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Twilight just can't understand why Rainbow Dash became so upset over something so minimal. After all, Daring Do only kissed her romantic love interest; there's nothing harmful about that! However, as she starts to piece together just what it is that's going through Rainbow's mind, she begins to find herself thinking about subjects that she had been too busy to even really consider before.

Written for the TwiDash Group Abandoned Fic Challenge.

Cover-art commissioned by me from MysticAlpha.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy awakes one day to find she is married to Rainbow Dash, she also finds she has a daughter and a son. Fluttershy must find out what happened, but when she finds out, will it change her life forever?

Edited by: RaylanKrios

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash asked Twilight Sparkle out on a date. On the first of April.

When one pony plays a prank, and the other lays out their heart for all to see, disaster is bound to follow. A prank is by definition dishonest, but you don't need to lie to pull a prank.

I hate doing descriptions...
Happy April Fool's day! I felt guilty for not doing a Valentines day special so you get a special for a minor holiday instead!

Cover art generously provided by the wonderful Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her out!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Head in the Clouds

Written for a small group contest. (Placed 1st! Thank you all for the support!)

Rainbow Dash and Soarin are extremely unsatisfied with how they left their relationship upon parting ways. Friends with benefits sounds nice, but once apart they both realize just how much the other means to them. Unfortunately now neither are in a position to confront the other and reveal what pulls at both their hearts: Love.

Soarin may be duty bound and unable to act, but Dash jumps at an opportunity that could turn their relationship into the direction they both truly want. A story of not accepting barriers. True love exists on all levels and distances.

(Note: this story was admittedly rushed for a contest. Looking back on it now, there are some inconsistencies, such as some of Dash's abilities. The end may seem a bit squished as well. I apologize in advance)

Edited by: Kestrel He did an awesome job :) featuring in chapter art by foxenawolf, eveyannie, PenumbraGlow0290 Deviantart: bonnama, and SpicedDemon (Commisioned for me by PlayBitz)

Chapter 11 animation done by: HarlenBooks, Equestrian Airship Productions

Chapters (18)

Equestria has changed. War threatens to tear the world apart, and Rainbow Dash finds herself caught in the center of it all, allied with the least likely of creatures.
The royal sisters have vanished, leaving Princess Twilight to take charge in their stead, bringing the eye of King Gallows of the Gryphon Kingdom. He begins wonder if Equestria has the strength needed to defend itself any longer.
The locations of the element bearers have become obscure at best, Twilight and Dash being the only two in contact with one another.
Having grown over the years, Dash has attained a greater wisdom, appreciation, and knowledge of the idea behind loyalty. This new grip on her fate allows her to channel the element in her possession as an individual, and pushes her to find her lost friends before they're lost for good, for their country may need them in this dark time. (Click 'Show More' for folk who helped and some handy info.)
This is the first in a series I plan to visit a number of times with Rainbow taking the role of our main protagonist, however as this is a large scale fantasy adventure, there will be multiple heroes with their own parts to play as well when the party splits up.

Another little tidbit that could interest you readers, is that most of the chapters of these stories will also be the titles of various songs from the power metal genre, a favored genre of mine that helped inspire and push forward this project. There will be a link to each song on the title at the beginning of the chapter if you wish to listen, but keep in mind that the story and song share little more than a title.

Great appreciation to Solidfire for editing this.

Many many thanks to SonicSketch for letting me use her wonderful art as a cover

Chapters (37)

When Rainbow Dash's newest trick backfires spectacularly, she and Fluttershy find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere. Together, they'll have to survive and find their way back to Equestria and Ponyville...no matter how far the journey.

Now with a Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-1-3-857109863

(Originally submitted to Equestria Daily)
Art by katwalk.

Chapters (3)

After a long day of flight practice with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash discovers the filly knows next to nothing about preening and takes it upon herself to teach her.

Warning: May Contain Feels and/or D'aww moments.

Featured on FIMFiction on 7/20/2013. Yay!
Featured on EQDaily on 09/12/2013 Double Yay!
Reading by TheLostNarrator (excellent!): Here
Reading by DRWolf: Here
Reading by Joehighlord: Here
Riffed by Draklox: Here
Korean Translation: Here
Spanish Translation: Here
French Translation: Here
Chinese Translation: Here

Chapters (1)

So I'm awesome. Yeah, if you know me, you know that. I have Pinkie Pie for a fillyfriend, pulled off Tornado Day by the skin of my teeth, and got complimented by Spitfire from the Wonderbolts. Also, did I mention I saved her life once? Thing is, though, I don't think awesome is genetic. I mean, I love my parents and all, but ... at a distance. So naturally, they came by to visit.

A sequel to The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash, The Incredibly Troubled Mind of Rainbow Dash, and Chapters 1-12 of The Life and Times of a Winning Pony.

Chapters (5)

Ditzy Doo is the daughter of a prominent family in Canterlot. So why has she shown up at Rainbow Dash's doorstep, years after they last saw each other? Rainbow is willing to go to out of her way to help an old friend, but she may get more than she bargained for: being away from home isn't the only thing Ditzy has to adjust to...

A prequel to the events of both continuities in The Winningverse.

Co-authored by Chengar Qordath.

Chapters (4)

Cloud Kicker is usually a good student. So why was she so distracted during class today?

Side story to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony. It's awesome, go read it if you haven't already. If you have, go read it again!

Chapters (1)