• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013

The Infinity Doctor

Remember, the future starts, with YOU!

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After a freak solar eclipse, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are whisked away to the human world, where they are taken in by a happily lonely young musician. This young man and the ponies quickly become friends as the two adapt to living in a world different from their own.

Heavily Inspired by My Little Dashie and Rarity and I, along with the films of Alexander Payne and more specifically, the movie Beginners.

Chapters (11)

There are many things that ponies want to do in their lifetime. They want to get their cutie mark, have friends, fall in love and start a family, and share many wonderful memories before they grow old and die. Ditzy Doo was one of those ponies. Was. Several thousands of years ago, those joys were taken away from her.

Big thanks to, CartsBeforeHorses, for pre-reading and editing this story! If you don't know about him already, check him out. He rite good story!

Submitted for the 31shotober challenge!

Chapters (1)

One year has almost passed since a mysterious entity invaded Anon's mind and forced him to turn against his friends and terrorize the ponies of Ponyville. Though he was eventually freed from it's influence, Anon's attempts to return to his life in Ponyville have thus far failed.
Because even though he was said to be forgiven, no one can forget the fear and dread they felt during that time, least of all Anon himself.
Tormented by nightmares of his actions and the silent condemnations of the ponies around him, Anon is feeling his life spiraling out of control again, driven to shut himself off from the world as he is haunted by deeds that were not his own.
Now, his former friends must look inside of themselves and see if they can find it in their hearts to truly forgive and forget and if the bonds of friendship can be reforged... Before Anon is lost forever.

[03-02-2015] Holy crap! Featured!

This is an unofficial sequel to Hurt by Brainhorn. (Warning! Do not read if you are disturbed by graphic depictions of rape.)
PLEASE NOTE that this story does not contain any scenes of rape or sexual nature, but they will be referenced and hinted at. (Also, spoilers for "Hurt" if you plan on reading it first.)

Also, though the main characters name is Anon, this is not like most Anon in Equestria-stories. It is not written in a 2nd-person perspective but the main character instead has a personality of his own, and though I've left much of his appearance vague, he is not the green faceless man he's usually depicted as. The only real reason he is even named Anon is because that was his name in "Hurt", and it would feel wrong to change that into something else. I say this as a heads-up to both those who like or dislike AiE-stories.

Cover art is made by TetraPony. It's mostly a placeholder until I can get something more fitting.

Chapters (7)

"Dying hurts. I should know first hand. I've died and come back more times than you have probably blinked. I've ended up in many bodies, but this one isn't even human. To add to the bad list, it's a foal. It's about to get weird."

Majestica Silversoul is a Lich, a Lich who has been living for a very long time, he'd been turned to what he was at a young age, never knowing the joy of a childhood, when he attempts to escape a paladin in a final ditch effort, he gets thrown into a new world of sentient creatures, with a second chance, maybe he'll change his ways to be a good guy that he might have been meant to be?

Probably not.

(Edit*: Featured on 9/4/2014! Thank you guys! You all are awesome. )

A big thanks to my editor: Nihatclodra

Chapters (2)

The "what-if" sequel has arrived -- Equinophobia: Silvery Lies.

"Equinophobia is a psychological fear of horses"
Sometimes you're lucky, and sometimes you're unlucky. Ryan finds herself the latter as she ends up in a world of sunshine, rainbows, and pure horror.

A story of an out-of-place person learning to adapt to their new environment.

Alternate Universe tag for lack of or changes in Equestria Girls elements and the Crystal Empire's history.

Written as the A-side to A Chromatic Scale. The stories are not related otherwise and can be read separately.

Chapters (25)

Cosmic balance is a fickle thing. Sometimes, creatures like Luna and Celestia can work as independent agents of Harmony, at least one of them present assured the element's presence in the world.

But what of Discord and Chaos? What happens when the master of the matter is sucked dry of his power, no longer worthy to represent it?

Simple. A foal is born.

Vector by the awesome MLP Scribbles
Image edits by Piercing Sight
Editing by Piercing Sight
Everything by Piercing Sight, go give him so love, yo.

Featured on 09/08/2014 *flings some streamers and confetti* :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (2)

Note: There will be Spoilers for Bioshock: Infinite and Burial at Sea. Starts before Best Night Ever
After handling the Issue involving Booker Dewitt, the Lutece's decide to explore the different universes in existence, and handle anything that may arrive through leftover tears from Elizabeth. They eventually arrive at Equestria and decide to stay for a while and aid a certain unicorn.
Cover art by SpeedyandRose

Chapters (1)

Sam Wilson was a normal guy. He had a normal life, with a normal family, normal job, normal everything.

Yes, he was a brony, yes he enjoyed reading fanfictions, including ones where humans got sent to Equestria, sometimes turning into ponies in the process.

Yet, his normal-great life would not last forever. It all started when— *record screeching sound*

"Yo, Pinkie! Quit being a third-person view narrator! This is my life story and I'll thank you to let me narrate it, thank you very much. Narrating's the only time I can talk like my oldself again, so don't take it away from me!"

Okie dokie lokie!


Anyway, as I was meant to be saying, It all started when I woke up as Apple Bloom.

As me and my family struggle to understand what's going on and move on with our new lives, I find myself somehow in Equestria and what's worse, there's already an Apple Bloom here! How am I possibly gonna get outta this?! Why ME?


Note: I made the cover image with an Aj, Ab and background image i found on google and used microsoft powerpoint and paint to put them together and edit a little.

The applebooms came from HERE and HERE

I take no credit for them, the applejack or the background (if you know the link for the latter two, please let me know so i can give credit where credit is due).

this is a fic i was inspired to write after reading Becoming Sweetie Belle by Sparknanator.

Now, your first thoughts are probably going to be, this is basically the same story, but with Apple Bloom instead of Sweetie Belle.

well, while that is slightly true, i am going to be doing my best to make this as different from Becoming Sweetie Belle as I can, for I do not want to be seen as a plagiarist, for that is not my intention.

Popular Stories 6-12/9/2014. Featured Box 6-9/9/2014 and again 30/8/2015! :twilightsmile:

In the featured box 6/5/2016:pinkiegasp::raritystarry:

Chapters (18)

Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up.

So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked.

But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock...

Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings.

Chapters (18)

I've had my fair share of critics in my line of work. It's understandable—someone with the power to invoke fear in those he touches? Yeah, that's someone I want to watch over me and my children.

But that's what I am now; a Metahuman Agent, using this and the other 'perks' of my unique condition to help my team in taking down the baddie of the day. Of course, it was while taking down the baddie of the day that I fell victim to his malfunctioning machine; a Rift that tossed me, randomly, to a head-scratchingly insane world of magical, talking ponies...

All I can do now is wait, pray I can get home, and try to show them I'm not the monster I appear to be.

(Dread's homeworld is based somewhat on the Little Victory comics by jollyjack; an Earth where metahumans are enlisted and trained by the government to defend the populace from threats, big and small.)

Chapters (21)