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Losing your virginity is a big milestone for anypony. Especially when you finally hook up with the pony of your dreams in the process. There was just one problem for Blossomforth: when she woke up the next morning, the other side of the bed was empty. Cloud Kicker wasn't there.

Sure, Blossomforth understands why Cloud Kicker wasn't there for her. Cloud's been going through a rough time lately, and maybe their hookup wasn't timed very well. However, knowing that doesn't make Cloud's absence hurt less, nor does it make Blossomforth any less lonely. Perhaps this is a sign that she needs to put some serious thought into where her relationship with Cloud is going, before things get too far out of hoof.

Part of the Winningverse. Takes place concurrently with Chapter 18 of The Life and Times of a Winning Pony.

Chapters (1)

Relationships are hard. It can be the bond between friends, the blood held in common with family, or the love between lovers. All are equal complexity and take time and work from all ponies to maintain. Sometimes that breaks down and a pony has to find away to come away as unscathed as possible. Scoots faces such an issue. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash must confront her own fears and come to understand how connections can change. Mac just goes with the flow and tries to hold everything together as stoically as possible, but even the most even tempered pony can be driven a little mad by a silly thing called love and its compactions.

Story previously known as The Unexpected Family of a Cool Filly

Triggers: Scootalove and MacDash

If you spot any grammar mistakes or have any ideas about how to make it better don't be afraid to make comment or you can just PM me.

Chapters (3)

Dinky has grown up enough to stay home by herself while her mother Derpy is out making deliveries. But Dinky isn't so happy about this when a major storm rolls in from the Everfree Forest and her mother doesn't come home that night.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In Her Shadow

It is amazing how time can change some ponies. Once, the very prospect of flying terrified Prism Bolt. Now, he soars through the sky, lording his skill over any pony he can. It's all in good fun, he doesn't mean anything by it.


When practicing for Tornado Day, a single poorly timed slip-up destroys any respect the citizens of Ponyville had for him. To earn it back is going to require hard work, something the pegasus has always dodged.

Perhaps all he needed was the right motivation.

Once again, all original characters contained herein are the property of Kilala97.

Massive amounts of editing and proofreading done by Prak.

Chapters (1)

One day, Twilight recieves a mysterious package. The contents and the letter that arrived with sound awefully suspicious but curious as she is, Twilight can't help herself but study it. What could possibly happen?

This was supposed to be my entry for the Twidash-Framed-Challenge but I don't think I'll be able to finish it in time. Reasons are in the author's notes.
Edited by: TheShadow

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has never been to the eye-doctor. One afternoon Twilight takes her to the clinic to check her eyes after a minor flight accident. They end up finding out something that makes no sense whatsoever to any pony in Ponyville.

Woke up this morning to see that my random story that was published for no reason got featured 2/28/14. I'm not complaining, but it isn't a work of art :P. I guess anything a teenager writes about multicolored ponies amuses you.

Chapters (3)

Not all scars are visible. Fluttershy was the object of countless jokes and taunts aimed at her aerial ineptitude and her close relationship with Rainbow Dash during flight school. Even now, years removed from the fillyhood traumas of her past, Ponyville's resident animal expert feels the effects. She tried to build walls to keep all of the memories at bay, but now those walls are a little too close for comfort.

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash is nothing if not an enthusiastic coach and teacher, but her winning smile isn't the reason Twilight asked her for flying lessons.

Okay... maybe it is... but only a little bit.

Still, looking isn't touching. It's not like Applejack could get mad if all Twilight wants is to spend a little time with her marefriend, could she?

Written as my entry into the AppleDashLight group's contest.

As always, pre-reading and editing assistance by the amazing Karrakaz and Steel Resolve.

Cover art by Johnjoseco over at DeviantArt.

Chapters (4)

A leader can't be nice...that's a weakness.
She has to be strong.
I learned that quite a few years ago.
Even now it seems I haven't quite figured it out.

I don't know what I was expecting when I came to this academy...
Not a friend who turned against me.
Not a mare who happily stripped me of my rank.
Not this.

I'm not a leader.
I'm just...

Written for the Everfree Northwest Fanfic Competition

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find she's undergone some changes. She shortly discovers she wasn't the only one. (New cover art by Jamey4 on deviantart http://jamey4.deviantart.com/)

Warning, this work of fiction contains multiple fourth wall breaks, massive silliness, and more than a trace amount of alicorns.
The author may or may not have snapped at times in the writing of this work, and it shows. Bring a towel, you may get wet.

Chapters (37)