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Warning: Silliness inbound.

By order of the high lords of Terra themselves, a lone soldier from the Death Korps of Krieg has been sent to the planet Epona to wipe out its Xeno population. Starting with Equestria, the Korpsman has sworn not to leave the planet until he falls or completes his mission.

However, no Korpsman should fight without setting up a proper trench first, and so the Korpsman must dig...and dig...and dig.

Destroying Equestria is going to take a while.

Chapters (1)

The TwiDash Project is a series of vignettes and short stories depicting the budding romance between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash behind the scenes of season two and onward, taking place during, before, and/or shortly after canon episodes.

Concept is based on the The AppleDash Project by bookplayer. Bookplayer has kindly given her blessing for others to explore the idea with different ships.

Editing by Formerly Committed.

The TwiDash Project is co-authored by bats and Subsolar Drift. Authors of different chapters will be indicated in the chapter title.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Sitting on a Rock

The Pie family always had strong bonds with one another. But, a past event continues to hang over some members of the family. They don't speak about it, preferring to let it be buried and forgotten, despite the drastic changes it brought about. For two of them, it brought about isolation. An isolation that Limestone prefers her family stay in.

Well, except for Pinkie. But she's...unique.

For Limestone, those events kindled the desire to keep her family safe from outsiders. Something a certain silver haired magician has started making difficult for her.

Old wounds will be reopened on all sides as Limestone tries to keep the past from repeating.

Edited and story bounced off of the illustrious Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartete Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Stonewalled at the Spring Fling

After the disastrous events at the Spring Fling, Trixie has fallen into a depression. She's eating less, her grades are dropping, and her social life is now non-existent. Adding to this is Sunset, who continues to target her each week.

Can a girl with zero social skills break Trixie out of her depression? Or will Maud's flailing attempts at helping wind up creeping Trixie out?

No one said it couldn't be both.

Editing, tweaking, and plot hole removal thanks to crowscrowcrow Industries.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to BY THE BLACK AXE OF NIGHTMARE MOON!

After an incident regarding Twilight's browser history, the truth comes out: she's far, far nerdier than her friends ever thought. With her secret found out, Twilight Sparkle must introduce her friends to the wide, strange world of Live Action Role Playing Games.

At least Sunset seems kind of interested?

Chapters (6)

Displeased with her tutelage under the princess of the sun, Sunset Shimmer leaves through a mirror deep within the vaults of Canterlot. With her trusty companion Philomena by her side, Sunset steps into a new world. But not the one the book said it would be. A small calibration error will leave two worlds of magic irrevocably changed.

A crossover with the Harry Potter books and a Sunset in Hogwarts story.

Now with editing courtesy of Rainbow Sparkle

Chapters (73)

Set in the Equestria Girls universe!

When Twilight Sparkle (the scientist one, not the otherdimensional pony princess) predicts an oncoming magical calamity, it's up to Sunset Shimmer and her friends to stop it!

Now, they've got just two days to cover hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to exactly where the dimensional incursion is going to take place.

Good thing it's Spring Break. Road Trip!

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Long Road to Friendship

It is a new year for Sunset Shimmer; a fresh chance at real happiness with her five best friends and her girlfriend. But Sunset is constantly troubled by her uncertain future, and haunted by the consequences of her past.

For her battle against Princess Twilight has drawn forth ancient forces with eyes on the last bastion of magic: Canterlot City.

As darkness closes in, Sunset must find her light and guide her friends to defend their world against old rivals and legends best left forgotten, all while dealing with their ever-looming futures.

But when graduation comes, what will Sunset Shimmer do? For she is still a stranger in this world, with or without her friends, and the road before her guarantees nothing.

Of course, with the universe conspiring against her, it'll be a miracle if she even makes it that far...

Story plot edited by HenryAnthonyCourtler
Pre-read by DrakeyC
Wonderful cover art designed by HanasakiYunarin!
Text added by Amber Spark!
The page of Spectacular Tropes!
Presenting the French translation!

Chapters (80)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website

The God Emperor of Mankind is in Equestria, and he's looking for love. Good thing for him that Celestia is looking for the same thing. The problem is that he's a warmongering immortal monarch, and she's a benevolent alicorn princess, so clearly they'll get along swimmingly. Here's hoping Equestria survives their relationship!

Chapters (12)

Seasons one and two are now complete! Season three is being continued in The AppleDash Project: Wherever Life Takes Us.

The AppleDash project is a series of short fics attached to various episodes, detailing a relationship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack behind the scenes. The stories take place sometime during or shortly after the indicated episode.

This is not meant to start shipping wars, argue that AppleDash is canon, or offend other shippers. In fact, if you like the idea I encourage you to try it with other ships!

Teen rating means that there may be talking about sex, and there is one line of dialogue that takes place during intimate relations, but it's warned for and skippable. Nothing sexual is described.

Chapters (21)