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"If this world makes you crazy,/And you've taken all you can bear,/You call me up,/Because you know I'll be there./And I'll see your true colors,/Shining through./I see your true colors,/And that's why I love you." -Cyndi Lauper, 'True Colors'

Ocellus has checked herself in to a mental hospital and, to the confusion of the entire staff, she seems perfectly fine. They invite the rest of the Student Six over to see if they can help figure out exactly what is going on with their changeling friend.

Credit to DeadParrot222 for helping pitch this idea.

Chapters (1)

Gallus receives an invite from Grampa Gruff to attend a new observance of some sort. He and the rest of the Student Six take the old griffin up on his offer, resulting in a night they likely won't soon forget.

(Based on some events that take place during the Seinfeld episode "The Strike"; a.k.a., the one that introduced 'Festivus' to popular culture.)

Chapters (1)

Smolder and Gabby both encounter a string of rotten luck. As the day goes on, it becomes one that they won't forget.

Written for Miller Minus for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (1)

I have been branded a criminal for a crime I have no recollection of committing. The transgression of which I'm accused is evidently heinous enough that my friends, my family, and the rest of Equestria have turned against me. I want to say that I didn't do it, that it wasn't my fault, but I can't. The only thing I can say in my defense is that if the deed was truly done by my hoof, then it was done due to circumstances beyond my control.

I say this because I can't remember. I say this because I'm not allowed to remember. I say this because my mind is no longer my own. It belongs to the voice, you see. It crawled into my head one day—poured cruel and malicious words into my brain. I tried to fight it but it grew and grew and grew until was powerful enough to seep into my memories, my limbs, my magic. Now it won't let me go. It's taken my mind and body away from me. It does terrible things and hides the truth from me.

I am not mad, but under these circumstances what else can I do but plead insanity?

The events described take place before Season 1.

Chapters (8)

A small band of guardsponies find themselves surrounded in their city. Their enemy already savors her victory, but she will learn that even the darkest night must yield to the Sun.

Chapters (1)

Today, you're watching your neighbor build a wall.

Maybe today, he'll be your friend.

And maybe today will last forever.

Written for the contest A Thousand Words.
An audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

“A high-quality HiE... that elevates the genre.”

Chapters (1)

Luna has always seen Celestia’s caring nature towards their subjects but to Twilight it was different. 

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle's outstanding performance in the school pageant should be a reason to celebrate, but when she is crushed by a glaring absence in the crowd, Rarity steps up—just like she's always had to do.

Chapters (1)