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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Rarity disappeared years ago. Rainbow never got the full story. No one wanted to talk about it. Painful memories, bits and pieces of half-remembered interactions, none of it told her anything. So she started looking on her own, and at long last, she found Rarity.

On a different continent, under a different name, with a different life.

Rainbow would like to know why.

Chapters (1)

The Element of Magic, Octavia Melody, needs help to defeat a monster that threatens all of Equestria. When only one of her friends can be there, she turns outside to bring others to her aid.

Fate (and the guidance of the Princesses) brings her the assistance of virtuoso cellist Twilight Sparkle and her wubtastic marefriend, DJ Rar-👁-T.

Of course, Princess tasks are rarely without their own unspoken machinations...

An Alt-U of one of the most unlikely Elements with a dash of gratuitous RariTwi.

Brought to you by: Secrets: A Swapped Roles Contest. Where it won!

Also now with a three part Fic Case Study by Casketbase77.

Featured on Equestria Daily on 5/27/2024 as part of 12 of the Best Fanfics to Read for Vinyl and Octavia Day!

Chapters (3)

During a night hardcore studying in the Castle of Friendship, Twilight is interrupted by ten astronauts who begin doing various tasks around the palace for seemingly no reason. Little did she and the rest of them know, one of these small masked men was actually an impostor! Well... actually, everybody thinks it's Red for some reason. I don't know why.

Among Us Crossover, it's just a One-Shot fanfiction, don't expect too much out of it but I hope you enjoy anyway!

Edit: Jezz! I wasn't expecting the story to make the featured list or get this much attention. I'll be releasing the next chapter around this same time tomorrow! And the chapter after that around the same time again the next day. Thanks for all the support!

Also red is sus.

Chapters (5)

Pinkie's new to Ponyville, She's just been invited to work at Sugar Cube Corner and live with the Cakes while she gets to know the town. But on the way she meets a strange, blind creature with no fur, no cutie mark, and no place to live. Seeing her chance to make a friend, Pinkie quickly decides to help him, but how will this affect how the other ponies will see her with this strange blind thing?

Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. Also, not a fallen soldier story. The AU tag is because I'm setting this before Pinkie's arrived in Ponyville and things may turn out different for her, she may or may not even get Gummy.

Wow, on 9/17/2020 the remake kicked this story all the way to #2 on the popular list for a few minutes and got its first tenure on the Featured list.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Magic's Birth

Darksymphony made a review here

Luna and Celestia tell Twilight of the story of their 'brief' lives as the second to their makers, and how they grew from 'simple' machinery relative at the time to fully sapient beings.

From towering cities piercing into seas of stars to ravaged but hardy lands still giving food to those that stand upon them, Twilight will learn how the two sisters came to be and what they went through. The duo are more than happy to recount the tales of those that developed like them and became fast friends despite running on the opposing Blue and Black energies.

Perhaps, with the help of Twilight, the three will learn how the Blue's waste became the magic that gave such life and color to a world that belonged to others long, long ago.

You can find the original image link here
The current cover image was art done by JedaySkayVoker whose DA can be found in the source. Kryostase commissioned it for me. He's also been helping spot spelling errors, typos, and the like. Thanks a lot!

Chapters (43)

A good story lets you immerse yourself into the world it creates. A great story is one you don't even realize you're in until it's over. But what about the stories where the characters come to life?


How about one that's a little more than just a story.

A tale of a human who has found himself in an unfamiliar world, years off in technology from his own, in a town called Canterlot... but not that Canterlot.


A human in Equestria story with a twist.


Cover Art by PillowRabbit! Go visit their FIMFiction Page for their info!
Edited by:
Something new to add, hopefully. Always welcome for criticism and suggestions.

Original Chapters:
Google Docs

Chapters (10)

Nicholas doesn't really know Princess Celestia. Sure, he's met her once or twice, when Twilight was still trying to find a way to get him home. Exchanged pleasantries and what not. But never had he had a real, sit-down conversation with her.

Now, he's been summoned to Canterlot to work as Celestia's advisor. He has no other options but to accept.

Cover art used with permission by Miokomata. Go check them out!

Audio reading of prologue by StraightToThePointStudio. Go check them out!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Prince

Returning to the land of his birth as the human TD Powell, Antares must try to find a way home. But if he returns to Equestria, will it be the same one he knows? Will he be able to cope with the ever-changing world around him?

Edited wonderfully by Strike89 and roker12

Buy a print copy of the original story here!

Chapters (22)

A soul mate is a rare and precious gift.


Celestia isn't so sure about hers.

A participant in the 2020 Pride and Positivity event. Help support pride, equality and LGBT+ by donating to any of the following charities!

Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc

Inspired by AlphaRidley's I'd like to soulmate with you.

Art by StarBlaze25.

Chapters (5)

In wake of the second Changeling Takeover, Discord is infuriated with his magic being useless when he truly needed it. To reclaim his pride, Discord does the one thing he never needed before: Train.

Now he shall remind the world just who he really is: The most powerful entity in this world. Possibly any world. And he will start with the Pony of Shadows. But is Equestria ready to see the unknown and untapped limits of Discord's might?

Chapters (8)