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A collection of short stories ranging from the random shenanigans of displaced predators from an entirely different land, to familial bonding lessons. Some of them are going to be very short, some a fair bit longer, most of them are going to be standalone.

Rated teen because they are all adults, and there will be swearing. Mostly from Aria. I may end up upping it because I have a hard time imagining Adagio staying PG-13 for very long. Currently set in the human world, but one or two of them may end up going to Equestria proper later. I'll add tags as I need to or am recommended to.

I've never posted any of my writing before anywhere, so please feel free to let me know how to improve. Politely, please dear god politely.

Chapters (6)

We crash landed on a goddess.

Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

Chapters (461)

It has been six years since Princess Twilight Sparkle ascended to the throne of Equestria. There has been continuous peace and prosperity ever since. The only down side? Rarity cannot get away from the press and media who follow them around.

Even in remote holiday destinations she is recognised. Only now she has an idea. A potentially weird and risky idea which involves a certain mirror portal. This tale really focuses on the relationships of these holidaying ponies, and the effects having a doppelganger can have on someone from a parallel world.

Author note 1: This is a story written using UK English dictionary.

Author note 2: Prologue is optional.

Chapters (14)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Sunset Shimmer, the former pupil of Princess Celestia, entered the mirror hoping to find a place where she could plot her revenge and prepare to enact it.
Instead she finds herself face down in a swamp, cold and alone, lost to the machinations of the dark, that is until she comes face to face with a being almost as ancient as her old mentor, and maybe just as wise.

Spoilers in the comments
Original Art by Bakki
Featured 5/30/2019

Chapters (12)

A middle aged brony inexplicably replaces Chrysalis as a new changeling queen some decades before the fruition of a certain pony prophesy. Now the new queen must figure out how to manage a kingdom that has been in a slow, seemingly irreversible, decline for the past several thousand years.

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer build herself up after the event at the Fall Formal. She has friends by her side, or at least she thinks she does. Still stubborn and wanting to be independent, the people around her try to show her that she needs friends. With hazardous powers that could endanger the ones that mean most to her, will she be able to put others before herself?
Cover Art: kazss
Profile Link:
Thanks again kazss!

Chapters (9)

Willow and Shield led a rather normal life, nothing out of the ordinary. Until one night, strange sounds wake them out of their slumber. What are they to do with the young foal they have found?

Featured July 2019! (Found out recently)

Art by -
Ambris Art (Cover)
Pridark (Grieving Together)

Please forgive my inconsistency with the childrens vernacular. I feed on feedback so please leave comments, good or bad.

Violence and death tags are there to warn but violence does not play a major role in story nor do they have anything to do with one another. :fluttershysad:

Chapters (20)

Going to a new school is easy. Going to a new school when you're a loner is tough. Going to a new school when you're a loner and people won't leave you alone and want to be your friend is impossible. Sadly for me, I'm that last one.

The name's Michael Bacon, the biggest loner you would ever meet. It's not that I can't make friends, I just like being alone with a nice video game or manga. But sadly for me, my mom thinks it's unhealthy for a 'handsome boy like you' to be so anti-social. Naturally, I do what any teen does when their mom tells them what to do. I ignore it.

But my mom had other plans. Next thing I know I'm shipped off to live in a two story house by myself and have to go to a school called 'Canterlot High.' Hopefully it won't be to bad, it's just a loner going to a new high school where no one knows him.


I'm so dead.

Edited and proof read by Erised the ink-moth from episodes 0-2 Go check him out, he's awesome!

Every episode after that has been edited by my long-time editor BrownDog77! Once again go check him out!

Character tags will come and go as the story continues.

And the AU is that the movies never happened, but the characters still exist. This will be explained in detail in the Author's Notes.

Chapters (20)

After Cozy Glows betrayal Twilight decides she needs to make sure Ponyville is safe even if she and the other Elements are away. Celestia suggest founding a Royal Guard division for Ponyville. Now Twilight much find a Captain to lead it. Now she just needs somepony with leadership experience. A pony kind, understanding, patient, and polite, But also strong, determined and driven. Tempest is at least half those things. Join Tempest and Twilight and the others on a journey of redemption, forgiveness, courage, yelling at new recruits, dealing with annoying ponies, and paperwork. So much paperwork. Just a day in the Life of the captain of the Friendship Knights.

Chapters (9)

"Actually, scratch that. I think I'm going to keep that promise after all."

All Takato wanted to do was see his friend again. So badly in fact that when the portal to the Digital World opened up again, he went through it alone. But the Digital World is not at all where he ended up. Instead he finds himself in a whole other world filled up with these colorful talking horses who have never even heard the term "Digimon" before in their lives. And if that wasn't strange enough, his Digivice is telling him that Guilmon is there too.

But his troubles don't end there. According to the ruler of these creatures, there has been a dark threat looming over them for quite some time and they now are in need of help. Eager to help and reunited with his old friend, Takato is determined to not leave until the threat is dealt with.

Twilight Sparkle, along with the rest of her posse are about to get a new definition to the word "Friendship".

(Takes place after "Such Sweet Sorrow" but before "Runaway Locomon")

*Featured 5/20/2019 and 12/10/2020*

Chapters (11)