• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

New 16 stories
  • New 16 stories - 31 unread chapters
    Created by AppleKit
    - October, 2020
Found 14 stories in 37ms

Total Words: 1,910,362
Estimated Reading: 5 days



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Moondancer has a plan. A plan to get away from it all. Minuette has a similar plan. Hers just involves joining Moondancer on her airship and having them hunt for the fabled lost treasure of the Cloudshark.

Moondancer has a few problems with Minuette's plan.

Historian’s Note:
Clear Skies is set a few years after the ascension of Twilight Sparkle to the throne of Canterlot.

Inspired by and based on the epic Visual Novel "Highway Blossoms" by Studio Élan and Studio Coattails! Go play this VN! Seriously! Right now!

Cast: Moon Dancer & Minuette
Co-Starring: Even Keel, "Snappy Comeback," Whispering Trinket & Easy Wing
Guest Starring: Torque Wrench, Shining Armor & Princess Cadance

Covert Art: Little-Tweenframes
Cover Text & Section Break Design: Novel Idea/Amber Spark
Moon Dancer Cutie Mark: AllyCatBlu

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
JayMan155: Artist & Author Extraordiane!
Carabas: Author I Totally Didn't Fangirl Over

Word Count: 57,000 (To Date)
Version: 4.3B

Chapters (19)

A young filly in present day Ponyville is cursed with nightmares of post-apocalyptic Equestria. She finds herself influencing the course of future history in ways that she cannot understand. She must learn to balance her life at home with her life on the other side of the veil, and fight to preserve her own sanity, and her own innocence.

She discovers that such a task is only possible through the magic of friendship.

Chapters (67)

This story is a sequel to Business Trip

Five years ago, sixteen mares founded a hotel in New Jersey called the Mareiott. These are their stories. A sequel to Business Trip, it's recommended (though not necessary) to read that first. Act I serves as a prequel, Act II is comprised of side stories to Business Trip, and Act III explores what these mares have been up to in the ensuing years.

Of note, Mr. Jones Goes To Equestria is a side story to this, and completely optional prior reading.

Character tags: Cherry Pie, Daisy Dreams, Dewdrop Dazzle, Diamond Rose, Feathermay, Flitterheart, Honeybuzz, Lily Blossom, Lulu Luck, Ploomette, Plumsweet, Rainbow Flash, Snowcatcher, Starbeam Twinkle, Sunny Rays, & Sweetie Swirl

Each chapter will be told from a first pony perspective, so you can see the character's thoughts and motivations for their actions. That's sixteen individual points of view, and the pony in focus will be spelled out in the chapter name. Also, please note that due to the changing perspectives, the tone of the story will shift from chapter to chapter.

Written as a thank you to all those who enjoyed the original and requested a sequel, and also serves as another entry in Admiral Biscuit's challenge/request/not-a-contest for more slice of life fics featuring ponies working on Earth:


Pre-read/edited by: Snowliasion & Roxylalolcat

Dutch dialogue in Feathermay's chapter courtesy Snowliasion

Chapters (27)

Minuette has an imaginary friend. At least, that's what everypony else thinks.

When ten-year-old magic student Minuette comes into possession of an antique vanity mirror, she is surprised to discover there is a creature living inside: A bug pony with big fangs and glowing eyes. Most little foals would probably be scared of such a creature, but not Minuette. Armed with a cheerful smile, she decides to befriend the bug in her mirror and uncover the mystery behind his bewildering predicament.

It's just such a shame that nopony else can see him.

First Act Edited by Mister Hypothetical

Second act and on edited by Xanni & Brony2005

This story is part of 'The Bugs in Strange Places' series, whose other entries include The Bug in The Herd, The Bug in The Basement, and The Bug in The Cave. You do not need to read any of these previous stories to enjoy this one, as they are not directly connected.

Inspiration for this story comes directly from this fine individual right here.

Chapters (33)