TRACK ALL THE THINGS!!! 1120 stories
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Samantha Summers didn't want to move from Oregon to go to some crumbling apartment in New York, not because of her mom or her newly attained position at Crystal Empire HQ. It was hard enough trying to figure out why she could generate light energy from her palms; completely changing her lifestyle to fit the standards of another school was another burden. The only interesting thing about it was the abundance of "abnormal people" that originated in New York, and they had all pretty much disappeared. Just a guy in a red and blue suit and occasionally Iron man.

Peter Parker didn't want to wait for Mr.Stark to call him up for another mission, or wait for the action to come to him for that matter. He'd quit every school-related group just to make room for his side-life, and he got nothing in return for it. Lots of people at school got suspicious or cynical of him, and his school life began a downward spiral towards the realm of boring. The new girl at school wasnt even enough to interest him...until he learned the reason behind the gloves she wore all the time.

Despite her reluctance to learn how her powers work, Peter knows an opportunity to have a sidekick when he sees one. He even offers to train her in the ways of crime fighting and selflessly gave her the incredibly awesome name of Firefly! Maybe if he could prove his ability as a leader, Mr.Stark would bring him along on missions more often! They could even be a cool, buddy cop duo-thing, if she trains hard enough!

What could go wrong?

Inspired by Spider-man: Homecoming!

Chapters (7)

When a directionless young colt makes friends with Sweetie Belle, Ponyville is not prepared for his new transformation towards a happy life. Townies, bullies, spa days, crushes and mistakes galore-- get ready to meet Glitter Shell.

Art and Story Premise from and by Ask Glittershell.. Check out the Tumblr!

This is my take on the series and the character.

Made Popular On: 4/18/17.

Chapters (7)

Sol was a stallion living a secret life, but after an incident involving his father's side of the family, he was hidden away and sealed within a crystal. That was over one thousand years ago, and has since then remained dormant, waiting to be awakened to aid Equestria in a time of dire need, or when it's finally safe enough for him to return. At least, that's how it was supposed to go.

Having been accidentally awoken, Sol must now adjust to the present world, cope with what he's lost with time, sort out his growing feelings for another pony, and eventually, accept his position in this modern-day Equestria. However, even after a thousand years, some grudges aren't so easily forgotten.

Note: Tags may be added as the story progresses.

First Featured on 3/25/17:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (65)

Research log #579

It's been over one and a half years ago since the last activation of the device, though the magical signature hasn't changed it seems... weakened, to such a degree that the re-activation is impossible.

As described in the notes of research log #249 any attempt at providing the device an artificial source of magic to power failed, the device simply needed more energy than even the combined magical power of both Princess Luna and Celestia were capable of providing. You must be wondering now, I've already described these circumstances in previous logs so why bring it up now?

Simply said I'm out of options, every attempt of reactivating the device have failed and I'm only left with a single choice. I'm going to have to reverse engineer the device in an attempt to understand the mechanics with which it operates...

...At the risk of maybe never being unable to reconstruct it later.

I'm so sorry Fluttershy, I never should have involved you or any of the girls in the exploration of this structure. I hope that if we ever see you again you can find it in yourself to forgive me.

-Twilight Sparkle

In the true sense of Mass Effect, this story will be CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) giving you the reader the choice to decide the action of our protagonist. :twilightsmile:

I hope you enjoy!

Every chapter past chapter 27 was edited by gerandakis :twilightsmile:

Chapters (194)

Some time ago, before the return of the Elements of Harmony, Princess Celestia needed other heroes who could protect Equestria. She formed Equestrian Intelligence Department 6, or EI:6 for short, to hunt down and imprison dangerous monsters before peaceful folk even knew they were in danger; in time, this mandate extended to dangerous ponies as well, those who had the potential to become villains and threaten the kingdom's peace. But when they allowed a dangerous monster to escape into Equestria, Celestia shut them down.

Ten years later, Agent Sweetie Drops has found a new life in the sleepy town of Ponyville. As the innocent "Bon-Bon", she makes candies and sweets in her own little confectionery shop, living with her marefriend Lyra Heartstrings in the flat above. But only days after a bugbear attack forces her to reveal her secret, Lyra is kidnapped - by Pinkie Pie of all ponies! Finding the most special pony in her life will take a journey for Bon-Bon - and it may mean giving up her peaceful retirement forever.

Chapters (6)

Five thousand years after leaving her planet, the Alicorn Twilight Sparkle travels the depths of space on personal quest. But she soon finds that this mission is one that she can not accomplish on her own.

Twice before, Astral Plane has run afoul of powerful beings known as Celestials. When it happens a third time, he finds himself dragged into one mare's search for answers, and her friends.

Now on a hunt for targets spread throughout the galaxy, he must find ways to survive unexpected dangers, lead a group that grows crazier with every passing day, and learn to live and work beside the embodiment of everything he despises.

From the Author of the slightly Popular Fic "My Little Dragon," comes a Brand-New, Action-Packed, Science-Fiction Adventure. Tags will be changing as the story grows, and the cast and tone shift and change. Where will it all end up? Read it and see!

Chapters (102)

Mark Wells was a klutz, but even he could not imagine stumbling into a mirror that he had just bought at an antique store and ending up in a world of colorful equines, not to mention gaining hooves and wings at the same time. And whoever heard of green fur on a horse? Perhaps the great and powerful Princess that the guard was taking him to would have some answers because he sure didn't!

An alternative version of canon events with humorous twists. Written in collaboration with Airy Words.

Cover art by Mix-up and their DeviantArt account is Amalgamzaku.

Book One: Chapters 1–33
Book Two: "Further Off The Mark": Chapters 34–69
Book Three: "On The Mark": Chapters 70–100

Sex tag added as of chapter 32 but it's mostly due to talk. Actual sex takes place "off camera".

Chapters (100)

Charlie is dead. He is still dealing with this fact, but he's on the road to recovery. Of course, being in a land of talking ponies doesn't really help a man accept his own death, or in this case, undeath. Being a ghost is not easy, it's quite a bit of boring nothingness. At least, that was true, until one pony was suddenly able to see him.

Now he's got a new friend, but the whole ghost thing is still a pain.

Featured 5/6/17!
Featured 1/3/19!

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer had everything. Personal protégé of the Sun Princess herself, top marks in the School for Gifted Unicorns, and the honor of being dubbed the greatest arcanist since Starswirl the Bearded.

Until she threw it all away.

In the last moments before leaving Equestria forever, her destiny is snatched away right before her eyes. Once upon a time the story of the lives of herself, Twilight Sparkle, and the path of Equestrian History went one way, a story that we all know well. But in every stand of woods there is a path untrotted, one with a different story and new experiences.

About the deleted comments.

Discussion of this and other works can be found on my Private Discord Server

New cover by DVixie. If someone knows how to contact them I'd be appreciative. It more accurately portrays the current evolution of the story.

Arc One, Filly Steps: Complete.
Arc Two, What Twilight Learned Today: In Progress.

Chapters (25)

It all started with a car battery, a taco, and dreams of home.

Then Sonata Dusk's plans to return to Equestria literally blew up in her face...and left three strangers from an even stranger land relying on her to help get them home.

Can a former evil Siren, two teenage freelance heroes, and a naked mole rat somehow find a way to send everybody back where they belong?

Sonata the drama!

Chapters (62)