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When you have an accident-prone filly, you make her wear a helmet.
When you have an accident-prone filly who is incapable of feeling pain, you keep the hospital on speed dial.
When you have an accident-prone filly who is incapable of feeling pain and you have no insurance because you’re self-employed, you learn to take care of things yourself.

Because that’s what sisters do.

An entry for Bicyclette's 1000 words contest (group / info) in the "Grim" category.

Chapters (1)

Living in Ponyville for some time, you've gotten used to most ponies and how they are. You have several great friends, and one in particular has been rather brash with her showing off whenever you're about town.

You're pretty sure you know what's up, so does most everypony else, but you decide to make sure.

Snuggling ensues, and neither of you seem too upset over that fact.


Cover art by the amazing redruin.

Pre-read and edited by Fregz and Aurora Dawn. Thanks, you two!

Top.of the Box of Shame, 3/18/2022. Hella.

Chapters (1)

Yesterday, the Cakes put Pumpkin and Pound on the train to head off to their first year at college.

Yesterday had been a very, very hard day.

Today will be worse.

Chapters (1)

After Big Macintosh helps the Mane Six out of a jam, he finds his ordinary life of
peaceful routine thoroughly disrupted by the various misadventures those crazy
ponies always seem to get themselves into.

Artwork provided by the talented Zemious

Chapters (20)

Tirek had to go to a parent teacher conference to discuss Cozy Glow's interesting take on a class assignment.

Cover by JonFawkes on DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

You really do need to keep an eye on Cozy Glow. Turn your back for a second and she's off, away and escaping. Over the hills! Out to the sticks! Out to villages that might maybe possibly have not heard about what she did, or at least not yet.

There to plot, there to plan, there to get started on getting everything running smoothly and like it should again. Or at least get started on cooking up some revenge. Either way.

And there's also that weird alien thing she came across. He could be useful...

Chapters (11)

Taking on the role of Princess Celestia, you try to take care of your wonderful, but stubborn - and very sick - adopted human child, Anonymous.

Chapters (1)

Anon has been living in Equestria for some time, and has very little to show for it. Shunned away from most cities, he finds solitude of a sort in Ponyville. But there are few places for an omnivore to satisfy all his appetites, so when he meets a fellow omnivore, both parties find more uses from the other than they'd expect.

Chapters (1)

“Sometimes, you can’t have the family you want. Even if you’d give anything for it.”

For Sunburst, risen from obscurity to Court Wizard of the Crystal Empire, life has taken an incomparably good turn. Shining Armor and Cadence have almost become a second family to him, and Princess Flurry Heart like the daughter he never had.

Hoops, by contrast, has lived life on his terms since day one. With flight school behind him, his career in the professional leagues ought to be all but guaranteed—if only the pros would let him in already.

And when Sugarcube Corner burns down, it should not affect either of them.

Yet, when façades start to fracture, their connections to Ponyville's model family will threaten even the most sacred bonds. Before long, Sunburst, Hoops, and the Cakes will all have to decide if the past can be buried again, or if the old, comfortable stories just aren't enough anymore. In only one way, they are all alike: To get what they want, they are all willing to risk shattering every life around them—and maybe even their own.

Audio version by the immensely talented Neighrator Pony here!

Original story concept co-developed with Astro Brony and Obabscribbler. This story would not exist without them.

Special thanks to my beta readers: Luna Farrowe, Neighrator Pony, Chaotic/Sojourner, and AShadowOfCygnus, whose encouragement and guidance made publishing this a reality.

Cover art by UrbanQhoul.

Chapters (18)

Among the disarray of Princess Twilight's personal archives was a letter. Twilight's reign over Equestria was profoundly cherished by those who have lived it. One of the many decisions that her majesty has made, one many historians continue to debate today, is Discord's exile.

Many saw it as the most suitable punishment for the Lord of Chaos. The kingdom hasn't met any catastrophe relating to chaos since. But after this letter was published and open for the public to see, the decision became quite controversial with the newer generations of Equestrians.

Whatever opinions you may have after finishing this letter, know that these are the last written words from the Element of Kindness after she disappeared.


This is my first entry to FimFic and my submission for Fluttercord week. Killing two birds with one stone, or as I like to call it: Masscareing two chores with a chainsaw. A bit pretentious, I know.
Please critique the work as hard as you can, and I hope you'll enjoy my work for days to come.

Chapters (1)