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Twilight and Rainbow Dash, together? Must be that 'opposites attract' thing. Then again, maybe they have more in common than they're letting on...

An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. RD, I said to keep the Library clop-free, not... oh, forget it!

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Chapter Summaries:

Epilogue - The next Daring Do book isn't out yet, so Twilight convinces Rainbow to read a romance novel instead. That never works - does it?

Second - Twilight reads everything she can get her hooves on. Sometimes she finds things she'd rather not know, or in this case, that Dash would rather not know.

Becoming Daring - The latest Daring Do novel isn't quite what Dash expected, and her reaction isn't what a friend of hers expected, either.

Firelight - Not every schedule has to be full and not every list has to be checked off.

Lift, Weight, Thrust, and Drag - Dash's friends can't save her from an anniversary date with Twilight, at which she will show Twilight a secret skill she's kept from everypony. Twilight's definitely not complaining!

The Wait - Agony is knowing the one you love is standing hoof to hoof with danger and knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do to help.

Hoofing It - One day, Twilight will learn that reading Daring Do alone won't get Dash to do everything. That day is not today.

Variations on a Theme - How many combinations of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash can there be? Plenty!

Reluctantly Yours - There's something Rainbow Dash doesn't want to lose, and Twilight refuses to let it go. Will this be the end of the awesomeness that is Dash?

Closer to Home - Giving up one dream to keep another isn't always a bad trade.

Wings, Wonderbolts, and You - Always read the fine print. And the rest of it, too.

Pinfeathers - Dash was all she ever wanted and all she'll never have. Twilight hasn't lost Rainbow Dash, but someone has.

Daring Do and the Chapel Perilous - Something's wrong with the Daring Do fanfic Dash and Twi are reading, and it's not funny.

Pew! Pew! Pew! - Rainbow Dash finds new and unexpected uses for the Elements of Harmony.

Less of Me - Twilight decides to help Dash's career along, but she might be getting ahead of herself.

The Ink Wasn't Even Dry Yet - Dash and Twi go head to head in a battle for the ages! And oh, the stakes...

Audience - Twilight Sparkle doesn't dance. We hope. Dear heavens, please let her not dance.

The Trip and the Destination - Dash took on one storm too many and Twilight's had enough of it.

A kind chap by the name of munngojerrie graciously offered to do a dramatic reading of Egghead and Featherbrain. It's done, and it's an hour of audiobook shipping goodness your ears will thank you for! Take a listen to part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE and part 3 HERE.

NOTE: Not related to the Luna's Librarian / Rustic & Romantic / If the Flight Suit Fits continuity.

Chapters (18)

A Warhammer Fantasy, MLP crossover.

Following the Changeling invasion the land of Equestria returns to relative peace. Princess Luna, furious at her own absence during Equestria's time of need leads the Royal Guard in pursuing and expelling the bulk of the remaining changelings. The hunt to root out any changelings that have gone to ground in Canterlot has been left to Trottingham Guard Captain Forlorn Wind as the Canterlot Guard finds itself stretched across the land.

Markus Holstein, Arch Lector of the Cult of Sigmar, leads a splinter force of veteran Empire state troops with the support of a Magister of the Light Order to hunt and destroy the two Tzeentch Sorcerers at work on a nefarious and unknown spell. The ensuing magical feedback from the Magister's attempt to counter twists the nature of the Sorcerer's work. A gateway to another realm is created and the beleagured Empire army is forced to retreat into the unknown.

The evil of both worlds however does not rest; the Tzeentch Sorcerers survive their spells corruption, finding themselves in a new world with their loyal followers. Elsewhere Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, bitterly broods over her defeat from within the depths of the Everfree forest with a collection of her own devout minions.

Please comment or like if you appreciated the story and thanks for giving it your time.

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to Morning Rain

There is nothing quite so bright and lovely as a field of sunflowers in the high spring sun, and nothing so pure as tested love.

Written for Scampy.
Find the collected works for the SunFlower Saga here.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Stay With Me

It rains hard in Canterlot, and cold, but at five in the morning in the arms of another, the morning rain isn't so bad to listen to.

Written for Scampy.
Find the collected works for the SunFlower Saga here.

Chapters (1)

The meeting of soulmates is a thing of legend.

Most of the time.

Wallflower isn't exactly what you'd call legendary, unfortunately.

Chapters (1)

Two months ago, the bandit Sunset Shimmer held up her first shipment wagon heading out from Rich Enterprises and made off with thousands in taxes and promissory notes taken from the western town of Ponyville. Since then she's hit three more wagons, and the CEO of Rich Enterprises wants the sheriff and her deputy to do something about it.

Unfortunately, the long arm of the law has a limp wrist.

Written off of an idea from Lord Camembert.

Chapters (2)

When Midnight Sparkle shattered reality in her mad desire to understand everything about magic, Daydream Shimmer was able to reverse most of the damage.

But not all of it.

Weeks later, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves dealing with some annoying magical pests from Equestria that are running wild all over CHS.

Commissioned through Patreon. Find out how you can commission a story today!

Chapters (1)

As the Princess of Friendship, the only thing Twilight Sparkle loves as much as books, reading, books, making new friends, books, spending time with her friends, and...books...

...is spreading the magic of friendship. And one easy way to do that is to introduce your friends to each other.

In need of a weekend away from the castle before heading out to the Crystal Empire to spend time with her family, Twilight decides to take a little vacation to the human world...and brings three of her newest friends along.

After all, if Princess Ember, Moondancer, and Starlight Glimmer are all Twilight's friends, surely they'll get along well with each other and with Sunset Shimmer!


(Cover compiled from various source vectors.)

Chapters (8)

All Twilight Sparkle wanted was a nice teatime with Starswirl, her idol. And then Trixie Lulamoon had to show up, cast a spell, and rip yet another hole in space-time.

This is becoming distressingly common...

Part of the Anarchyverse.

Now has a reading by the Poniverse channel. Super-special thanks for doing me such a kindness!

Now has a Russian translation by GrandCat!

Chapters (1)

While hanging out with her friends, Sunset Shimmer learns that earth horses apparently can't vomit.

As a magical talking pony, this discovery utterly baffles her.

Proofread by the ever helpful RQK

Chapters (1)