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The Wonderbolts are worried. Spitfire and Fleetfoot disregard their teammate, acted without seeking permission and, worst of all, got somepony else involved. A pony who has every right to take legal action and whose best friend happens to be one of the Princesses of Equestria. The only way to clear the air is to apologize. But words are cheap. Luckily, the Wonderbolts have something that Rainbow Dash wants.
A chance to prove herself.

Chapters (3)

(This iteration of the story has been cancelled. Detailed explanation + silver lining/glimmer of hope here)

Rainbow Dash always had a thing for First Officer Soarin of the Wonderbolts, even without realizing he could be such a sweet pony once she got to know him a little better. However, her affections are already tied up with the newly adopted Scootaloo, who needs guidance and care when a new disorder rears its ugly head. There's not much room in her heart for a stallion, is there?

Unfortunately, her life will get even more complicated as the Mane Six join the Wonderbolts to face a mysterious darkness in the distant land of Saddle Arabia. She must remain strong, because her entire world is about to come crashing around her ears. Is there a light at the end of this tunnel, or will everything she endured simply bring more pain down the road?

(Rated teen for the occasional instances of strong language, suggestive scenes, and scattered ponies drinkin' themselves stupid!

Chapter headers by: SparkBrony

Former editor: ShootingStar159)

Chapters (42)

Rainbow Dash had always acted rough and tough, and that's how she liked it. Always the strongest in the group, fitting in perfectly with the colts and stallions. Until a Wonderbolt named Soarin came along and turned that all upside down.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash finally gets her chance to compete in the Equestria Games, but she has to also face the stallion she loves with all her heart. Will she finally be able to win the gold medal she always desired? She has three different events to compete in; three chances to be on top of the world.

A not-too-complicated SoarinDash story taking place during the Equestria Games and featuring flashbacks to canon events with extra stuff added to them. This story, however, ignores the rule that each pony can only compete in one event, because I am comparing the Equestria Games to the Olympics. It is only just a fanfic, nothing special. This story is in two different timelines: what's happening at the Equestria Games, and what's in Rainbow's memory.

Artwork by: Nabbiekitty.
Edited/Pre-read by: Gemstone The Unicorn (final chapter only).

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to First Night and Then Some

Almost a year has passed since Soarin and Rainbow Dash shared a now-famous kiss at Canterlot Stadium. Now, the blossoming relationship they share will be put to an unavoidable test. Their dreams for the future and dedication to each other will collide on the day Soarin dreads: Wonderbolt tryouts.

Chapters (1)

Prism Bolt, the son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, is destined for greatness. Everypony knows he will be an expert flier, just like his parents. This is not speculation, this is fact. There is just one tiny little problem.

He's afraid of heights.

When Rainbow Dash attempts to encourage her son, she will find that not everything in the world comes as easily to her as flying did.

Once again, original characters and cover art are the creations of the incredibly talented Kilala97. Check out her works and give her some love!

Thanks to Flint Sparks for pre reading!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Faster

Fluttershy had the best, most loyal pony in the world as her fiancee. But after the events of Faster, Rainbow Dash is gone. Now, weeks after the funeral, she still blames herself and own weakness for Dash's death. She also has questions. Who is this bigger, stronger pony glaring at her in the mirror? What hasn't she been told about Dash's death? When did this giant hole appear in the side of her bedroom wall? Why is she suddenly so quick to anger? And how will she handle the fact that the reports of Dash's death have been slightly exaggerated?

The kindest, gentlest, most soft-spoken pony in Ponyville is about to become the strongest pony in all of Equestria.

What happens when she gets mad?

Sequel to Faster. Featured 2/7-2/9. Added to Twilight's Library 2/7.

Note: I have left enough clues for you to piece together what happened without having to read Faster, but really, you should read Faster before reading this. It's a Nolan Sequel, not a Burton Sequel. (In terms of a continuity, I make no promises as to quality)

Additional Note: Because Knighty is a tyrant, I can't tag everyone on the poster, because my poster has six characters. But rest assured, I didn't work this hard on a sequel to Faster without eventually getting around to the fate of Dash.

Artwork by: 2153D (Sadly, probably our last collaboration due to his site retirement)

Pre-read/Produced by Cola Bubble Gum.

Additional pre-reading by: Space Commie

Edited by Sharp Spark and Cola.

Executive Produced by: Skeeter The Lurker

Chapters (5)

A look back to Fluttershy's middle school days at her paper on the topic "What's it like to fly?"

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash receives a letter from an old friend detailing their harsh foalhood and resurfacing memories she had tried to forget
"You didn't tell them did you.
You didn't tell your friends that you grew up in a dilapidated orphanage. You didn't tell them you endured years of child abuse. You didn't tell them that everypony told you that you'd never be special. You didn't tell them your father gave you up because he spent all his bits drowning his sorrows in cider. You didn't tell them of the little family you made, and of the happiness they brought you. Of our flight sessions beneath the stars, wings and hearts beating in tandem."
"And look what it has cost you."

They wouldn't understand anyway
An RD one shot

Chapters (1)

After the Equestria Games tryouts, Spitfire and Fleetfoot decide to take Rainbow Dash out for a few drinks to apologize for giving her a hard time. Soarin' decides to tag along as well (Why not get free drinks and an implied apology as well?). As the night carries on, the four pegasi swap stories, produce some fantastic belches, and take flight through a beautiful, moonlit night.

(Yes, this is a SoarinDash fic. Armed with that knowledge, you may proceed at your own discretion.)

Chapters (1)