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This is the Theme Song

[Displaced] How long as it been? How long has it been since I was frozen in time, since I arrived here? I don't know. But I do know, that this place needs my help, and as a Crusader. I will do my duty. My name was lost, but my title... Is Reinhardt. And with my ruined armor, and my deteriorating hammer, I will protect the innocent. I will save this place. I am... The Crusader, of Equestria.

I do not own the images, nor Reinhardt, or the song, nor MLP.

Chapters (2)

The town of Gotia is an anomaly within Equestria's borders. While the nation it resides in is known for how peaceful it is, Gotia is known for its mercenaries. Follow Marcus Reed as he tries to establish his own branch of the Adventurers Guild with a weapon the likes of which Equestria has never seen before.


Tags will be added as needed.

Chapters (2)

cover art from here

My day started out great. my work week just finished and I chose to use my first day off to finally go watch the MLP movie in the cinema and the movie was a great experience.


But my day went from great to WTF when I was passing a sushi resturant on the way out of the cinema and suddenly I'm Haku from Spirited Away and I'm in season 2 Equestria... but things are not all as they seem and now I've gotta figure out how to get home... if that's even possible.

Please not that, despite the romance tag, Haku will not have romantic relations with anyone living in Ponyville.

Holy hayburger! Featured 29/2/2020?

Thanks, guys. The date makes this pretty dang cool

Chapters (3)

Show and tell, over the years Cheerilee had learned to be prepared for anything that could happen during this weekly event in her classroom. However, when one of Applebloom's potion experiments goes horribly wrong, she wakes up to find herself in an unfamiliar version of her classroom, in the body of a foal she has never met.

Quickly she discovers she isn't just in the wrong body, but in the wrong time.

Cover art by Cosmic Eclipse.
Thanks to Lawra, Alias_the_J, and Cosmic Eclipse for prereading and editing.

Chapters (37)

When Nightmare Moon’s rebellion tore across Equestria, leaving a trail of blood and horror in its wake, Princess Celestia knew that merely banishing her sister wouldn’t be enough. Her army was too powerful, and too bloodthirsty, to be left behind without a leader. When she finally turned the Elements of Harmony against her, she didn’t just banish Nightmare Moon. She banished thousands.

Now they’re in a race against time, to find a way to survive in an environment so alien that every aspect of it is trying to kill them. They face suffocation, freezing, boiling, starvation, radiation, meteorite impacts, low gravity… the list goes on.

Nightmare Moon thought she should be the ruler of all Equestria. Now, in a world nopony was ever meant to survive, her abilities will be put to the ultimate test.

This story now has a hardcover! If you'd like one of your own, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

Editing by the indulgent and patient Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by Zutcha.

Note: I intend this story to be as faithful to our current scientific understanding of the moon, and I’ve consulted for help with the aspects outside my technical purview. That said, I fully expect to make decisions that some may see as mistakes, based on their own independent interpretations.

I am a storyteller first, and I realize it’s likely I’ll eventually make a mistake, or an arbitrary decision to simplify the storytelling over accuracy. I’m doing my best here, but this isn’t a NASA white paper. Set your expectations accordingly.

This story was commissioned by Canary in the Coal Mine on my Patreon, feel free to contact me if you’d like one of your own!

Chapters (66)

Long story short, I was a brony. I woke up one day to find myself in Spike's body. Dream come true, right? I'm in Equestria, I could interact with my favorite ponies, etc.

Well, as it turns out, I just happened to wake up right at the beginning of Season 1. Which could only mean one thing: I can change the future of Equestria. I could solve problems prematurely, prevent disasters from happening, and keep Twilight from going insane.

So now, my mission isn't to hug my favorite ponies, but to make sure everyone gets a happy life.

Chapters (103)

An American soldier, dedicated to his country, who has seen and fought in many wars, seeks out a way to escape his war ridden world and finds a new one. A planet free of death and wars. Where friendship, harmony and peace were plentiful. Or so he had first thought.
He came to the magical world of Equss to escape war, but now finds himself needed for it once again.
But this world was different. This time he could do something to truly stop evil. But that requires power. Power he will claim. Even if he has to shake the very foundations of Equestria to get it.

(Takes place before Luna/Nightmare Moon's return.)

[embed] https://youtu.be/qWgRZrqjGSc [/embed]

Chapters (20)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

Waking up with a hole in the head might seem like a bad way to start your life, but what if you deserved it?

"Every pony like me should be shot in the head at least once."

When he discovers the entire wasteland hates him, the amnesiac Ripple, once Two-Kick Rip the raider warlord, sees his wounds in a very new light. On a path that's half vengeance and half bid to redeem himself, he must rid the wasteland of his old gang and another, much more sinister foe.


The cancelled sequel is over at Fallout Equestria: Echoes of Chaos.
This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat; a familiarity with the source material may aid your enjoyment.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Sniffles

Having recovered from the lowly sabotage that had seen her briefly bedridden, The Queen and her thoroughly useless human servant can now proceed with vengeance, domination, victory and all other things that come naturally to her.

Events conspire to make this difficult.

Chapters (17)