• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Chrysalis has been defeated, now Shining Armor and Cadance can be wed. Or can they?

...Well, no. It seems the bride objects to it. Is this Cadance a changeling too? No, that would make far too much sense...

From a concept by defender2222 comes a tale of love...really, really screwed up love.

Image by SwanLullaby.

Chapters (12)

So what happens when a message is misunderstood? More then that, when it spreads all over Equestira. This is what happened to one such human along with Celestia. When they have to find a way to get the news ponies away from them, find out how, when, and how funny here.

Original idea by Banchoking Fimfiction account, go check out his stuff he puts out great stories.

Link to cover art newyorkx3

Chapters (8)

Prince Blueblood is a strange egomaniac, forever trying to make himself appear bigger and better than he truly is. From buying the affection of mares with fancy dinners and jewels to using his status to bring other nobles to flock around him. But following a humiliating encounter in Canterlot with a vacationing constable he has restricted himself to the palace, and been his best, which is the worst.

Then while he's in the kitchen pinching food he thinks he has found an impudent servant. There follows a curious collection of experiences.

Dedicated to BronyStories. The terrible Prince he created moved me to make this one. Also to GingerNutGin, who made another Blueblood that wasn't terrible but was quite amusing.

Chapters (9)

They saw how Sunset can run fast that leads CHS to a massive victory againt Crystal Prep in soccer, it was technically her horse speed since she was from Equestria. So basically, she's still this fast, even when she's a human in her current home.

So, Applejack challenged Sunset to see if she's faster than any of the horses at her stable.

But we can't forget who always been the fastest person in the group.

Chapters (1)

Graduation is coming up for the Canterlot High Wondercolts, and Sunset Shimmer is questioning whether she should stay in the human world or come home to Equestria. While spending another lonely night in the bedroom of her apartment contemplating the same question over and over, she stumbles upon an old, worn out spiral notebook that she and her friends thought had once been lost. Seeing the many memories the notebook contains prompts Sunset to realize how much she's changed. Will she stay in the human world or will she come home to Equestria?

Cover art by the amazing CuttlefishDreamer!

Chapters (1)

Believe it or not, the Friendship Games wasn't an easy film to make. Various scenes had to be redone because of random shenanigans, misspoken lines, or general silliness.

Here's an exclusive behind the scenes look of what never made it into the movie...

This story was based off of the Friendship Games Blooper Reel that recently released.

Chapters (1)

Aphid is a changeling, stuck in a cage in a circus sideshow. Azure Blue is a colt from the Crystal Empire, the heir of a wealthy family... and looking to make a purchase.

There are some things money can't buy. A changeling's freedom should be one of them...

Cover Art Provided By Pen Mightier.

Chapters (2)

After deciding it best that Equestria lay claim over all of Earth and its inhabitants, Princess Celestia finds she now has a very special birthday present to offer to her sister.

Namely: Canada.

Chapters (1)

Celestia's personal dungeon. A thing of mystery. A thing of terror.

So just what does it take to get banished to such a deep, dark, horrific place?

Not much, actually.

Artwork by EvilbobO. Formatting assistance by ChappedPenguinLips, aka, The Best.

Chapters (1)

So it's finally happened. After being kicked in the shin by Celestia, Discord is officially dying. Now Celestia wants to know if he has any last requests before he goes.

What a silly, silly thing of her to ask.

Chapters (1)