• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013


I love to read wach anime and mlp but i also listen to music.

Favourites 1005 stories
  • Favourites 1005 stories - 8787 unread chapters
    Created by tsunsu
    - October, 2014
Found 601 stories in 91ms

Total Words: 28,230,113
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

It's the eve of a big event in Canterlot, at least for Rainbow Dash. Twilight must give a speech to show her congratulations, but she can't help but be nervous. With Spike absent at the Doughnut Bar, she is without reassurance. That's where Princess Luna comes in.

Chapters (1)

It's almost time....the contract has just one stipulation left. Just...one. After that...well Discord gets to make good on the promise he made to Fluttershy all those years ago,he promised her she would live on through more than just memory,but she made him sign a contract. It's so tempting to give that last part a tiny little push...but he knows better,the stipulations must happen naturally...but still,the wait has driven him sane.

Chapters (1)

A three arced story that begins slowly as partially Comedy and Slice of life and rotates more towards Adventure and Dark in later chapters.

Some school fillies have to deal with school crushes. Others with bullies. Sometimes they have to deal with both. But no filly has ever had to deal with an Evil Tyrant being bound to their shadow and have the power to control their every action. This, of course, seems to be no big deal for Sweetie Belle who seems to even enjoy the stallion's company. Though the feelings aren't mutual. The small filly reminds the old king too much of a filly he used to know... Though it's strange the only place he'd seen her before are in these strange dreams of his. Recollections of a past he can't remember.

Perhaps Sweetie Belle will awake in him that version of himself before he was a Tyrant. Before he was labeled evil. A time from when he was a father. Perhaps she will help him forgive.

First featured on 9/4/2014!

The cover art was sketched by me and colored by the very talented Midnight Sonare

Chapters (29)

Who is Scootaloo? Everypony knows about her present, but when it comes to her past there are as many different answers as there are questions.

Is she the love child of two star-crossed lovers? The last hope for the future? The child of a broken home? A mysterious figure fighting a war no pony knows about? Or is it something else entirely? Is she even a pony at all?

Twilight Sparkle decides to ask everypony in Ponyville and find out about Scootaloo...and the stories, rumors and gossip she gets will leave her wondering how the truth can ever compete with fiction.

My thanks to Page Turner for the new story cover!

Now has its own TVTropes Page!

And has a featured page in the Non-Canon My Little Pony Funny Page!

Thanks to all my readers and fans for all the support and help I have gotten! I am truly touched.

Chapters (24)

That love can be a painful thing is something we both know all too well, sister. But it does not give you the right to throw your happiness away for mine...

I will not ask for your thanks for what I do now. I only ask for your forgiveness, and perhaps a promise to let yourself be happy.

Winner of the Fifth Bimonthly Twilestia is Bestia contest


Chapters (1)

Under 1000 word micro-fics based on one-word writing prompts. Romance, Slice of Life, Sad, you name it, we got it.

All authors are welcome, just check out this thread for rules and latest prompt.

Chapters (145)

Something is very wrong with Princess Cadance. Everypony close to her knows, except Twilight Sparkle. Something is very wrong with Twilight Sparkle. No pony knows, not even Twilight herself.

One problem lies hidden from the world and the other sits out in the open, invisible.

Something is very wrong.

This is not your traditional shipfic and touches on topics of addiction, recovery and relapse. Additionally, while this was originally written as prompt submissions to the Magic of Love: A Twidance Prompt Collab, they have been expanded upon to give more information.

Belated thanks go out to Misago and Pearple Prose for editing and being all around awesome dudes.
Change Log: Additional Edits have been made to Chapter 1 and 2 so that they feel less "prompty" and are less telly.

Chapters (8)

Congratulations Prince Shining Armor, you have been selected out of every pony in Equestria and her neighboring lands to be this year’s winner in the “Best Equestrian Butt” contest.

This grand tournament is when we, the Committee Logistics Of Plots, judge every rump of every pony in size, shape, firmness, softness, flabbiness, edginess, and overall use of it in all forms both practical and sexual. As the winner, you will need to present yourself in Canterlot for the award ceremony. You are the first stallion to ever win this award since it’s founding over two thousand years ago. We hope you feel accomplished today and look forward to you and your butt appearing at the awards.


Despite what you might think, there is no clop in this. And I have Silver Quill's permission to use this art.

Pre Read and Edited by: ugugg93, Seether 00, and WIL_I_ZEN

Chapters (4)

Chrysalis's plan might've failed in Canterlot, but she has a plan B.
To have a changeling/pony hybrid (thanks to a late night with Shining) and use the child's powers for her own doing.
But when a regular earth pony (that almost looks like Shining) spawns with absolutely no changeling features or powers whatsoever, she realizes that, not only will she bring it to the father, since she has no idea how take care of a pony, but that that was her last shot at getting food for her subjects. Her plans at helping her children have failed one too many times now.
Maybe she shouldn't try anymore...Maybe she should just...give up...give up and take this abomination away from her so she can finally end this!
Unless the child and his step parents can change that.

Authors words...yo: As per usual. Editing by Alticron.
and don't worry. This is Chrysie's story here. Not Shining's.

Chapters (9)