• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013

The Infinity Doctor

Remember, the future starts, with YOU!

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Adjutant was a former high-ranking changeling under Chrysalis, and now runs a changeling colony in the Everfree Forest under the auspices of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Anyone, changeling or pony, would be lucky to have the attention of a changeling of her status, so why does the only one she desires spurn her attentions?

Surely they can put aside their differences to reach a convenient arrangement?

This a side story that takes place after Spectre of the Past, though it's intended to stand by itself.

Thanks to Gavinfoxx and PhiliChez for proofreading!

Chapters (7)

Imagine my surprise when I see a winged unicorn in my kitchen that claims she's my mother.

Imagine her surprise when I threw my coffee mug at her.

Imagine my Dad's surprise when I was banished to the end of Time.

Okay, the last part didn't happen, Tempora is actually really nice, but you get what I mean.

Just roll with it, I guess?

Set in an Alternate Universe where nothing of canon makes much sense.

Based on an idea by Rainbow Dragon!

Edited mainly by FlameSwordedLink and now Grand Inquisitor.

Tag updated.

Future Chronicles now HERE
Kayla-verse linked here and in the story.

Chapters (46)

She hated life; she wanted to die. She was tired of being on Earth.
What she never knew, though, was that something was watching her. From the moments she would cut to the moments she would cry.
What happens when she decides that she is done? When she attempts suicide?
What could happen when a creature from a different world falls in love with you?

I just wanted to die; Why did I end up here?

Chapters (6)

(Set a month after the events of the season 4 finale)

Chrysalis has returned to Canterlot, but this time under a flag of truce, instead of a banner of war. She has come because her race is dying, and much to everponies surprise, the last hope for her race is in Equestria.

However, nopony is prepared for the news of who is carrying this last hope, nor the ramifications of what this last hope is likely to bring.

Rating: Rated teen for some sexual scenes and violence in later chapters.

Warning Number 1: Later chapters may contain scenes of graphic violence, viewer discretion is advised.
Warning Number 2: Despite the similar title, this is not a ponyfied version of the movie Enemy Mine.
Warning Number 3: I know Twilight is a unicorn in the cover, but she will be an alicorn in the story, just so no-one is confused.
Warning Number 4: Twilight's brother Shining Armor will me getting a major change to his character portrayal throughout the course of this fic, a change that will involve some dark undertones, which is one of the reasons for the dark tag.
Final Warning: This fic will delve deep into a fannon portrayal of changeling hive structure, hierarchy, and culture, so those who already have head cannon's behind those and are unwilling to accept or tolerate new ones should probably steer clear of this fic.

Chapters (29)

Luna has been redeemed by the elements of harmony, but is finding that salvation is harder to come by. Ponies avoid her, the memories of Nightmare Moon still fresh in their minds. Additionally, after a thousand years of solitude and silence, she’s having trouble adjusting to life in noisy, crowded, living Equestria.

Change never happens easily, and Luna struggles despite the help of her sister and new friends, failing as much as she succeeds.

Perhaps the Moon, her prison for so very long, is truly where Luna belongs after all.

Chapters (13)

In the middle of the night of 1986, a twelve-year-old girl wakes up to find an armored pegasus underneath her bed. The pegasus suddenly leaves, but not without the little girl following him back to Equestria. There she finds Princess Celestia when she asks the little girl what her name was, she nearly goes into shock.

"It's Lauren," she said. "My name is Lauren Faust."

Update: Proofread by Fort Impression and Airchi. And a huge thank you to SecrretBrony01 for finally getting this edited fully.

I also want to thank MrAquino, FanficFanPony and Starburst Gleam for helping me keep this story moving with their helpful suggestions. And a tremendous thank you to Lotus Moon for volunteering to read this on YouTube from beginning to end.

Chapters (16)

I'm going to start off by saying: F*** Sweat Goblins. They're rude, they're loud, they break into you lab and touch things without asking, and they teleport you to alien worlds right as you're about to get your engineering career going. But, most of all, they sweat a lot, and that's just gross.

Thanks to one of these foul little things, I have now been hurled into some place called Equestria, that's inhabited by Pastel colored ponies and is completely devoid of any modern technology.

Oh, and I'm a robot now. Why? I don't know, ask the Sweat Goblin that sent me here.

Chapters (6)

The latest edition in the Power Ponies series is one that everypony's been waiting for. Crystalline Calamity.

The tale is focused around the Mane-iac attempting to seize a crystal with an otherworldly power tucked away inside. After grabbing the crystal from its' pedestal, she is confronted by the Power Ponies once more.

She tries activating the crystal to see what it does, seeing as there's nothing better for her to do in this situation, but the crystal has a very... intriguing power once it's used.

Now the 7 of them have wound up in Equestria, all of them youthened by the aftermath of the crystal's power. Yet for some reason, Mane-iac came out as a filly, whilst the other ponies came out as foals.

Lost, frightened, and with nowhere to go, Spike brings the 7 of them to Princess Twilight, who is more than happy to care for them in their time of need.

The picture comes from an artist called Beavernator. He's pretty famous for his foal pictures and foal comics. Check him out when you have the time, though you might just see him on Equestria Daily's comic panel if you're lucky.

Chapters (11)

A young man named Dave, while writing a personal journal about his perceptions of liking the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", is unexpectedly whisked away into the land of Equestria, where his memories about the world even being part of a show are erased, leaving him lost in an unfamiliar land. Luckily, help comes to him in the form of a pony named Pinkie Pie, who immediately dubs him her new friend, and introduces him to life in Equestria...

Cover art done by Redback Spino

Editing: Firebirdbtops

Chapters (137)

The story is generally the same. A group of ponies go on a quest to stop an insane alicorn who had escaped banishment, learning about friendship along the way and mastering the Elements of Harmony. But the details...

It can be Trixie Lulamoon leading the Elements of Harmony against Corona.
Rainbow Dash could be Celestia's student and go to Ponyville.
Equestria could have a deep connection to three young people in its distant past.
The Elements of Harmony could have been moved to Manehattan for the ponies to quest for.
Princess Cadance might rule over an Equestria of music, with Octavia as her prized protege.
Or Spike and Twilight might have their roles reversed, the former a stallion and the Element of Magic.

And each one has been chosen by Discord, an Element removed to a seventh Equestria for purposes as yet unknown. Can they survive? Can they get home? Read and find out!

The Lunaverse was created by RainbowDoubleDash and is used with permission. Opening segment was written by Talon and Thorn.
The Hasbroverse was created by RK_Striker_JK_5 and is used with permission.
The Manehattanverse was created by Little Jackie Papercut and used with permission.
The Cadanceverse was created by GrassAndClouds2 and used with permission.
The Flipverse was created by Bed Head and used with permission.
The Dashverse was created by Trinary and used with permission.

And special thanks to dramatic_spoon for getting this all together.

Chapters (20)