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As the smoke clears away from the crater created by the Rainbow blast at the end of the Fall Formal battle, Twilight Sparkle was unpleasantly surprised by what she saw...

What if the rainbow blast reverted Sunset in age instead of just removing her demon looks? That combined with her lost memories, has given Celestia a second chance in raising her sunshine the way she deserved to be. As more than just a student.

I'm a really new fanfic writer, and if anyone feels like they want to borrow the concept, collaborate or do something with this feel free, just let me know so I can read whatever you make of it too!

Update - Now being edited by Emtu!

Chapters (6)

An homage to stories like The Substitute Demon, ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!!, and 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing

One thousand years ago, the Princesses Celestia and Luna were blindsided by the return of the Masters of Equus. The cult of power-mad alicorns, thought to have been banished from Equestria forever, appeared in the middle of the Princesses' battle for supremacy, and caged them away. The rest of Equestria quickly fell to their might. Even the fearsome Discord was forced to his knees before them. All of Equestria was enslaved, and an era of misery began.

Now, one thousand years later, a lone unicorn mare has learned of a creature that might be able to overthrow the Masters. A creature immune to magic, overwhelming in size and strength, sealed away for centuries uncounted. A creature of ultimate evil: the Smooze.

Unfortunately for Starlight Glimmer, in trying to ensure the creature's obedience, she modified the summoning ritual a bit too far.

Because of her meddling, the soul of a recently-deceased human is pulled from Limbo, and given life, but not exactly a body. Now he has to help her save the world, or face obliteration.

Not much of a choice, is it?

Inspired by Pen Mightier and Bucking Nonsense, the legends who – to my knowledge – popularized the "human in villain's body becomes Equestria's savior" genre. May your inkwells never run dry.

Chapters (11)

Chrysalis expected a few things to come out of her failed invasion. New enemies, cuts, bruises. But she really wasn't expecting to be expecting. Worst yet, the father of her unborn isn't a he, but a she who just so happens to be the Princess of Equestria.

Cover art by Lopoddity here
Nothing to do with her verse and next gen, picture just somewhat fit

Chapters (11)

A modern-day explorer gets his chance to visit Equestria, and writes down notes about the interesting ponies he meets and the stories that they tell.

Chapters (20)

Far, far away from the Equiss system, the queen of blades is readying the launch of her newest weapon. A ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret, readying it for the eventual zerg invasion and softening up even the hardest target, Korhal. Unfortunately for the queen of blades, the untested zerg biotechnology is more difficult to master then she thought and the infestation ship vanishes after launch.

Untold eons later Twilight Sparkle is preparing for her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns only to stop when she sees a star fall into her new treehouse. The young pony sets out in the middle of a storm, intent on seeing this fallen star for herself.

What she finds inside will change not only her destiny but the destiny of all on Equiss prime.

Make sure to check out the sister story to this one.
Trigger warning, parasites. Starcraft Crossover!
Updates twice a month!
The story so far!

Chapters (98)

Comments and reviews very welcome.

A secret revealed tears apart Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.
Can old enemies and rivals learn to forgive?
Will new friends fill the void left behind?
Will the Troublesome Twosome find a way to repair their bond, or will it be some other pony that will fill the holes in their hearts, with friendship, or even love?

Chapters (9)

When Starlight Glimmer cast her spell and shattered the bonds connecting the Elements of Harmony, she inadvertently created a cosmic crack that would have further reaching consequences than she could ever imagine. The consequences of her actions rippled across time and space, shattering the very destiny of existence itself. The only thin string holding the universe together now is Twilight Sparkle, the representative of the Element of Magic and the Princess of Friendship. But with destiny already defied, how can she hope to pick up the pieces of a broken reality?
Well, starting with helping her other self might help.

Cover art created by myself. Shoutouts to Vebuzurr for being my proof-reader.

Chapters (5)

For as long as anypony can remember, an area of land has been cut off from the rest of the world due to an eternal storm that has never shown any mercy. But now the storm has weakened and an envoy from that land has come to Equestria seeking a Queen for their land. A Queen for their kingdom of thestrals.

Join Twilight and Spike as they journey into a new land that no Equestrian has ever laid eyes upon. There Twilight will be tested like never before. Will she succeed and make new friends or will this land be her undoing...

Set just after the end of season 3 and before season 4.
Cover art done by roninfang please check out his profile if you want a commission

Edits done by both sadron and Alchemik

First featured 5/19/18!

Chapters (28)

Anybody could tell you that a high school worth of students would never be enough to conquer a whole world right? A part of Sunset wanted to die the night of the Fall Formal. In a way she succeeded.

The magic did its best to put her back together again, but there's a reason everybody notes that Sunset is like a new person after the Fall Formal don't they?

It's almost like a new Sunset was born that night... and she needs help in becoming a real person again.

Trigger warning - At some point in the story, characters may discuss heavy topics, such as suicide, cutting, violence, teen pregnancy, homelessness, among others. This is the story I will be channeling my darker side.

Chapters (6)

William Weston, a promising new weather reporter for a local news program had a great new job, until a series of unexplained events after his 25th Birthday. The first strange occurrence surrounded the appearance of a strange blue-green Cutie Mark depicting the gentle west wind belonging to a weather Pegasus named Summer Breeze appearing on William's outer thighs. Throughout the course of a week, William's life begins to get stranger and stranger as his body begins to change. From the ashes of William's life rises the new blue-green haired weather mare, Summer Breeze. Where the gentle winds take her, is up to her.

In addition to Summer Breeze, her sisters have become ponies. What will happen next when they meet others who are experiencing similar transformations?

Berry Frosting, one of Summer Breeze's friends, has her origin story:
The Weird Taste of Change
Special Thanks to some new collaborators:

Proofread and Edited by Dusty Tome and IronHoofes.

Artwork by White Tigress

Principal Cast of Ponies:

Summer Breeze - kwr2k13
Autumn Breeze - IronHoofes
Solar Bolt - Musical (with help from SolarBoltIsBestOC)
Cherry Cloud - sugarush13
Winter Breeze - Dusty Tome
TheGingaNinja - Spring Breeze
Axel - Lord Legion
Sky Breeze - Aqua Splash
Red Bolt -Runforever101
Night Glider - kevanick
Lightning Storm - Lightning Shield
Pencil Lead -Pencil Lead
Yukieiros - Winter Song
Chrome Masquerade - Winter Fields

Chapters (17)