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It's Hearts and Hooves Day in the Crystal Empire. The sun is shining bright, the crystal ponies are laughing and happy, and all seems well on this most wondrous celebration of love.

Unfortunately, the Princess of "Shipping" has made a critical error in judgement. And it might just cost her both of the Crystal Empire's finest guardponies...

Special Thanks to SunlightRays and Stinium Ruide for editing help with this one!

Happy Valentine's Day 2021!!!

Part of the Anarchyverse, but you don't need to read any previous stories.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to 2+2=3?

All artists want their art to be held in the highest regards. For Anon, that means she wants on the fridge.

Featured 1/26/21

Warning; Contains a drawing so horrendous, so terrible, your eyes may bleed. You have been warned.

Cover Sauce

Chapters (1)

After failing a math test, Anon returns home to her adoptive mother; Twilight, who attempts to teach Anon basic math. Unfortunately for her, math is harder than it appears.
Will Twilight learn a lesson?
Will Discord cause chaos?
Is Princess Celestia too fat?
Will Anon get the cake?
The answer is mostly yes.

My entry, and now the winner of the Anon Filly Contest
Featured on the day of its posting; 3/6/2020!
With a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!

Chapters (1)

Raven of the Teen Titans has long been a closet pegasister. She was introduced to Friendship is Magic by Beast Boy and Starfire and - although she is loathe to admit it - she enjoyed it. She especially identified with the character of Twilight Sparkle. What with Twilight's enjoyment of reading, talent in magic, and unexpected but life changing friendships, it felt like Raven's own life mirrored and sugarcoated onto a world of pastel colored ponies. Even Twilight's friends reminded Raven of her own to a certain extent.
When she wakes up one morning in Twilight Sparkle's body with no idea how this happened or how to fix it, she begins to think she identified with her a little too well.
Now trapped in the plot of the series from the beginning, she has to find away to fix this, find out what happened to the real Twilight, and at the same time save all of Equestria. At least she has some friends to help, right?


Crossover idea inspired by the fact that these two characters share the same voice actor, Tara Strong. Originally, it was just an idea I played with for fun, but I have a serious - and frightening - plot for it. Dark for later chapters.

Chapters (26)


Princess Luna and Luna Lovegood share little other than a name, until one day they both wake up in each other's places. Havoc and hilarity ensues as the unlikely pair try to figure out why and how they got there. Can the princess survive at Hogwarts? Will Luna drive everyone in Canterlot insane? Can the author write a satisfactory description? Well, probably not, but you should still read the story.

Chapters (22)

Various Imperial forces have gone silent after a single report from a Blood Raven Marine. Inquisitor Saberland has arrived to investigate the strange event and encounters a force unlike any she had faced before.

She now stares into the smile of the madness of friendship.

This was just something I did some time back on a whim. I thought it would be good for a laugh or two. While I don't really have plans to do a lot of writing here I figured I should at least make the effort to add to the galleries if I'm going to be browsing.

Generally silly and full of references.

Chapters (1)

The Portal Project followed in the wake of Princess Twilight's misadventure into one of the worlds of the humans. The brightest ponies from across Equestria created new portals to fantastic worlds, and humans became merely a common encounter in the various expeditions. There were less than successful moments in this age of discovery, however. Hostility and violence sometimes waited through the portals, and ponies were lost.

Some worlds were much darker than others. Most would kill a pony outright, but others would snatch them up in a whirlwind of bloodshed, pull them screaming into the damnation, and ponies would come out changed- if they came back at all. Some did not, which for their families and friends, was probably for the best.

Chapters (8)

When trying to focus on her studies, Sunset Shimmer is stuck watching an annoying little filly who just won't let her study.

Original Art by Baekgup

Cover image by Novel-Idea

Now with Reading by Wubcake

Chapters (1)

While relaxing after a performance, the Rainbooms discover Sunset has scars that she definitely didn't have before the Fall Formal.

As of 9/14/2015, this story has a dramatic reading by Goombasa. Give it a listen!

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

7/23/2016: This story has a reading by Gabriel C Media. Give it a listen!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Sunlit Journey

Alternate worlds. Infinite possibility. Someone's life could have gone a thousand different ways, fall in love a thousand times with a thousand different people.

When a simple demonstration of portal technology goes catastrophically wrong, Sunset finds herself stuffed full of the memories of her alternate counterparts.

Memories of being in love with all of her friends.

While every other story in the Sunset Shipping Project so far has been designed to be accessible as a standalone one shot, this story is explicitly a sequel to all of them. You can find them all here.

Chapters (1)