.

An entry for the MLPGeneral's Friend-Off event based on FacelessJr's spectacular image.

Chapters (2)

It is the year 3070, and Mankind is once again at war. The battlefields of the future are dominated by fierce, robotic war machines known as BattleMechs, and under their auspice empires have risen and fell. Now with the worlds of the Inner Sphere once again facing the drums of war, two mercenary units have set off on their respective missions, their only tie a common ride upon the back of a JumpShip.

Yet when a cosmic accident causes a misjump, they find themselves thrown into a world that they cannot fathom: a world where magic is a force of nature, where mythical creatures live and thrive, and colorful ponies live protected under the aegis of their monarchs. New choices lie ahead, decisions must be made, and the inner character of Humankind will be put to the test when the question is asked: to conquer, or protect?


It is the year 1023 after the ascension of Celestia and Luna to the dual thrones of Equestria, and Ponykind is at peace. With Luna cleansed and Discord sealed away even more thoroughly than before, all looks bright for the future of the colorful equines. With friendship and optimism, they face each day with hope and vigor.

Yet, when the heavens scream as a foreign object tears its way into their reality, the princesses and their subjects face a new threat that they cannot fathom: creatures and machines from a world of death and darkness, where magic is unheard of and the avarice of powerful men drive the engines of war to crush the innocent under their bootheels. Can they survive the coming of these coarse beings, and can they maintain the magic of friendship in the face of Man's Inhumanity?

With Russian Translation provided by Undermind.

A crossover with the Battletech universe, though this is an alternate BT timeline of my own devising. [WARNING: Fandom related material and fanboy rant to follow. Non-Battletech fans won't care, read at your own risk.]

Because **** the Word of Blake and their munch-tastic "armies from thin air" BS. Yes, I know the Clans were almost as bad, but at least they had some sort of justification in-universe. Wobbies? No. Just no. I don't care that it was 15 years, you don't go from "fringe group of mutually-antagonistic and argumentative sub-groups following various degrees of religious mania" to "WE ARE THE SPACE NAZIS ALL WILL BOW BEFORE US" like that.

So for BT fans, this is a 'verse where the Second Star League is still around, the Wobbies still had their temper tantrum though it was smaller and more in line with a bunch of religious fanatics. No stupid "knock everything down for ClickyTech" Wizkids/Fanpro approach, nor any "hey let's shove a bunch of cheesy Level 3 stuff at the players to make the game even more complicated" Catalyst Games stuff. This is just good ol' fashioned 'Mechs wailing on each other, only with ponies. Who will also be wailing on 'Mechs. GLORIOUS.

Cover image by Icaron of DeviantArt.

Chapters (20)

I'm Griffin, not much else to it. I've been bullied most of my life, which left me bitter and sarcastic. I'm a closet brony. What? You think I'm just gonna go out and tell a world that hates me that I watch a cartoon intended for little girls? I don't feel like giving the punks at school any more ammo. That's when cosmic powers decide I need to take a trip to my favorite fantasy land. But all is not sunshine and rainbows and it certainly won't be after I'm done with it. Equestria from the point of view of an extremely pissed off teenager, with a twist. Rust, the author of 'The Ballad of Echo the Diamond dog' is awesomesauce enough to have a cross over between our stories. Carnelian is a boss when it comes to art. Part of the 'Chess Game of the Gods'.

Violence, gratuitous swearing, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (101)

Rainbow Dash gets the chance of a lifetime when she receives a letter inviting her to the Wonderbolt's training camp for tryouts! With her now coltfriend Big Macintosh in her corner, as well as her five best friends, Dash is determined to make her dreams come true! As she discovers certain obstacles in her path, how much will she sacrifice in order to realize her ultimate goal? Will her relationship with Macintosh survive her ambitions?

Featured on Equestria Daily.

A direct sequel to At Home On The Range.

Chapters (28)

A man is found beaten to death. The weapon appears to be...hooves? The Equestrian Royal Intelligence Service cooperates with human law enforcement to solve the murder.

MLP crosses over with NCIS.

Chapters (6)

Spike has been feeling depressed that he may lose Rarity since he is a dragon and that he'll lose her and his friends as he outlives them all. Desperate to find a way to win Rarity's heart, Spike finds a shopkeeper who has a surprise that ends up changing his life. He finds a potion that turns the dragon into a pony and now has a chance with his princess. As Spike takes on flying lessons from Rainbow Dash, swoons Rarity, and adjusts to his new life it all seems okay. He couldn't be anymore wrong and it has come with a great price. He and his friends are in the sight of an old flame who has come for revenge and is especially interested in Rarity. Now Spike must gather the courage to go forward and save his friends and his love.

This story is Sparity fic (My OTP Deal with it) and is a WIP on this site, and on DeviantART. I try to get the chapters out as soon as I can, so my updates my be random. This is gore in this story, but that happens a little down the road, so for now this'll be marked teen. As I reach the gore part, it'll most likely change to mature ratings.

I don't own any of these characters or Friendship is Magic. It is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. OC ponies belong to me.

Cover art image done by asluc96 on DeviantART and used with permission

Chapters (16)

Banishing Queen Chrysalis was not without complications. Twilight has found herself on the plane of Innistrad, a dark place wrestling with ghosts, spirits, vampires, curses, and other things that should not be. Now she's on a world with no backup, no books and no plan beyond basic survival. Yet friendship is still a powerful thing, even in this new world of gothic horror. Now Twilight must find a way home, while still trying to do the right thing. [MLP:FiM][MtG:Innistrad block][Horror-genre themes]

Chapters (1)