• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013

The Infinity Doctor

Remember, the future starts, with YOU!

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A/N: now with voice reading by "TheCaptainSand". Listen to his wonderfully dulcet british tones and his hilarious Applejack impression here. Thanks again, Cap!

Due to slightly contrived circumstances, Maud Pie becomes Equestria's fifth, newest (*cough* best *cough*) alicorn princess. Inducted, she will face the most dangerous, diabolical threat anypony has ever devised:

The legal system.

Will she be as stoic as ever? Will she be able to handle the crushing paperwork? Will Pinkie get to plan her coronation party?! Only one thing is for certain:


Many, many rocks.

Oh, and an attempted assassination and eventual plot to take over the world as we know it.

But mostly rocks.


Just a little something I came up with. I apologize if it has errors, i haven't had much time to edit. I did fix it up as best as I could, though.

Hope you laugh! (If not, I apologize. Maud comedy is kind of hard to write, considering that... y'know. She's Maud.)

EDIT: Featured 10/9! My second featured story, and it only took me 8 months to do it! WOO-HOO!

EDIT 2: Holy crap. as of 10/21, my story is so popular that is in the realm of being in the featured box every time it gets updated. Can't thank you guys enough, cliche as it sounds.

Chapters (15)

Another heart-warming story on love between a young drake and old maiden who hearts and appearances share something in common, and that's love.

'Enjoy what love you have, even if it's among friends or family. Just know, there's someone out there that cares a whole lot about you. Age may exceed, but the heart stays young forever.' -TimeRarity64

Chapters (1)

I had a, basically, perfect life. Few responsibilities, I lived in a somewhat luxurious environment. The best a middle class family in a kind of peaceful capitalist country could offer.

So how did it come to this? Dragged out of my home and into a strange land by an insane being? And to make things worse, how come I'm suddenly a father to such strange creatures?

Mythical beasts of legend now crawl around me, wailing for food and love. But my own mistakes have lead me into a fight in which I don't belong and until I am able to clean my name and erase my mistakes, I doubt there will be much peace in my life.

I do not believe to be ready for this...

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Growing Pains

After a magical mishap involving a filly, magical empowerment, and an aging spell, Twilight finds herself stuck with a rather large problem.

When Princess Celestia shows up to help her out however, it becomes apparent that Twilight isn't the only one affected by her new looks. Which in turn brings back feelings she had long thought forgotten.

Reading the prequel to this story is not required though it does help.


Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Lyra's Human

Several years after the events of Lyra's Human, Derpy Hooves decides that she's lonely, and wants to meet a human for herself. Together, Derpy and the human have crazy adventures across worlds as both learn what it means to be true friends.

Story image courtesy Shadow Squirrel

Chapters (168)

It has been weeks since the defeat of the Dazzlings, and Sunset Shimmer's friendships have only gotten stronger. Whilst finally relaxing in the times of peace, Sunset discovers an old enemy: Sonata Dusk. Strangely alone and apparently homeless, Sonata's luck seems to be at its all time low.
Seeing a little of herself in the former siren, Sunset embarks on a mission to help Sonata find friendship.

(For anyone who liked the old cover art, here's a side-by-side comparison of the old and new: http://daniel-gleebits.deviantart.com/art/Go-Compare-Twiddles-moustache-581352606 )

TV Tropes page: Feel free to add whatever tropes you find :raritywink:

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to One Wish For Nothing

She was once known as Princess Celestia; now, all call her Hecate, Empress of Clockwork World. Her machines soldier endlessly on, rebuilding a mechanical world for her subjects of steel.

But when a young pony colt is brought to her, to be taken in and hidden from the rest of the world, she finds herself struggling between ancient maternal instincts... and bitter memories of what happened to the last child she dared to care for.

Fourth story in the Songs of Lost Children series.

Chapters (10)

There once was a filly. She looked for her special talent with her friends in the form of crusading.

Then came a horrible, disgusting demon.

Chapters (1)

A continuation of “Jake and the Kid”
You really need to read that story first.

Goose Down wanted to be a Guard Pony more than anything else in her life, just like her Father, numerous uncles, and six big brothers. Unfortunately she was small, a Nocturne Mare, and, oh yes, had a phobic fear of the open sky.

Combined that with her mistake of getting in the wrong job application line at the palace and ending up a maid, things look very dim indeed in regards to realizing her dream.

On the plus side, she works for the Princess of Dreams. So maybe, with a little help from her friends, and a very different type of princess, she will manage to achieve her heart’s desire.

With a few minor modifications.

Proofed and contributed to by Georg, who also graciously allowed me to steal some of his better characters. Georg really needs a co-writer credit on this. He contributes so much during his pre-reading that the stories simply would not be the same without him.

Be sure to catch his Nocturne stories, especially Diplomacy by Other Means.

Chapters (17)

Spike the Dragon is given a simple task to repay his debt. Journey to the floating city of Cloudsdale and rescue a young mare named Scootaloo, a mysterious pony imprisoned all her life, and bring her to Manehattan. Simple enough right? Forced to trust one another Spike and Scootaloo must fight to escape the city of Cloudsdale and uncover the city's dark secrets.

I do not own My Little Pony or Bioshock Infinite
My Little Pony is property of Hasbro
Bioshock Infinite is property of Irrational Games

Chapters (8)