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Years have come and gone, yet through all of it, six friends have remained close. From the far flung corners of the world they come together each year to visit, and reinforce that eternal bond of friendship.

Let a light shine in your window
Let me see where I have been
And if that light still shines
And if fortune smiles
I will pass this way again
I will pass this way again

Chapters (1)

[Spoliers for What Lies Beneath]
Cozy Glow DID have a plan in the works. It was simple and it was easy. All she had to do was get it in every creature's minds that their friendship wasn't natural. A fight would occur, she would lead them all to the Tree, and then they could fix all her problems without her having to raise a hoof! With an excuse at the end~!

That was the plan, but Cozy Glow had decided that instead of them finding the place themselves, she would take them to the grate in person. In the end, she accidentally got herself wrapped up into the dark roots below that waited to see what her fears were... and if she could face them.

For more of the story:
Cozy's Dilemma

Chapters (3)

Twilight is super smart. She can answer any math question. And she likes doing them right. So, she feels particularly annoyed when somepony else is making jokes about that. Especially when it is her brother.

Chapters (1)

Twilight discovers that, even with the collective research, intellect and intuition of the entire Equestrian archaeological community at her back, nothing beats the source material when it comes to archaeology.

Smoulder is more than happy to oblige.

Chapters (1)

Ahuizotl threatens to sue A. K. Yearling for libel unless she stops writing the Daring Do books. She makes him a counter-offer.

Based on the November 2014 prompt from The Writeoff Association, "Title Drop," the original version of this story won second place in that month's contest.

Chapters (5)

Smolder seems to be allergic to something in the School of Friendship and is sneezing fire in all directions, threatening to burn down the whole building unless there is someone who can get her to stop. Sandbar takes up the task to help, but might be a little bit out of his element.

Can Sanbar help his friend while avoiding immolation?

Chapters (1)

Noblestallion Jet Set asks Celestia to preside over his wedding. Tired of the long-standing custom, Celestia decides to pull a little prank. A big one, actually...

Note: AU tag because how Cadence's background is depicted in the story.

Chapters (1)

Every year, the most obsessed birders of Ponyville gather to perform an informal census of all the birds in town. It begins before dawn, lasts a grueling eight hours, and involves very little speaking and absolutely no photography.

It, of course, has devolved into the most cutthroat competition this side of the Dragon Lands.

For the 1000 words contest (group / info). Category: humo(u)r

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy finds birdsong wonderful. Regardless of what that birdsong is about.

Written for Bicyclette's A Thousand Words contest. Has a Chinese translation done by hehelover.

Chapters (1)

Celestia is up late doing paperwork when she hears something curious and asks her guest a pertinent question.

Bonus story I wrote after the scene popped into my head while planning out later chapters of first law.

References to death and violence, though none occurs.

Chapters (2)