• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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When a colt named "Bad Dude" storms into Celestia's personal study and declares himself as her latest arch enemy, the Princess can't help but nearly gush from the sight. As perhaps the cutest villain Celestia has ever encountered, she hurriedly calls for Luna to meet him as well.

But is there more to "Bad Dude" than his cute exterior would suggest?

No. No there is not.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (2)

The year is 1989, Afghanistan.
The USSR, having recently suffered defeat after defeat in this 'desert Vietnam', has begun with withdraw its forces from the combat zone. A tank crew commanding a T-55AM-2 gets bogged down by a sand-storm, buttoned up and alone, they wait it out.

However, upon unbuttoning their tank, they find themselves no longer in the land of sand, but on a dirt road with trees all around them and a small village not to far ahead.
Trouble ensures when a Pink mare decides to bring her friend over to investigate this strange machine, and after dubbing it a golem, they attempt to study it.
The crew is not so please on the idea, and quickly make their escape with some rather unusual means.

When the commander of the tank team is captured by Celestia, the crew devise a plan to rescue him, but during the process, are manipulated by a certain villian to free him from his banished state.

(Done in 2nd person)

>This was a short AiE story I want to paste here as well as an off-shoot for another story with the similar context to be done in the future.

Chapters (8)

Once of the many songs Vinyl has put on paper, but will never sing out loud.

This song was written after the events of Silent Love - Part One.


One of many songs to come. Just wait and see.

Inspired by "Aujourd'hui" by french artists BigFlo & Oli.
Logo by FlameVulture.


Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna rule the palace of Canterlot together quietly, while their assistant Discord always entertains himself with pranking the royalty. But what happens when he has the ultimate idea?

Crossover tag is for later chapters

This story is a simple thing for entertainment. If you're looking for an Equestria daily level fic... Well, this is not one. Just a heads up

Chapters (26)

The story of Rochelle, a changeling in Canterlot, and how she ends up with a most unusual job...

Prequel to the story A Meal Fit For A King

Chapters (6)

Celestia is enjoying her retirement. That is until she unexpectedly awakens to find she has turned into Daybreaker. Can she avoid getting sent on an involuntary thousand-year vacation?

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the third of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here.

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor and Cadence; having been through so much work at Crystal Prep; needed a break from work, and from parenting their daughter Flurry Heart as well. So, when an old colleague from Canterlot High showed up, they’ve got their opportunity for a break, and went for it. But, will their old colleague handle the responsibility? Or will it all fall down in shambles? This is a story, that not even the author will forget.

Chapters (6)

Trender is back in town and he wants to make amends with Applejack. Applejack is suspicious at first, but relents. They go to a bar along with the rest of the mane six and Spike to talk things out. Things go well until Spike catches Trender slipping a love potion into Applejack's drink. Soon after he proposes, and to everyone's surprise she accepts! Now it's up to Spike to stop the wedding and expose the truth!

Chapters (1)